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Aims – 20% of grade for assignment

What is the aim of this research? What questions does it hope to answer? What is your research
question(s)? What is the scope of your research project (define its parameters in terms of time,
geographical area, online spaces etc)?

Background – 10% of grade for assignment

About the organisation, and why they need this research done now.

Literature Review – 40% of grade for assignment

What similar research has been done? What scholarly approaches or theoretical models are
relevant? How does your research project fit within the current research field? How will the existing
field of research inform your research project and how will your research project help to
extend/expand upon our field of knowledge and understandings of the topic? Is there a particular
gap in the research that your project will fill?

Methods – 30% of grade for assignment

What methods are you using and why? Why have you chosen those methods? How will they answer
the research questions? What are the limitations of these methods?

What will you do exactly? (the how many, who and when questions)

What are the ethical principles that you are following?

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