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Teacher Aline Mendes



Leia o texto abaixo e responda à pergunta:

Technology has become an integral part of our lives, shaping how we interact, learn, and work. As we
rely more on digital devices, it's essential to understand the potential impact on our well-being. Studies
suggest that excessive screen time can lead to various issues such as eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns,
and even a decline in face-to-face social interactions. However, when used mindfully, technology can
offer numerous benefits, from online educational resources to improved communication.

1. Baseado no texto, o que pode ser interido sobre o papel da tecnologia nas nossas vidas?

A) Excesso de tempo perante as telas não impacta o nosso bem estar.

B) A tecnologia tem apenas efeitos negativos nos padrões de sono.

C) As interações face a face aumentaram devido aos dispositivos tecnológicos.

D) O uso atento da tecnologia pode ter vantagens apesar das possíveis desvantegens.

Leia o trecho abaixo e responda à pergunta:

The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, brought about significant changes in
society. One of the most notable shifts was the transition from agrarian economies to industrialized ones.
Factories emerged as centers of production, and urbanization increased as people moved to cities for
work. This period also saw advancements in transportation and communication, further connecting the

2. Baseado no trecho, qual foi a maior consequência da Revolução Industrial?

A) Uma diminuição na urbanização devido ao aumento das fabricas.

B) Um aumento nas economias agrárias e um declínio na industrialização.

C) O estabelecimento das fábricas tiveram zero impacto na sociedade.

D) A urbanização aumentou a medida em que as pessoas migraram para as cidades em busca de emprego
devido à industrialização.

3. Escolha a opção correta que completa cada palavra com o prefixo apropriado

3.1. She felt ____comfortable in her new shoes.

a) un-

b) dis-

c) mis-

d) pre-

e) re-

3.2. The team had to ____assemble the equipment before the event.

a) un-

b) dis-

c) mis-

d) pre-

e) re-

3.3. The teacher asked him to ____do the assignment and turn it in.
a) un-

b) dis-

c) mis-

d) pre-

e) re-

3.4. The children were ____happy with the surprise party.

a) un-

b) dis-

c) mis-

d) pre-

e) re-

3.5. She had to ____read the instructions to understand how the device worked.

a) un-

b) dis-

c) mis-

d) pre-

e) re-

4. O dialogo abaixo possui palavras que possuem prefixos. Escolha duas das palavras com prefixos,
circule-os e diga o seu significado.

Alex: Hey, Sarah! Have you heard about the new exhibition at the science museum?
Sarah: Hi, Alex! Yes, I did. It's about unbelievable discoveries in space, right?
Alex: Exactly! They're showcasing unmanned spacecraft that have explored distant planets.
Sarah: That sounds fascinating! I'm also interested in the talk about reimagining our future with
sustainable energy.
Alex: Oh, definitely! The speaker will discuss how we can overcome challenges and reshape our world
for the better.
Sarah: Count me in! Let's meet up at the museum entrance tomorrow.
Alex: Sounds like a plan! See you then!


Leia o trecho abaixo e responda à pergunta:

In recent years, the concept of "sustainability" has gained prominence in discussions about the
environment and our planet's future. Sustainability refers to the responsible use of resources to meet
current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This
principle guides efforts to reduce carbon emissions, protect biodiversity, and promote equitable access to
essential resources.

5. Based on the passage, what does the word "sustainability" mean?

A) The process of depleting resources without concern for future generations.

B) The careless use of resources to ensure present comfort.

C) The responsible utilization of resources to satisfy current needs without affecting future generations.

D) The disregard for the environment and its impact on future generations.

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