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The Descriptive Text of Blue Whale/Balaenoptera Musculus (Full Description, Habitat,

Food, Life, Pictures, Features, Breed, Population of Blue Whale)

Hello kid today, I am always grateful for the blessings given by God that is an opportunity to
always share knowledge that is very useful for our lives. It will be difficult for us when we
can not answer a question, especially if the question weight is still young. It will certainly feel
ashamed and also want to know what the truth is. We’ll start with the first information on this
day, it’s about the life of the blue whale that is often used as a cartoon character on television.
Blue whale packaging will be in the form of descriptive text that is accompanied by images
and also an explanation that may make it easier for us to know and close to this type of fish.
Classification of blue whales

Phylum: Chordata,
Class: Mammalia,
Ordo: Carnivrora,
Genus: Balaenoptera,
Species: Balaenoptera musculus,

Blue whale is one type of fish that really likes to live in the ocean and also in call as the fish
that has the largest body. Why did it happen? Blue whales have a length from head to tail
about 30-35 meters and weigh about 170-190 tons. Most not how big the blue whale is.

This fish is very fond of emerging from the ocean to the surface, this self-appearing behavior
is enhanced with the movement of both fins found in the chest. Another habit of the blue
whale is to spout water from the hole in his head during breathing. That’s why these blue
whales often appear on the surface while dancing in the air.

If you want to see this fish, please visit the waters of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
But history records in the 20th century, this fish is declared to have spread throughout the
ocean but with its rapid development there is an unfavorable effect because many wild
hunters who want to hunt this blue whale, which is not known permissions.

Blue whales belonging to these benign marine fish are very fond of small organisms that exist
in the oceans that is crustaceans such as shrimp (often called krypes). The size of the shrimp
is about 5-6.5 centimeters. Because of its size is very small, this is the reason why whales eat
a lot of these shrimp about 3600 kilograms krill in every day. Not only eat krill only, this blue
whale eat small fish and also the squid who participated while caught krill.

Blue whales are classified in mammals that retain their generation by childbirth, which has
previously been a marriage between the blue and females in autumn. Followed by a female
blue whale containing and every two or three weeks the fish is able to contain for seven to
twelve times. We all need that a baby born by a blue whale weighs about two and a half tons
and is about 7 meters long. Because it is included in the mammals, the baby blue whale will
suckle on its mother every day as much as 570 liters. However, when the baby is 6 months
old, he will have a length double the size of the baby and at that time indicates that the baby
is ready to be weaned. Blue whales can reach the age of 80 years.
To know more about blue whales, we need to pay attention to the long, oval, flat-shaped, flat-
shaped head and the striking U, the striking back that extends from the blowhole to the upper
lip. The front of the mouth has a thick shape with a propeller plate of about 300 plates. This
blue whale has a fin with a length of three to four meters, the upper side is gray with a thin
white border and the tip of the head and the tail is covered in gray.

Currently the blue whales are extinct which makes its population increasingly difficult to find
and in 1966 the international community declared that blue whales are protected animals.


1. What is the main idea of the text?

= the main idea of the text is the description of the blue whale


2. Where is the blue whale habitat?

= blue whale habitat in the waters of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

3. What is blue whale food?

= Blue whales eat small shrimp, small fish and squid

4. what is the usual size of an adult blue whales?

= Blue whales have a length from head to tail about 30-35 meters and weigh about

170-190 tons

5. Are blue whales classified as mammals?

=Yes, Blue whales are classified in mammals that retain their generation by childbirth

6. How many propeller plates are there in the front of the blue whale's mouth?

= The front of the mouth has a thick shape with a propeller plate of about 300 plates.

7. in 1966 the international world declared that the blue whale was an animal?

= Protected animals

8. Blue whales can live up to how many years?

= Blue whales can reach the age of 80 years.

9. How many shrimp do blue whales eat every day?

=3600 kilograms krill in every day

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