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…………learners are better able to retain information

when it is presented to them in graphic depiction, such

as arrows, charts, diagrams, symbols and more to
emphasise specific design elements. Visual learners
thrive with clear pictures for information.

-………… refers to aural learners; ………learners

prefer listening to information that is presented to them
vocally. These learners work well in group settings
where vocal collaboration is present and may enjoy
reading aloud to themselves, too.

-………… Taking a physical active role, ………

learners are hands-on and thrive when engaging all of
their senses during course work. These learners tend to
work well in scientific studies due to the hands-on lab
component of the course.

-……… Students like to experience the world and act

out events. To remember a phone number for example,
……learners may remember the pattern, of their fingers
as they press the number on a phone. They are good at
sports. They cannot sit still for long periods of time.
They are not good at spelling. They do not have the skill
of handwriting and like role-play.

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