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Name: Dawneil Jean P.

Course and Code: CRI 317a- 405
Assignment. Answer the following question. Make a Matrix in answering. At least give
five (5) descriptions.

How does school contribute to the delinquency problem?

1. One of the reasons why a minor become a juvenile delinquent is peer

pressure. Peer pressure mostly happen at school since it is the place where
children socialize with their peers and through that they do things they are
curious about as a group and some had no choice but to get along even it may
be a bad influence because they are still minors who seeks for validation from
friends and they think of the need to belong to a certain group so that they
won’t be alone.
2. Studies have found that poor academic performance has a huge contribution in
juvenile delinquency. Students who have lack of interest in school most likely
develop poor mentality and easily swayed by other criminal factors. Because of
their lack of motivation and unwillingness to learn, they sometimes are rejected
and as a minor, the feeling of rejection might lead them to develop delinquent
behaviors resulted by frustrations.
3. Delinquency problems that we are facing now are mostly influenced by
environmental factors that children develop at school, as shameful as it is to
admit but the discipline at school is different from home because it is always
done with reservations and children are favored by this fact, they think that it is
okay to do bad as long as they are not caught or a simple sorry is fine when
they are caught, which is indirectly tolerating them to do bad. They have more
freedom at school, and they do a lot of unimaginable things with caution in fear
of getting caught which is the first step why they develop delinquent behaviors
that later lead them to do crimes.
4. Some of the contributory factor of the school to juvenile delinquency is the
negative labelling based on academic achievement. Some schools practice
student segregation based on their grades which develop frustration to
students which lead them to do things based on their will without minding if it is
good or bad since they are already immune with disappointments and some
people underestimate them so they might as well act in rebellion which led
them to become delinquent.
5. School is the place where bullying usually starts, students who are bullied at
school are most likely to engage in delinquency because they are the one who
develop mental health issues, stress, and increased anxiety and depression.
These factors are most likely the reason why they act in violence because it
might be one of their coping mechanisms to act out and act tough and by
developing this behavior might result and link to doing criminal acts.

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