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Des 2nd year | By: Muskan Verma

[Psychology of commercial space design]
Data collection
Importance of Psychology in commercial space-
Psychology in commercial space is important for several reasons

• .It helps companies to understand consumers behavior, allowing them to create effective
marketing strategies and design products that cater to people’s preferences and
• Psychology insights can enhance user experience in digital interfaces and apps, leading
to higher engagement and user satisfaction.

How Psychological principles affects user experience-

1. User centered design –

Applying principles from psychology helps in designing interfaces and products that align
with users preference and expectations, resulting in a more intuitive and user-friendly

2. Emotional design –
Understanding emotions allows designers to create products that evoke positive feelings,
enhancing user engagement and satisfaction. Color choices, imagery, and overall
aesthetics can all be influenced by psychological insights.

3. Behavioral insights –
Incorporating behavior psychology can encourage desired user actions, such as
completing a sign-up process or marketing a purchase. Techniques like gamification and
nudging leverage psychology triggers to guide users toward certain behaviors.

4. Cognitive load reduction –

Applying principles like chunking information, using clear heading and minimizing
distractions can reduce cognitive load, making it easier for users to process and
understand information.

5. Usability testing –
Applying psychological research methods, such as eye-tracking studies or user testing,
helps identifying usability issues and areas for improvement, leading to a smoother user

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