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80 Shaw Blvd. Mandaluyong City


A Performance Task and Project Performance Report presented to the

College of Liberal Arts, Criminology, and Education

Faculty of History and Social Science

In Partial fulfillment of the Requirement

for the subject Life and Works of Rizal

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Submitted to:


Professorial Lecturer

Submitted by:


BSA 202A


September 13, 2023

"Ang Buhay ng Isang Bayani": A Profound Journey into the Heart of Heroism and

"Ang Buhay ng Isang Bayani," a documentary film presented by Bookmark and

the Department of History at Ateneo de Manila University, is a cinematic masterpiece
that transcends traditional historical narratives. It invites viewers on a profound journey
into the life and legacy of a hero, weaving together personal stories, historical accounts,
and cultural contexts to create a tapestry of understanding and reverence.

The documentary film chronicles the life of a remarkable hero, whose name and
story may vary but whose dedication to serving others remains constant. Through
interviews, archival footage, and meticulous research, the film uncovers the hero's
humble beginnings, their journey towards greatness, and the challenges they faced
along the way.

The film showcases how the hero's upbringing and personal experiences shaped
their worldview and motivated them to act. It also highlights the pivotal moments in their
life where they had to make difficult choices and sacrifices for the greater good.
Throughout the documentary, viewers witness the hero's unwavering commitment to
their cause, as well as the profound impact they had on their community and the nation.

One of the documentary's most striking elements is its ability to humanize

heroes. Often, historical figures are portrayed as flawless and almost unapproachable.
"Ang Buhay ng Isang Bayani" daringly strips away the layers of hero worship and
presents a hero as a real person, with imperfections and vulnerabilities. This approach
encourages viewers to see heroism as an achievable aspiration for anyone,
emphasizing that it is the strength to overcome one's shortcomings that defines true

The film is masterful in its storytelling, blending personal anecdotes with historical
facts. It transports viewers to a different time and place, immersing them in the hero's
world. This immersion serves as a time machine, enabling viewers to comprehend the
challenges faced by the hero and the society in which they lived. This emotional
connection is invaluable in making history relatable and relevant to modern audiences.

Moreover, "Ang Buhay ng Isang Bayani" underscores the importance of context

in understanding history. It emphasizes that heroes are not isolated entities but products
of their times and circumstances. By examining the social, political, and cultural milieu in
which a hero emerged, viewers gain a richer understanding of their actions and
decisions. This holistic view challenges simplistic notions of heroism, making it clear
that heroism is not a one-size-fits-all concept but a deeply contextual one.

The documentary also delves into the multifaceted nature of heroism. It prompts
viewers to ponder what it truly means to be a hero and whether heroism is an inherent
quality or a response to extraordinary circumstances. Through the narrative, the film
suggests that heroism extends beyond grand gestures; it can manifest in everyday acts
of courage, resilience, and selflessness. This broader perspective allows viewers to
recognize heroism in the people and events that shape their own lives.

"Ang Buhay ng Isang Bayani" also serves as a poignant reminder of the

significance of preserving historical records and narratives. Without these accounts, the
hero's story might have been lost to time. The documentary highlights the tireless efforts
of historians, archivists, and scholars who work tirelessly to piece together the puzzle of
the past, ensuring that the hero's legacy endures for generations to come.

The following are some of the key terms that I got from the documentary.

 Heroism and Sacrifice: "Ang Buhay ng Isang Bayani" prompts viewers to reflect
on the nature of heroism. It challenges the notion that heroes are born with
extraordinary abilities, emphasizing instead that heroism often arises from
ordinary individuals who are willing to make extraordinary sacrifices for the
betterment of society. This theme underscores the idea that each one of us has
the potential to become a hero in our own way.
 The Power of Inspiration: The documentary underscores the importance of hero
narratives in inspiring others to act. By showcasing the hero's journey and the
positive changes they brought about, the film encourages viewers to consider
their own potential to effect change. It serves as a reminder that our actions, no
matter how small, can ripple through society and make a lasting impact.
 Historical Context: The documentary places the hero's life within the context of
the era in which they lived. This contextualization helps viewers understand the
challenges and opportunities that shaped the hero's decisions. It also serves as a
lesson in history, encouraging us to learn from the past and apply those lessons
to our present circumstances.
 Communal and National Identity: Through the hero's story, the film explores the
concept of identity, both on a communal and national level. It demonstrates how
the hero's actions influenced the way their community and the nation perceived
themselves. This reflection on identity encourages viewers to consider their own
roles in shaping the identity of their communities and countries.

“Karunungan ay isang bagay na kailan ma’y ‘di mananakaw sa iyo.” In every

journey, stay and socializing of his, Rizal didn’t forget about the people that is dearest to
him. They are his treasure that can never be equivalent to any money.

realized that every second in our lives is important. It is full of happiness, hardships,
resentments, specially making decisions. Due to Rizal’s usage of intelligence and his
love for his beloved country, we couldn’t deny that he’s one of the eye-opening heroes
that we should find happiness and freedom. During those times in the past, they treated
the Filipinos as animals and machines. As a Filipino, it breaks my heart to even imagine
how they cut the possibilities to my fellow Filipinos to achieve their goals and dreams
that would make our country free and gain development.

shows in the documentary where Rizal won, and the Spaniards couldn’t clap
because a mere Filipino man won. You can tell that it is an achievement when
somebody can see the worth of your hardships. Rizal sacrificed a lot just for our country.
He has all the burdens, but he fought. He fought using a pen and paper.
In conclusion, "Ang Buhay ng Isang Bayani" is a masterfully crafted documentary
that invites viewers on a deeply emotional and intellectual exploration of heroism and
history. It humanizes heroes, providing a nuanced view of their lives and struggles. It
underscores the importance of context in understanding the past, challenges
conventional notions of heroism, and celebrates the everyday acts of courage that
define our shared humanity. Most importantly, it reminds us that history is not a
collection of dusty facts but a living narrative that shapes our understanding of
ourselves and our world. This documentary is not merely a film; it is a profound and
transformative experience that leaves an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to
watch it.

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