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Symbolic Frame

Jessica Kostyk

OGL 481

September 27, 2020

Symbolic Frame
Situation Restated:

The situation that I have chosen to dissect further happened a few weeks ago at my job

with Michael Kors. My role is Key Holder which is a leadership position. I oversee what

happens on the sales floor, help with team development, and handle customer issues. An

employee from a different store came in asking if my coworker and I felt his outfit violated the

company’s personal appearance policy. We felt extremely uncomfortable because this person’s

pants were way too tight and came in accompanied with a large man. I did what I could to get

them out of the store without drawing unwanted attention towards us. Shortly after, I was

reached out to by our HR department about the situation and was assured our feeling of comfort

was of importance. Later, our personal appearance policy was updated, but there was no update

on how to handle the situation we were faced with and our district manager requested I not

repeat the situation to others.

Symbolic Influence:

Michael Kors is a company that embraces the luxury, chic, jet-set lifestyle. Using Jackie

O as his muse for design and inspiration, the MK brand is sophisticated, professional, and

stylish. Our personal appearance policy and guidelines allow us to uphold the image Michael

envisioned. Furthermore, it also allows us to express ourselves while maintaining customer

comfort and representing the brand.

What I find interesting is that outlet stores handle and confront personal appearance

violations different from lifestyle stores. I wonder if it is because our customer demographics

and needs are extremely different? Perhaps the employee infringed upon the personal appearance

policy felt his outfit was appropriate for his customer base. Regardless, the image of the MK

brand needs to be recognized and maintained throughout all stores and levels of employees.
Symbolic Frame
When we do not follow the policies sent in place, it jeopardizes the values of the company and

the standards they hold. Customer who see an employee working for MK that is not

professionally, well-put together tarnishes the image of the MK brand.

Alternative Action Recommendation:

The first course of action I would take would be to review the wardrobe available for

male and female employees. Michael Kors values its employees and provides several pieces of

clothing to their employees each season. Additionally, Michael Kors gives out employee

appreciation where we get an even bigger discount towards product. This makes it even easier to

follow the personal appearance policy because we can choose any MK apparel to fit our

individual styles.

Another course of action I could have taken would be to ask the employee if he felt

Jackie O would talk to him if she were in the room with us. I remember my hiring manager

saying this to me when I was first employed with the company and it’s something that I

frequently relate to. This specialized language could be an easy way to bring humor into the

situation along with awareness to brand image and values. “In high-performing organizations

and groups, stories keep traditions alive and provide examples to channel everyday behavior”

(Bolman, Deal, 2017, Pg. 271).


Now that I have a better understanding of the symbolic frame, I recognize that

complimenting the employee’s style- even though it went against our personal appearance

guidelines- wasn’t my best decision as a leader. Looking back, I should have done a better job

keeping the company’s values in mind. Given the opportunity, I would share my experience and

thoughts with my team. I would use humor to keep spirits lighthearted and draw attention to the
Symbolic Frame
company’s values and vision. We are the face of the company and need to have customer

satisfaction in focus.

After learning that the employee who came into my store was an outlet employee, I was

curious to know how different the work culture is there. Was their symbol of value someone

other than the great Jackie O? How could he disregard the image of standards working for a

luxury brand? We work for a company that sells luxury items and are given all the tools

necessary to help us provide luxury service to our customers. The way employees dress

“communicate who the company is [branding])” (Bolman, Deal, 2017, Pg. 249).
Symbolic Frame

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and

leadership (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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