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Narra I integrated Schooli
1st Semester 2023-2024
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

ACTIVITY 10: The Evolution of Man

Homo Habitis Homo erectus neanderthatensis Homo Sapiens

Our social groupings establish societies at many levels, from small communities to larger cultural groupings like a
Western civilisation. People in these communities sometimes develop unique cultures, which are made up of the
ideologies, practices, and social norms that set one society apart from another.
A society is a manifestation of a culture, which is a set of rules agreed upon by a group to facilitate its smooth
functioning and deal with its challenges. As the challenges change, the culture adapts and changes, resulting in a society.
However, maintaining a stable society is more challenging due to the resistance of people to changes in different cultures,
which can lead to fear and negative behavior. Common goals, mutual respect, and good communication are essential for a
society to function effectively. However, society also faces issues like greed, selfishness, ignorance, and insecurities,
which can lead to criminal behavior. Therefore, rules are adopted to contain these issues and maintain a stable society.
Historically speaking, the Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow challenges the narrative
that civilization emerged linearly, arguing that human societies during the Palaeolithic were diverse. The authors argue
that our current state of affairs is a result of institutional cages, and that a deeper historical perspective is needed to
understand the political world that shaped us and the possibilities for our future. This shift in perspective is crucial in
addressing the challenges of inequality, polarized political systems, and climate change.
Anthropologists now understand that hunter-gatherer societies are diverse and maintain extensive social ties.
Nomadic societies have egalitarian social relations, while sedentary societies have social inequality. Palaeolithic politics
suggest complex societies with institutionalized inequality emerged before agriculture, possibly as early as the Middle
Stone Age. However, this is a tentative idea.
Developed by: ADONAI SHAMMAH M. LUMBA NIS 2023

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