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( - OF € “Van Seaeu) MAKE A GREETING CARD FOR YOUR MOTHER AS IT IS HER BIRTHDAY 1.Get some cool greeting card ideas (go online or ask someone) 2. Finalize the design, make a list of things required to make this. 3. Are the materials with you or not? If not, go and get Bia Ttaee | 4. Now start making the card. 5. If made any blunder discard it and start remaking it. 6. Once the greeting card is made. Offer this to your Mother with some cute fet ee x A sequence of interrelated phases through which a problem is solved. x Al Project Cycle provides us with an appropriate framework which leads us towards the goal. « The Al Project Cycle mainly has 5 stages: “PHASES OF Al PROJECT CYCLE _ x Problem Scoping x Data Acquisition » Data Exploration x Modeling » Evaluation * Identifying a problem and having a vision to solve it. x Various parameters which affect the problem are observed. x Goals to achieve at the end are set. x Understand the 4Ws Problem Canvas x A lot of times it becomes very difficult to observe any problem in our surroundings. In that case, the Sustainable Development Goals announced by the United Nations are mapped with the goals of project. » Who? x Who is having the problem? x What? x Whatis the nature of problem? Ean ater e =a x Where does the problem arise? eae aN aa x Why do you believe it is a problem worth solving? SDGs * 17 goals have been announced by the United Nations, termed as the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). x The aim is to achieve these goals by the end of 2030. x A pledge to do so has been taken by all the member nations of the UN, epazasss GC XALS _____DATAACQUISITION —__ * It refers to the process of acquiring data for the project. x What is Data? A piece of information or facts and _ statistics collected together for reference or analysis. Whenever an Al project is developed to be able to predict an output, it is first trained using data. For Ex: if an Artificially intelligent system to predict the salary of any employee based on his previous salaries is to be developed, the data of the employee’s previous salaries must be fed into the machine. This is the data with which the machine is trained. Once it is ready, it will predict the next salary Ciel va The previous salary data here is known as Training Data while the next salary prediction data set is known as the Uae) Data. mela liN ry] Pedra to be efficient, icy eT) data Ce a ol authentic and relevant to the Page att Seals scoped. What if training data is not PMY ia Data feature: It refers to the type of data to be collected. As per the previous example, data features would be salary amount, increment percentage, increment period, bonus, etc. Sources of Data: Extracting private data can be an offence. The open-sourced Eas ye] Vics) websites hosted by the BM eNSterr-l iirc) government are the most reliable and authentic sources of a Sensors Eiaeliut-l (ona =a mene ere Wel AURA eR oA a Observations a API (Application Program Interface) ____DATAEXPLORATION x It is a process of analyzing and visualizing the acquired data if it is in user-friendly format. x The data is a complex entity, full of numbers. Hence, to get some sense out of it, data visualization is a must. For example, In the library, after picking up a random book, one first tries to go through its content quickly by turning pages and by reading the description before borrowing it, as this helps in understanding if the book is appropriate to one’s needs and interests or not. “DATA EXPLORATION... The process of Data Exploration includes... » Quickly getting a sense of the trends, relationships and patterns contained within the data. * Defining strategy for which model to use at a later stage. x Communicating the same to others effectively. x Using various types of visual representations eg: Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, Histogram, etc. x It is the process of analyzing and defining the relationships between parameters. » It is the process of translating the trends and patterns into mathematical representations. x Which are accepted by the machines in their accessible form i.e. 0,1. x It is the mathematical approach towards analyzing data. x Classifications of Al models: 4) CLASSIFICATION OF Al MODELS ¥) eee Akind of Al modelling approach where- x The rules are defined by the developer. x The machine follows the same rules or instructions mentioned by the developer and performs its task accordingly. x For ex: Lets have a dataset which tells about the conditions on the basis of which it is decided if an elephant may be spotted or not while on safari. The parameters are: Outlook, Temperature, Humidity and Wind. x Consider that Machine has been trained using some training data. x Now lefts tell the machine the following Testing rte ey Outlook = Overcast; Temperature = Normal; Humidity = Normal and Wind = Weak On the basis of this testing dataset, now the machine will be able to tell if the elephant has been spotted before or not and will display the prediction. x x bd APPROACH The learning is static. The machine once trained, does not take into consideration any changes made in the original training dataset. Once trained, the model cannot improvise itself on the basis of feedbacks. Thus, machine learning gets introduced as an extension to this as in that case, the machine adapts to change in data and rules and follows the updated path only, while a rule-based model does what it has been taught once. Akind of Al modelling approach in which- x The machine learns by itself. x The Al model gets trained on the data fed to it and then is able to design a model which is adaptive to the change in data. x It introduces the dynamicity in the model. i.e. if the model is trained with X type of data and the machine designs the algorithm around it, the model would modify itself according to the changes which occur in the data so that all the exceptions are handled in this case. For ex- Suppose a dataset comprising of 100 images of apples and bananas each. These images depict apples and bananas in various shapes and sizes. These images are then labelled as either apple or banana so that all apple images are labelled ‘apple’ and all the banana images have Borla Lat-Me=To (alcIL | L-l Coda Gear Ne NToLeL AMISH Uc lee ta ioe re lotto) a=] the model is programmed in such a way that it can distinguish between an apple image and a banana image according to their features and can predict the label of any image which is fed to it as an apple or a banana. After training, the machine is now fed with testing data. Now, the testing data might not have similar images as the ones on which the model has been trained. So, the model adapts to the features on which it has been trained and accordingly predicts if the image is of an apple or banana. In this'way, the machine learns by itself by adapting to the new data which is flowing in. PARTS OF LEARNING BASED Nadya elm Supervised Learning ut Unsupervised Learning Reinforcement egal 4 sae ose sents ae x The dataset fed to the machine is labelled. x The dataset is known to the person who is training the machine only then he/she is able to label the data. A label is some information which can be used as a tag for data. x For ex- students get grades according to the marks they secure in examinations. These grades are labels which categorize the students according to Lats) mnareli oe a Od 8 elem lla) dle ela MI MODELS x Classification x Regression CLASSIFICATION x A process of separating data according to the labels. x It works on discrete dataset which means the data need not be continuous. x Ex: In the grading system, students are classified on the basis of the grades they obtain with respect to their marks in the examination. REGRESSION x A supervised learning technique which helps in finding the correlation between variables. x It helps in predicting the continuous output variable based on the one or more variables. x Used for prediction, forecasting, time series modeling, and determining the cause-effect relationship between variables. = x It works on continuous data. x Ex: If you wish to predict your next salary, then you would put in the data of your previous salary, any increments, etc., and would train the model. x It works on unlabelled(random) dataset. GO Le CE en oe an ct ar ea) x It is used to identify relationships, patterns and trends out of the data which is fed into it. x It helps the user in understanding what the data is about and the major features identified by the machine in it. x FOr @X- you have a random data of 1000 dog images and you wish to understand some pattern out of it, you would feed this data into the iio smdisicrem (crc alre Mi irelel eRe ne COOL MELA Tem (ogl CMe am emma LAT the machine would come up with patterns which it was able to identify out of it. The Machine might come up with patterns which are already known to the user oc Maminte unceaa eC R CNAME Ce eerie ‘the dogs. 2 OD d= 8O) eee Noell =a NAb al Ie MODELS x Clustering x Dimensionality Reduction CLUSTERING x A process of grouping the unknown data according to the patterns or trends identified out of it. x The patterns observed might be the ones which are known to the developer or it might even come up with some unique patterns out aie ae ancien Mindstarieaoy «It is the process of reducing the dimensions of an entity to make sense. x Humans are able to visualize up to 3- Dimensions only but according to a lot of theories and algorithms, there are various entities which exist beyond 3-Dimensions. There is the need of Dimensionality Reduction algorithm. a DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION... Examples of its need- x In NLP, the words are considered to be N- Dimensional entities, that we cannot visualize them as they exist beyond our visualization ability. Hence, to make sense out of it, we need to reduce their dimensions. »x A ball isa 3D entity. When its picture is clicked, the data transforms to 2D as an image is a 2D entity. Hence, at least 50% of the information is lost, now there is no information about the back/back’s colour of the ball, \f the dimensions are further reduced, more and more information will get lost. baad opiate) 5607 | te x Reinforcement learning is a branch of Machine learning. Unlike unsupervised and supervised learning, reinforcement learning does not rely on a static dataset, but operates in a dynamic environment and fre aats) from collected oy dale1i cl gles x It is the process of understanding the reliability of any Al model, based on outputs by feeding test dataset into the model and comparing with actual answers. x As per the type and purpose of the model, there are various evaluation techniques _____ EVALUATION —__ x It is the process of understanding the reliability of any Al model, based on outputs by feeding the test dataset into the model and comparing it with actual answers. x There are various different Evaluation techniques: + Accuracy + Precision + Recall + F1 Score x Accuracy is defined as the percentage of correct predictions out of all the observations. A prediction can be said to be correct if it matches the reality. x Precision is defined as the percentage of true positive cases versus all the cases where the prediction is true. That is, it takes into account the True Positives and False Positives. x Recall: It can be defined as the fraction of positive cases that are correctly identified. It majorly takes into account the true reality cases where in Reality there was a fire but the machine either detected it correctly or it didn’t. F1-Score: (F-measure) is an evaluation metric, that is used to express the performance of the machine learning model (or classifier). It gives the combined information about the precision and recall of a model. This means a high F1- score indicates a high value for both recall and precision. SUMO)

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