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Foreign Literature

One of the most important decisions which a student must take into his special consideration is to decide
about the degree program. Because it becomes the fundamental part for a student‘s life for his/her career.
(Astin, 1977) and (Boyer, 1987) state that, ―for many high school students, the transition to college was a
major practice of passage to adulthood‖. Numbers of challenges and opportunities began to shape the
development of the students in the college environment. (Wooten, 1998) depicted two most important
factors that influence the students‘ performance. First one is aptitude of students and other one is
efforts put by students. Further, expectations about higher education depend upon the student‘s
preparation in school life (Billington, 1984; Clark E. and Ramsay, 1990; Lewis, 1984). The first year
students are narrowly prepared for higher education, having no concept of team work (Roberts and
Higgins, 1992). So, the investigation of student‘s motivation, expectation and preparedness for
higher education will enhance the academician‘s knowledge and understanding about the factors
which affect the student‘s learning and their achievements within higher education. Further, fostering of
high quality learning has been the main objective of higher education (Boyer, 1987; Davidson, 2003).
Educators are interested to dig out the factors which mainly influence the student‘s engagement in
learning and its impact on their academic performance (Biggs, 2011). There is handsome amount of
literature available discussing about the variables relating to academic success across various disciplines,
including accounting and business. It is depicted from prior studies that this kind of relationship should
be replicated in the different context and different points of time to draw the potential antecedents of
learning and academic success (Bauernfeind, 1968; Ginsburg and Lindsay, 1995; Stout and Rebele, 1996).
It is now widely documented that the students who commence for higher education not only consider
their prior education and prior achievements but also consider their motives, intentions and
expectations which ultimately affect their learning at higher education level (Biggs, 1996;2011; Marton
and Booth, 1997; Ramsden and Moses, 1992; Ramsden, 2003).

Local Literature

Colleges and universities around the world are falling short of producing graduates equipped with global
skills. For instance, according to Sparks (2015), U.S. millennials fall behind their peers in other countries in
terms of global skills such as literacy, numeracy and computer-age problem-solving skills. The Philippines
has a fair share of this dilemma. In the study conducted by Igarashi, Acosta, Hamanaka & Rutkowski
(2017), one-third of the employers are unable to find qualified candidates for the job due to lack of
requisite skills. Interestingly, the missing skills are not academic or technical knowledge but non-cognitive
or behavioural skills. The 21st century challenges higher education institutions in producing global
graduates equipped with necessary competencies, skills and attitudes. While global competence is critical,
traditional teaching and learning approaches are still used in most educational institutions. For most of the
colleges and universities in the Philippines, the struggle continuous with the limited technological
resources. Furthermore, the inability to develop programs to allow global collaboration makes limited
intercultural understanding and diversity. As English is the second language in the country, there are still
issues with the use of the language among the college students. As global students, they need to explore
cultural differences. This allows them understand global complexities, challenges and issues necessary in
making sound decisions outside their local comfort zones. The challenge for both the education institution
and the students is to go beyond textbooks to connect and collaborate with peers and experts in the
global scene. In this age and time, participation in an interconnected, complex and diverse society is no
longer a luxury but a pressing necessity. Cognizant of the unique roles that schools, colleges and
universities play in preparing the youth to participate in the global environment, administrators and
educators alike are tasked to design tools and programs in nurturing the global skills, competence and
attitudes of the young generation. However,Goodwin and Hein (2017) note that students need basic and
applied knowledge,computational and creative thinking and hard and soft skills to succeed in a global
Foreign Studies

Research Studies in Higher Education showcases the talents of a dynamic cadre of educational
researchers, while contributing important studies on race,class, and gender in higher education. The book
is uniquely designed to enable readers to learn quantitative and qualitative research through examples,
while delving into the complexities of achieving diversity and social equity in colleges and universities. —
Ivory A. Toldson, Ph.D., editor-in-chief, The Journal of Negro Education, Howard University.This
groundbreaking book edited by Terence Hicks, a quantitative research professor, and Abul Pitre, a
qualitative research professor, builds upon the usefulness of each research method and integrates them
by providing valuable findings on a diverse group of college students. This book provides the reader with a
mixture of quantitative and qualitative research studies surrounding nine chapters on African American,
first-generation, undecided,and non-traditional college students.

Local Studies

The outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic significantly impacts daily life and caused
massive disruptions worldwide (Chakraborty & Maity, 2020). It emerged so suddenly that no one
was prepared to accept its societal implications directly. The expenses associated with controlling
and managing the pandemic are exorbitant, making even developing countries struggle to keep up
(Haleem et al., 2020). The Philippines, in particular, was forced to adopt measures to counteract
the spread of COVID-19, such as forbidding public gatherings and adopting social distancing. It also
leads to closing schools, colleges, and universities resulting in nearly 28 million Filipino students in all
academic levels remain at home and complying with the Philippine government's quarantine
procedures (UNESCO, 2020).

Foreign Literature

This definition is broader than the OECD’s approach (2002), which suggests that temporary
employment can be under-stood by both employer and employee when the end of the job is determined
by an objec-tive condition or situation, such as a certain date or the achievement of a goal. This lat-ter
definition includes persons who hold a seasonal contract, who are engaged in an employment
agency or with a specific train-ing contract. The OECD refers to temporary employment as a “dependent
employment of limited duration” (2002, p. 170), which is used by many other authors to refer to the
concept (see De Cuyper et al., 2008) and is the one setting the track for this document, focusing
specifically on those workers that are employer-dependant and have previ-ously determined when the
work relation-ship ends.Now that the concept and the idea of temporary employment have been
clarified, it is necessary to examine the extension in which this type of contract is present within the
workforce of analysis. In this case, the OECD countries will be used, due to the amount of studies and
information regard-ing these subjects and because it is the re-gion where most of the studies about tem-
porary employment have been undertaken.

Local Literature

It has been a common c oncern of all managers on how to improve job performance, productivity, and
quality. Increasing salaries and benefits may not be the single solution to achieve such purpose but it has
to be comprehensive. Providing material needs such as salary and benefits may not be enough if other
aspects of the human being are not given attention such as wellbeing. Wellbeing is the experience of good
health which includes mind and body, happiness, prosperity, job satisfaction, sense of meaning (Davis,
2019). Such experiences are needed in order to improve the optimal functioning of every human being
and they are also needed in the workplace in order to increase the performance of employees. In relation
to workplace well-being, Black Dog Institute (n.d) contends that well-being is the experience of work
satisfaction, respect, care and no intrusion into individual life. In addition, to create workplace well-
being is providing room for autonomy, relatedness needs and competence needs (Deci & Ryan, 2000).
When employees experience job satisfaction, respect from the employer, care from the employer and no
intrusion of work into private life, employees experience well-being. Deci and Ryan (2000) added further
that it is also important to provide a work environment conducive for the growth of autonomy,
relatedness and competence needs. These are innate psychological needs that have to be developed in
order to improve human functioning. Problems of well-being are a problem of all industries including
the schools. Employees’ performance is a prerequisite for organizational performance. Performance is
not just the product of skills but a product of motivation and motivation occurs when the employees are
taken care of. Therefore, tracking the condition of well-being and taking corrective measures to improve

Foreign Study

During the past two decades an increasing amount of public policy and academic attention has focussed
on different aspects of the quality of employment. Analysts have recognised that for many people, just
having a job may not be enough to ensure even a basic standard of living. As the dual processes of
globalisation and liberalisation have generated continuous calls for labour market exibilisation,
employment condi-tions such as wages, job stability and career prospects have changed. Thus, the latter.

Local Study

Graduates’ employability is one of the measures of Higher Education Institution of its performance and
output of educational services. The quality of the graduates still remains the responsibility of academic
institutions to hone the knowledge, skills and values of the students to become significant part of the
society in economic development [1]-[12]. Providing relevant health education based on the needs and
demands of the community and industries is one way of transforming the mind-set of the present
generation health workers to offer long-term or short term solutions to the challenges being faced by the
country and society.


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