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Research Title: Solar powered WIRELESS and TRACKER Rremote Control Switch Relay

Problem trying to solve:

– To prevent the vehicle from being stolen.

– To quickly turn off, unlock, or start a vehicle.

– So that there are no lost keys to find.

- You can monitor access to and from your home. So you can keep track of who is coming and

Research Objective:

The goal of developing a solar-powered wireless and tracker remote control switch relay is to
provide an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient solution that allows users to remotely
control and track vehicles. By harnessing solar energy, the device operates independently of the
grid, reducing energy costs and environmental impact. Its wireless and tracking capabilities offer
flexibility and convenience, making it suitable for various applications across different


The problem that a solar-powered wireless and tracker remote control switch relay aims to
address is the need for an energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and versatile solution for
remotely controlling and monitoring electronic devices or systems. It seeks to reduce reliance on
traditional energy sources, minimize the environmental impact of power consumption, and
enhance convenience and accessibility for various applications, including remote control and
asset tracking, in different industries. Additionally, it aims to offer cost-effective and reliable
operation, particularly in off-grid or remote locations where traditional power sources may be
limited or costly to implement.

Experimentation plan:

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