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To: Max William, Mayor of Lodz

From: Adriana Smith, Secretary of charity organization “STEP”

Subject: Report on facilities for disabled
Date: Nov 23, 2017

The aim of this report is to assess the existing situation concerning facilities in city of Lodz for
disabled. The importance of respective facilities is big since these help those people to participate in
society life.

The built-up environment in the city is not barrier-free and adapted to fulfill the needs of all people
equally. Some such facilities even that are required by law and these don’t exist. Disabled people
have limited access to public transport, different locations and cannot live decent. Present outdoor
environment includes: Obstructions, Signage, Street furniture, Pathways, Ramps, Elevators, Platform
lifts, Stairs, Railings and handrails, Entrances, Vestibules, Adapted public toilets, Telephone kiosks,
Rest rooms, Panels and displays with large fonts and high-contrast colors. But these are limited.


In the city of Lodz there are few main categories of people with disabilities:

 Wheelchair users  The partially sighted

 People with limited walking abilities  The hearing impaired
 The sightless
Other categories include the mentally disabled, people with extreme physical proportions, and people
with functional disabilities of the arm, etc.

To conclude, these people in the city of Lodz are in need and the city should be designed to help
them since each of us can become disabled in the time of our life so we have some proposals for
improvement of the situation.

These include:

For the blind: Guide dogs should be admitted to buildings, transport where pets are not allowed.
Reserving the use of a white cane to blind individuals only.

For hearing impaired: Admission of hearing aids to locations where recording and transmitting
devices are not normally permitted.

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