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Answers of textbook exercises

Fill in the Blanks

1. Full form of HTML is h ypertext markup lang

2. HTML tags are enclosed in a n g l e brackets.
3. Full form of CSS is c ascading style sheets.
4. Developers Use j a v a S c r i p t to program the behavior of
web pages.

5. Javascript can be used for building apps and g ames.

State True or False

1. Sublime text is an editor to create HTML pages. -True

2. HTMLis difficult to learn. -False
3. HTML instructions are called tags. -True
4. CSSimproves content accessibility. -True
5. We cannot hide HTML elements using Javascript. -False

Match the Following

1. HTML Define content

2. Tag Keyword
3. CSS Specify layout
4. Javascript Programming language
5. Extension .css

Multiple choice questions

1. HTML is a:
a. Programming Language
b. Markup language
c. Definition language
d. Noneoftheabove

2. Advantages of CSS are:

a. Good control over the presentation. :
b. It Reduces the time spent on maintaining the HTML
c. It is less cluttered.
d. All of the above

3. Different style properties are:

a. Color Properties
b. Background Properties
c. FontProperties.
d. All of the above

4. We can use javascript to:

a. Make websites respond to user interaction.
b. Build apps and games.
c. Organize and present data. :
d. All of the above

5. Javascript is a
a. Client side scripting language
b. Server side scripting language
c. Compiled language.
d. None of the above

Answer in one word or one sentence

1. What is the use of HTML?

HTML is used to build our own website.

2. Write down the syntax of a HTML tag.


3. What is the use of Javascript?

Javascript is used to make websites responsive to user
interaction,to build apps & games and to organize and present

4. What is the use of CSS?

Css is used to change the way our HTML page looks like. It defines
sizes, spacing, fonts, colors, layout, etc.

5. What do you mean by the term client-side scripting language?

It runs on the client's computer.

Answer the following

1. What is HTML?
HTML is a markup language used for describing web documents. It
stands for hyper text markup language. HTML documents are
described using HTML tags.

2. What are the advantages of CSS?

- Good control over the presentation.
- Consistency
- A standard flow, look and feel can be maintained on all pages.
- Ability to make global changes to all the documents from a
single location.
- Reduces the time spent on maintaining the html document. It
is less cluttered.

3. What are the features of CSS?

- It separates content from presentation.
- It is used to describe the presentation of documents.
- It improve content accessibility and improve flexibility. It is
simple and reusable.
- It defines spacing, size, color, fonts, layout etc.

4. What are the advantages of javascript?

- Client side Javascript is very fast since it is running on client's
- Simple to learn and implement.
- It is used everywhere on the web.
- We can build entire application using javascript.
- Rich interfaces- Drag and drop components give rich
interface to your website.

5. What are the disadvantages of javascript?

Client side security- The code is written on client's computer, so it
can be exploited for malicious purposes. Browser support - It is
sometimes interpreted differently in different browsers.

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