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Significance of Literature in Teaching English

 Written works (such as poems, plays and novels) that are considered to be very good and to have
lasting importance.

 Children's literature is important because it enhances development of language skills and
other critical thinking skills that provide the foundation of learning. Focusing only on
literature's value in developing language skills, however, overlooks other contributions that
reading adds to a child's development.
 Children’s literature continues to be a significant opportunity of presenting moral principles in an
enjoyable and engaging way and it is growing fast along with the aim to entertain, educate and
provide new knowledge (in line with the new concept of “edutainment”), being able to integrate
fun and adventure demanded by children (simulating the activity of free play) with the adults’
objective of offering them a set of moral examples.
 A big part of children’s literature is represented by fairytales, which have the final goal of
transmitting the basic universal values, and raising children’s awareness on many aspects of the
life. That’s why, even before printing press was invented, fairytales have been used by parents to
transmit culturally appropriate moral norms to their children from an early age, equipping them
with information, attitudes, and skills that could act as a kind of “vaccination” against all kind of
threats to individual or collective health.
 The most famous example fulfilling these criteria can be found in “Pinocchio”, written by Carlo
Lorenzini (Collodi) to make children aware about the consequences of adopting wrong behaviors.
Similarly, in Germany, the Grimm Brothers presented noble values and positive models in their
amazing adventures, helping children to understand what is good and what is bad.
Tales are very interesting for children because they show real aspects of family and community life,
reinforcing the relations with the parents and highlighting ethical values related to social life.
Through implicit meanings embodied in the stories, children indirectly acquire pedagogical
messages, able to influence their global personality and stimulate a social sense of duty. Children’s
stories are the place of endless possibilities, so that young people can open their mind to wide
horizons, generate new viewpoints, find possible alternatives or solutions to problems, cultivating
their points of strengths such as self-confidence and resilience.

 Literature plays a very crucial role in children’s lives while they are in their developmental stage. It
drives them to have massive success in their future. Children always get involved with the pictures
in books or papers where they get a chance to explore various colors and characters. It helps
children to understand and imagine the story behind those characters. But the only question that
remains is whether the words involved in the books are able to impact children’s lives, to
acknowledge them and to help them become the ultimate person. Literature is extremely valuable
and must be taught both at school and at home. While providing the perfect and valuable book to
the children, keep in mind that it should encourage them to read. This will give structure to their
development and help them become involved with the environment, which plays an incredible role
in their learning stage. Parents and teachers must help them choose the right book to explore their
creative and ideal minds. Pick some inspirational, motivational books that are informative and give
unique and innovative information to the children. Literature assists them to scale up their
knowledge and grow up as successful people in their future. Finally, when it comes to children’s
lives, literature plays a responsive role and has the power to improve their creativity, knowledge,
emotions, and language development. This leads to the overall development of the children.

Literacy among young learners is of immense significance as it forms the foundation for their
future personal, academic, and professional development. Here are some key reasons why literacy
is crucial for young learners:

1. Academic Success:
Literacy skills are fundamental to success in school. Young learners need to read, write, and
comprehend information to excel in various subjects, from mathematics to science and social
studies. Literate students can better understand and engage with educational materials.

2. Critical Thinking:
Literacy fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. It encourages young learners to
analyze information, make connections, and evaluate different perspectives. This is essential for
their ability to engage in meaningful discussions and make informed decisions.

3. Communication Skills:
Literacy is the cornerstone of effective communication. Young learners who are proficient in
reading and writing can express themselves clearly and coherently, which is essential for
interpersonal relationships and future career success.

4. Access to Information:
In today's digital age, literacy is essential for accessing and interpreting information. Young
learners need these skills to navigate the internet, evaluate sources, and distinguish between
reliable and unreliable information.
5. Empowerment:
Literacy empowers young learners by giving them the ability to advocate for themselves and their
communities. It enables them to understand their rights and responsibilities, participate in civic
activities, and engage in social and political discourse.

6. Career Opportunities:
In the modern job market, literacy is a prerequisite for most careers. Whether in STEM fields, the
arts, business, or any other sector, strong literacy skills are essential for job applications,
communication, and career advancement.

7. Lifelong Learning:
Literacy is not just a skill for the classroom; it's a lifelong skill. Young learners who develop strong
literacy skills are more likely to continue learning throughout their lives, staying informed and
adapting to changing circumstances

8. Cultural Enrichment
Literacy exposes young learners to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives through literature.
This promotes empathy, tolerance, and a broader worldview.

9. Prevention of Social Issues:

Illiteracy can contribute to social problems such as poverty, crime, and social exclusion. By
promoting literacy among young learners, societies can work toward reducing these issues.

10. Personal Fulfillment:

Reading and writing can be sources of personal fulfillment and enjoyment. Literate individuals have
the opportunity to explore diverse literary worlds, express themselves creatively, and find solace in
the written word. Literacy among young learners is not merely a skill; it's a fundamental building
block for personal growth, academic success, and active citizenship. It empowers individuals to
navigate an increasingly complex world and contribute positively to their communities and
societies. Therefore, investing in literacy education for young learners is an investment in their
future and the future of society as a whole.

Literacy: what is it and why is it important?

 Literacy is being able to read, write, listen, speak and create texts in ways that allow us to
communicate well with others. Literacy is the foundation for doing well at school, socializing with
others, problem-solving, making decisions, developing independence, managing money and
 Literacy development is vital to overall development for children. Literacy development in
childhood Before children can learn to read and write, they need to develop the building blocks for
literacy – the ability to speak, listen, understand, watch and draw. And as children get older, they
need to learn about the connection between letters on a page and spoken sounds. For this to
happen, children need plenty of experience with: pictures and objects – how you can use words to
talk about them letters and words – how they look and sound, and what they’re called sounds –
how words can rhyme, begin and end with the same letters, be broken up into parts like syllables,
be formed by blending different sounds and so on. You can help with all these areas of your child’s
early literacy development by: talking and communicating with your child reading books together
playing with rhyme and other sounds with your child. And the great news is that you can do this in
ways that are fun for both of you.


 It provides students with opportunities to respond to literature.
 It gives students appreciation about their own cultural heritage as well as those of others.
 It helps students develop emotional intelligence and creativity.
 It nurtures growth and development of the student’s personality and social skills.
 It transmits importance literature and themes from one generation to the next.

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