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Bag of Enchanted Cookies

Wondrous Item, rare

This small, unassuming bag is crafted from soft, durable fabric and is adorned with intricate
stitching. When the bag is opened, it reveals a seemingly endless supply of delicious cookies
from the Plane of Cookies.

As an action, you may reach into it and retrieve up to 10 pounds of cookies. The cookies can be
summoned in various forms: a single 10-pound cookie, twenty 0.5-pound cookies, or any
combination in between. The cookies are always fresh, warm, and mouth-wateringly delicious.

Eating 1 pound of cookie from the Bag of Enchanted Cookies grants the consumer the benefits of
a day’s rations. Additionally, if a creature consumes an entire 10-pound cookie in one sitting, it
gains advantage on Constitution saving throws made to resist fatigue for the next 24 hours.

Once the total weight of cookies retrieved from the bag reaches 10 pounds, it becomes empty
until the next dawn, when it replenishes its cookie supply.

Note: The weight of cookies within the bag does not count against the user's encumbrance or
carry capacity.

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