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Teacher(s) Mr. Ali, Mr. Raymond, Mr. Alberto, Mrs. Laurie Subject group and discipline Grade Ten - English Language and Literature
Unit title Poetry is all around us MYP year 5 Unit duration 4 WEEKS

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Communication Self-Expression, Audience Imperatives Personal and Cultural Expression

Statement of inquiry
Every poem is a statement. Every poem is ... part of us. Poets contribute to the cultural, spiritual, and political health of society ... being, radically different from that
of other forms of discourse”.

Inquiry questions
Factual: Where can we find examples of persuasive writing in poetry? What are the different techniques we can use to persuade using poetry?
Conceptual: How powerful can poetry be in influencing the way we think and act?
Debatable: How easy is it to persuade someone by using poems or lyrics?

Objectives: Students will... Summative assessment

A-Analyzing Outline of summative assessment task(s) including Relationship between summative assessment task(s)
assessment criteria: and statement of inquiry:
iv. identify similarities and differences in features
within and between texts Task 1: Write a Poetry Analysis (532-541, R39): Students will be able to identify poetic devices, form
and meaning in a poem.
B- Organizing Students will write a poetry analysis from the selection
of poems studied in this unit. Understand a purpose for writing through their own
i. employ organizational structures that serve the
creative works.
context and intention. Criteria:
Develop their ability to argue a debatable point and
C- Producing text A successful poetry analysis will...
come up with reasons for and against.
i. produce texts that demonstrate thought and Grab the reader’s attention with a strong introduction.
imagination while exploring new perspectives and
Clearly define the subject and its parts.
ideas arising from personal engagement with the
creative process Use a specific organizing structure to provide a logical
flow of information.
ii. make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic,
literary and visual devices, demonstrating Show connections among poetry facts and ideas

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awareness of impact on an audience through transitional words and phrases.

iii. ant details and examples to support ideas. Use language and details appropriate for the
Furthermore, a poetry analysis aims to ...
Analyze Fiction and Non-fiction Texts.
Discuss the meaning of a poem: Author’s tone,
Appreciate poetry 554-558 RI 1, RL 4, RL 5
mood, purpose, and theme.
Free Verse 561, 563, 564 RL 5
Discuss the Poetic use of language in a poem: The
Understand Historical Context 561, 563, 564 figurative language and the sound devices.
Read a Variety of Poems Discuss the structure of a poem: The form, stanzas,
lines, and how each contributes to the poem as a
Lyric Poetry 567, 570, 572 RL 5 whole.
Figurative language 567, 568 RL 4 Task 2: Write a Selection of Five Different Poems:
Make Inferences 567, 570, 571, 572 Students will write a range of poems using the forms
Line and Stanza 575, 576 RL 5 and structures studied in this unit.

Rhyme Scheme 581 RL 4 Criteria:

Rhythm and Meter 589, 591, RL 4 A successful poem will...

Reading a narrative poem 583, 586 RL 1, RL 5 Set a mood or tone for the poem and have a theme.

Haiku 595, RL 5 Use figurative language and sound devices.

Symbol and Theme 599, RL 2 Follow a particular form such as haiku, free verse,
shape poem, cinquain, sonnet, limerick, lyric, or
Humorous Poetry 605, 609, 611, RL 5 narrative ballad.
Sound Devices 610, 611, RL 3, RL 4 Will use stanzas to divide up the poem into meaningful
Mood and figurative language 616, 618, RL 4 parts.

Write a Poetry Analysis and Poem

Write a Narrative R36

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Approaches to learning (ATL) Social Skills

II. Collaborative Skills Working effectively with others
• Use social media networks appropriately to build and develop relationships
• Practise empathy
• Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making
• Help others to succeed
• Take responsibility for one’s own actions
• Manage and resolve conflict and work collaboratively in teams
• Build consensus
• Make fair and equitable decisions
• Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas
• Negotiate effectively
• Encourage others to contribute
• Exercise leadership and take on a variety of roles within groups
• Give and receive meaningful feedback
• Advocate for one’s own rights and needs

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Week 1 Poetry Examples Literature: Teacher’s Edition, Grade 10 Writing
Your Turn: Social Studies Connection Compare Poetry Analysis 532-541
texts and answer questions 564
Literature: Teacher’s Edition, Grade 10 Grammar
Week 2 Seventh Grade
Use Correct Sentence Type 573
The Earth is a Living Thing 566 / Sleeping in the
Use the Active Voice 593
Forest 570 / Gold 571
Avoid Redundancy 623
Scaffolding 574 / The World Is Not A Pleasant
Place to Be 578 / Annabel Lee 579 Commas and Coordinate Adjectives 626
Use Correct Sentence Type 573 Literature: Teacher’s Edition, Grade 10 Vocabulary and Spelling
Use the Active Voice 593 Foreign Words In English 592
Your Turn: Explore poems further 573 Formative assessment
Week 3 The Poetry Analysis Your Turn: Social Studies Connection Compare texts and answer questions 564

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Avoid Redundancy 623 Your Turn: Explore poems further 573

Commas and Coordinate Adjectives 626 Your Turn: Social Studies Connection Research the real story of the Charge of the Light Brigade 591
Your Turn: Social Studies Connection Research the Your Turn: Increase your appreciation of “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” 593
real story of the Charge of the Light Brigade 591
Differentiation Please see Teacher’s Edition for these notes
Your Turn: Increase your appreciation of “The
Charge of the Light Brigade.” 593 Note taking Poetry Basics 554

Week 4 Writing Poetry Poetry Elements mind map 559

Foreign Words In English 592 September 11 Historical Context 561 (Ask Ali or Bilal regarding this topic!)
The Earth is a Living Thing Predicates 567
Read aloud / Think aloud for poem 568
Make Inferences from “Gold” 571
Metaphors 573
Steps to reading a poem 575
Graphic organizer for metaphor 576
Choral reading of “The World is Not a Pleasant Place to Be” 578
Interpret Meaning of “The Charge of the Light Brigade” 585
Read a Narrative Poem 586
Small group work 589
Think Pair Share 595
Listen to sensory details 597
Explore symbolism in “Fireflies in the Garden” 598


McDougal Holt, Literature: Teacher’s Edition, Grade 7 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Florida: USA. 2012

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Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

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