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EYFS Literacy Planning – WB: 21/11/2022

Group 1 HA Learning Intention- I can listen and join in with a repetitive story. I can predict what will come next, using my knowledge and
understanding of traditional tales. I can share ideas confidently on the carpet. I can confidently perform a retell of a story in a group. I
can show interest in different ways of life and comment on what I have learned.

Group 2 MA Learning Intention- I can listen and join in with some parts of a repetitive story. With adult support, I can predict what will come next,
using my knowledge and understanding of traditional tales. With encouragement, I can share ideas on the carpet. I can perform a
retell as part of a large group.

Group 3 LA Learning Intention- I can listen to a variety of stories. I can share some ideas on the carpet, usually with adult support. I can perform a
retell in a small or large group. I can show interest in different ways of life.

statements links: Three and Four-Year-Old Statements

Communication and language

· Enjoys listening to longer stories and can remember much of what happens.

· Know many rhymes, be able to talk about familiar books, and be able to tell a long story.


· Understand the 5 key concepts about print:

-print has meaning

-print can have different purposes

-we read English from left to right and from top to bottom

-the names of the different parts of the book (front cover, title, blurb, back cover, story)
-page sequencing

· Engage in extended conversations about stories, learning new vocabulary.

Physical Development

· Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils.

· Show a preference for a dominant hand.

Understanding the World

· Use all their senses in hands-on exploration of natural materials.

· Talk about what they see, using a wide vocabulary.

· Show interest in different occupations

· Continue to develop positive attitudes about the differences between people.

Child in Reception Statements

Communication and language

· Engage in story times.

· Listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding.

· Retell the story once they have developed a deep familiarity with the text, some as exact repetition and some in their own words.

Physical Development

· Develop the foundations of a handwriting style which is fast, accurate and efficient.

Understanding the World

· Compare and contrast characters from stories, including figures from the past. Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside.
· Recognise some environments that are different to the ones in which they live

Learning purposes. Whole class Sessions Carpet Time / Follow on Continuous Provision

LP: To listen carefully Monday Monday- Tuesday Monday – Friday

to sounds. CVC pictures- children to help Evidence Me Observations/ using post it
compose a sentence about a notes adults to document what children say.
To be able to hear picture.
sound. All adults in the provision to use commentary
LA- Children to write and hear to help develop language rather than asking
To be able to re-tell a the initial sounds in words. questions in play.
past event using the
correct tense. MA- Children to write initial Large wallpaper: Opportunities available for
and end sounds. children to mark make/write indoors.
To be able to listen Opportunities to mark make/write outside in
and respond to their HA- Children to write all
peers. sounds in words. Name writing cards, whiteboard pens.
Introduce the first part of the Pie Corbett to the
children of Goldilocks and the three bears. Re-tell
the beginning of the story and encourage the children
to repeat using actions and phrases.
LP: Tuesday Continue with CVC sentence
To be able to re-tell a writing from yesterday.
story using actions and
repeated phrases. Name writing group-
Practice name writing daily,
especially with children that
LP: To be able to retell can’t form letters from their
the story using a story name.
map. Revisit the first part of the Pie Corbett from
Introduce the 2nd part of the Pie Corbett to the
children of the story Goldilocks and the three bears.
Wednesday- Thursday
Wednesday: Children to match the correct
Recap on our story, as you recap part of the story bowl, chair and bed to the
with the children reveal all of our story map. Help sized bear.
children use the story map to help them perform the
story. Pie Corbett story map – encourage children to
join in with key phases and to use expression when
they are joining in.
LP: To be able to Thursday –
retell the story using a Thursday – Friday
story map. Recap Pie Corbett story map – encourage children to Draw the character of
join in with key phases and to use expression when Goldilocks.
LP: To be able to they are joining in.
describe each Higher ability group to write
character in the story. On the carpet- have a photograph of Goldilocks in labels to attach to Goldilocks.
the middle of a circle- around it write a character
profile/trait about the character of Goldilocks.

LP: Friday- Goldilocks Song record for

To be able to retell the twitter/evidence me or PIE Corbett the story and
story using a story record evidence.
map and story song
Re-tell the story using this weeks Pie Corbett
story map.

Recap Goldilcoks song to reinforce story and have

puppets of characters to use during story/song.
Can children follow song and actions to help retell
the story? Record for Twitter.

Revisit yesterdays description of Goldilocks, can we

add anymore descriptive words?

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