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Let’s talk money

Spend money
=Give money as payment for something
“I spend a lot of money on traveling”
To save money/to put aside some money
=Keep money for use in the future
“I’m saving money to buy a car”
“I’m puting aside some money to buy a car”
waste/squander money
=Spend money in a bad way
“She always wastes money on clothes”
“He squanders money on fast food”
throw money at
=To solve problems with money recklessly
“The company threw money at the problem without understanding what the real cause was”
splash out on
=To spend a lot of money on something
“On my last trip, I splashed out on a seven star hotel”


to cost an arm and a leg

“I can’t buy that car, it costs an arm and a leg”
to cost a fortune
“Buying a house, costs a fortune”
to pay through the nose
“I paid through the nose for this watch”


For a song
“This car is priced at just 2000 dollars. It’s going for a song”
dirt cheap =Very cheap
“This house is dirt cheap. You can buy it by only paying 15000 dollars”
Let’s talk money
as cheap as chips
“The car he is going to buy is as cheap as chips”

price (Not cheap nor expensive)

reasonably priced
=To be neither cheap nor expensive
“5 dollars for a pizza? That’s reasonably priced”

some advanced idioms

related to money

a bargain
=It is being sold and at a lower price than its real value
“The real value of a phone is $1000, but if you can buy that $900,it’s a bargain”
“This shirt was half-price, it’s a real bargain”
A bargain hunter
=A person who likes looking for things that are good value for money
“Jenny is a real bargain hunter. She is always looking for the best deals in online shops”
to save for a rainy day
=To save money for diffiucult situations
“my father always says wise people save 20 percent of their income for a rainy day”
on a shoestring
=It means with a very small amount of money
“I always travel on a shoestring”
to make ends meet
=To manage the amount of money you have until the end of the months
to live from hand to mouth
=To have just enough money to live on and nothing extra
“When I was a child, my father earned very little and there were five of us, so we lived
from hand to mouth”

a mortgage
=Money you borrow from the bank to buy a house
to pay installments
=To pay your loan in small pieces for a long time
“When you take a mortgage, you have to pay back in installments”

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