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hi R, idc anymore if what im typing rn would be grammatically correct pero i want to say na i like you
for a lot of reasons and im here to express what i think. First it broke my heart knowing na you
friendzoned me just because you think you are out of my league and you think na ill get bullied for
liking you, only if you knew na most of my friends knows na ure the only person i would talk about
and yk i dont fucking care about what others think about me liking you kasi in the first place YOU
ARE the one that i like what does it have to do with them? i like you for various reasons, i like how
you make me feel special simply by listening to my playlists (also another reason why i made one to
dedicate what i feel towards you)or when we play valo and those times na you tell ur friends ure
waiting for me so that we can play haha, i like how you talk to me even if you know na what i feel
sayo(although its hard thinking na you only like me in a platonic way lol), i also love the way you
hugged me in front of my friends it made me think na you weren’t ashamed of me, it also makes my
day if you just message me ik sobrang ano weird pero it just does T-T yk i wish i didnt tell you yet
how i felt i wish na sana i get to know you more first, i wish na i should’ve known first what’s ur
favorite food, hobby, what time of the day you like lol, or whats ur favorite movie/series or genre is.
Basta i wished na i get to know you more before i did pero wala my friends always encourages me to
tell you what i feel kesa na umasa ako sa wala haha. anyways yun lang i like you a lot rommer and
idk how to express it in words that’s also the reason why i made the playlist for you.

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