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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background hallucinations are a condition in which a person

experiences changes in the pattern and amount of internally or externally initiated

stimuli around them with attenuation, exaggeration, distortion, or unusual
responses. for each stimulus (Pardede, Kelint, and Yulia, 2015). Hallucinations are
false experiences, false perceptions, or false responses to sensory stimulation. An
erroneous cognitive distortion that occurs during a diseased neurological response.
Hallucinations can come from any of the five senses. Reactions to hallucinations
include hearing voices, suspicion, anxiety, inability to make decisions, and
inability to distinguish between reality and fiction. Patients with hallucinations
have parental, developmental, neurophysiological and psychological factors that
cause hallucinatory symptoms. People with hallucinations often talk to themselves
and smile to themselves. laughing alone, alienating others, not being able to
distinguish between what is real and what is fake (Fitri, 2019). The effect of
hallucinations is a loss of social self, which in this situation can lead to
suicide, killing others and even destroying the environment. To minimize the
effects of hallucinations, appropriate treatment is necessary. With countless cases
of hallucinations occurring, the role of nurses to help patients control
hallucinations is increasingly clear (Maulana, Hermawati & Salahuddin, 2021). The
appropriate treatment to overcome the effects of hallucinations is to provide care
and stimulation therapy. Nursing care of people with hallucinations aims to enhance
the patient's awareness in real life. In the treatment of hallucinations, a number
of nursing therapies have been used, such as strategy implementation therapy,
namely the implementation of planned nursing care standards applied to patients
with the aim of alleviate the problems psychiatric nurses treat. Implementation
strategies for patients with hallucinations include activities to recognize
hallucinations, teaching patients to reprimand them, taking medication regularly,
talking to others when hallucinations occur, and performing programmed activities
to prevent hallucinations (Livana et al., 2020). Managing hallucinations helps
identify hallucinations by talking to the client about their hallucinations (what
they hear/see), when they occur, how often they occur, the situations in which they
appear, and The customer's reaction when hallucinations appear, so that the
customer's hallucinations can be controlled. can control their hallucinations when
the hallucinations recur, this application can be a program of daily activities
that the customer can do with the aim of reducing the problem of hallucinations
that the customer suffers from the disorder sensory perceptions (auditory
hallucinations) are encountered (Keliat, 2012). Problem formulation Based on the
background that has been explained, it can be concluded that several problem
formulations will be discussed in this article, namely:
What is the meaning of hallucination? What are the signs and symptoms of someone
hallucinating? How is the assessment of clients with hallucinations done? What
diagnoses can be made in clients with hallucinations? Which nursing action plan
should be implemented for the client who is experiencing hallucinations? What
outcomes are expected from nursing care of a client with hallucinations? Main
Purpose The general purpose of preparing this article is to help students,
especially undergraduate nursing students, understand the nurse's role in caring
for clients with hallucinations. Specific Objectives Explain the meaning of
hallucinations Address the signs and symptoms of a client with hallucinations
Explain the assessment performed in a client with hallucinations State and explain
the possible diagnosis performed on a client with hallucinations State and explain
a nursing action plan that can be implemented on a client with hallucinations
Explain the expected outcomes of nursing care for a client with hallucinations
SOURCE Pardede, J. A., & Sianturi, S. F. (2022). Application for psychiatric
nursing care for Mrs. H suffering from hallucinations. Telaumbanua, B.S., &
Pardede, J. A. (2023). Implement a strategy for implementing psychiatric nursing
care for Mrs. N with auditory hallucinations. OSF preprint. January 11. Hulu, MPC
and & Pardon, J. A. (2022). Psychiatric Nursing Management of Mr. S with Delusional
Problems Through General Therapy SP 1-4:
Case study.

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