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Name: Cabalida, Joshua L. Section: Arch 502

When you say management, it all comes down to different parts how to manage a process
to achieve a specific goal. To achieve that goal, one of part of the process is a team. How you
manage a team, contribute to a team, and work with a team is significantly important to an
organization or company because a work of a team affects the product of our service. In
Architecture industry, Business is also a must to understand. We as an Architect in this world
doesn’t just offer them a service that they need. We also consider the offer that they can settle
with too.

One of the things that I would not forget is about the topic about Branding. As my
professor said, “I recognized who he is when I look at his shoes”. It hits me hard and realize
something that “Who am I?” It doesn’t mean to be a shoe, clothes or what but I wonder how
people will recognize me on such thing. I will always remember that “I am my own brand” and it
should be always on good condition wherever I go.

Ar. Franz Edrick E. Navarro - ARBMA01 - Instructor


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