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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the symbolic frame
2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

My role in the situation at the time was assistant store manager. I oversaw all the
home services, installations and specialty departments. The situation that caused me to
lose faith and trust in my superiors was at the onset of the Covid19 pandemic. In March
of 2020, as the world was learning about the severity of the illness and how to conduct
business in a health-conscious manner, my son contacted the illness. At that time, the
CDC mandate was that anyone who tested positive or had someone in their home who
tested positive was required to isolate for ten days. I immediately called my manager who
was the store manager and explained my sons test results and the need for me to isolate.
He told me to report to work, but to keep my exposure a secret from others. I believed it
was unethical for me to be close to customers and coworkers when I might be carrying
the illness and infecting them. After a few days, I contacted my district human resources
manager to seek advice about my manager and my concern for other people's safety. She
asked me if anyone heard the conversation with my manager and I explained that no one
did. She advised me that there was nothing I could do since no one heard the
conversation that it would turn into a “he said”, “she said” situation. She also informed
me to continue to work as my manager said.

2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

As part of the dress code, every employee at The Home Depot is required to wear
an orange apron. Located on the left top of the apron, above the heart is a representation
of the firm's value wheel, which is a circle with "pie" sections listing each of the seven
company values. This emblem serves as a reminder to all workers to always keep the
company principles in mind when making decisions. The wheel is specifically placed
above the heart, as the heart is the foundation of the company values. Orange was
selected for the aprons as psychologically the orange color represents energy and more

doing. With The Home Depot being a do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvement store, the
color seemed fitting.

Regarding my situation, another temporary symbol utilized worldwide was

surgical masks worn to shield individuals from the corona virus. Masks became a symbol
of solidarity, identity and statements of intent. My manager believed it was acceptable for
him to have me continue working because the mask may have provided protection
considering the confusion and widespread hysteria that the Covid19 caused. These
symbols combined with my loyalty may have given rise to his decision to have me
continue to work rather than isolate. The human resource manager that I reached out to
felt confident in her decision provided she thought she was doing what was best.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

To reflect and foster a desirable organizational culture, new behaviors must be in

line with the company's fundamental values. This process is known as "harnessing
organizational symbols." Physical symbols that contribute to a company's identity include
name tags and awards. Leadership uses additional storytelling, humor, and symbolism to
inspire others and create a collective mindset. Developing strong teams must continue to
be the manager's priority. A positive workplace culture is essential to the organization's
success. In addition to inspiring and motivating individuals, workplace culture can also
foster an environment that makes people reluctant to work there. In the end, a company's
use of symbolism in the workplace has a significant impact on how its employees interact
and carry out their daily tasks.

To maximize organizational symbols at The Home Depot for a different plan of

action, my manager and I should have referred to the value system and company
standards of operation. By collaborating, we could have established a safer and more
productive plan to ensure everyone was safe and the store still staffed. An alternative plan
could also have been for me to wear a mask and gloves and perform office functions
behind a closed door. My manager could have reinforced the symbolic value of leading
by example in his efforts to keep the store safe and the doors open for business. Leaders
can promote a culture of accountability and servant leadership by modeling humility and
solidarity, ensuring that actions reflect the values we embrace.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

As I reflect on the symbolic frame and organizations as theaters, I think about the
importance of planning and evaluation. Planning is an important ceremony that manages
the image of an organization. “Planning persists because it plays a starring role in an

organization’s enduring drama.” (Bolman and Deal, 2017. Pg. 302). Evaluations show
that a company is well managed and responsible for its employees and their behavior.

One thing that I would approach differently in my situation would be to harness

the power of the symbolic frame by driving positive change through creativity and a
growth mindset. I could accomplish this by engaging in open dialogue with my manager
on how me working would be unethical and find a different solution. The situation was
stressful at the time and perhaps finding a way to implement humor into the situation may
have alleviated some of my managers stress, enabling us to be more productive. Lastly,
he and I both could have displayed more empathy towards each other which also would
have provided a more positive result.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership

(6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

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