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Part I
Name of Learner:__________________________________________Grade:___________

Section: _________________________________________________ Date:____________

School: LIDASAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade level: Four(4)

Teacher: RASHMIA D. LACSON Learning Area: Science
Teaching Date: Quarter: 1st Qtr. Week 5-5 days
 Describe changes in properties of materials when exposed to certain conditions such as temperature
or when mixed with other materials (Quarter 1, Week 4-5) S4MT-Ig-h-6
Objective/s: ..
 Describe the changes in properties of materials when mixed with other materials.
 Identify the two classification of mixture.
Topic/s: Changes in the Properties of the Materials when Exposed to Different Temperatures and When
Mixed with Other Material

Dear Learner,
Good Day. Below are your learning activities for the whole week. Please carefully understand and follow the
instructions provided. Don’t hesitate to ask for support from anyone whom you think can help you do the
activities. Most importantly, be free and creative in doing the activities BUT ensure safety at all times. Have
Your Teacher
Part II

Changes of Materials When Mixed with Other Materials

Solid materials can be mixed/ combined with other solid materials. Mixed materials can be classified
depending on the appearance of the resulting mixture. When the solid material is mixed with other solid
material, each of the combined/ mixed materials can be easily identifies from one another that mixture is called
heterogenous mixture.

Some solid materials, when mixed with other solids, cannot be distinguished from each other, the
resulting mixture looked the same throughout is called homogenous mixture.

The properties of each solid material in the mixture do not change. The size, shape, color of each solid
material remains the same even after mixing.

Mixture is formed when two or more materials are combined. It can be classified into heterogonous and
homogenous mixture. Homogenous mixture is formed when solid and liquid materials mixed with other solids
and liquids, cannot be distinguished from each other and the resulting mixture looked the same throughout, like
mixing a table spoon of salt in a glass of water and combining iodize salt and refined sugar.
When solid materials mixed with liquid it dissolved completely, some spread evenly and changed their size,
shape and color. When two liquid materials combine some mix completely.
In heterogonous mixture solid and liquid materials are mixed with other solid and liquid, each of the mixed
materials can be easily identified or distinguished from one another such as halo-halo or pinakbet. While when
water and oil combine their properties do not change but form two layers. The oil particles are suspended on top
of the water.
Activity 1
True or False: Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is not.

______1. All solid and liquid materials combine together.

______2. water and vinegar is a liquid materials that doesn’t combine/mix with each other.
______3. A mixture is made up of one substance only.
______4. Matter stay in its known state all the time.
______5. When the resulting mixture is the same all throughout is called homogeneous mixture.

Activity 2.

What you Need?

 1 spoon
 Plastics container/bowl
 1 tablespoon of the following pairs of materials:
 Coffee & sugar,
 Small rock & sand
 rock salt & pepper,
 flour & baby powder,
 iodized salt &vetsin,
 detergent powder & rock salt

What will you do?

1. Prepare one tablespoon of each of the materials listed in the table.

2. Using the spoon, combine/ mix the pairs of solid materials in the mixing bowl/ plastic container.

3. After mixing/combining observe what happen? You may touch or feel the mixture. Record your observation
on the table below by checking the proper column.

Solid materials Can you still Did the combined Is there a change in the
identify each material look the property of each solid
solid material ? same throughout? material ?

Yes No Yes No Yes No

rock salt & pepper

flour & baby powder

iodized salt &vetsin

detergent powder & rock salt


School: LIDASAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade level: Four(4)

Teacher: RASHMIA D. LACSON Learning Area: Science
Teaching Date: Quarter: 1st Qtr. Week 5-5 days
 Describe changes in properties of materials when exposed to certain conditions such as temperature
or when mixed with other materials (Quarter 1, Week 4-5) S4MT-Ig-h-6
Objective/s: ..
 Describe the changes in properties of materials when mixed with other materials.
 Identify the two classification of mixture.
Topic/s: Changes in the Properties of the Materials when Exposed to Different Temperatures and When
Mixed with Other Material

Part II To be checked by parent/s

Activity 1 1- Not accomplished
The learner is able to answers the following 2- Partially accomplished
activity by writing whether the statement is true 3- Needs improvement
or false. 4- Satisfactory
5- Excellent
Activity 2 1- Not accomplished
The learner is able to do the following activity 2- Partially accomplished
(observation) and able to give the needed data in 3- Needs improvement
the chart. 4- Satisfactory
5- Excellent

Name of Parents/Guardians/Parateacher

Submitted to: _________________________

(Name of Teacher)

Date: ________________________
(Date submitted)

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