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In some countries, more young adults continue to live with their

parents even after they have completed education and found jobs.
Do the advatage outweigh the disavantage?
In this day and age, more and more contemporary attention has been played on
the opinion that in some nations + more youngsters continue to reside with their
parents. Although they have finished their academic journey and have sought
stable occupations. This phenomenon has several proses surpass the cons
Firstly, choosing to settle down with their biological parents help them strengthen
the close-knit bonds between family members. For instance, their mother and
father become older and older, with the point of reassuring about their parents'
helth. They stay under the same roof to convenient not only to take care of family
members but also to easily gather together which facilitate to share valueble
memories. Secondly, on the societal level, a surge in the pattern young
generations live in extended family help reduce land crowed phenomenon.
Indeed, land in a number of metropolitan areas is both narrow and expensive.
Therefore, If young folk live with their parents, they will reduce living expenses
and save money for important things.
Despite the aforementioned pros, this phenomenon can be witnessed that having
some cons. Initially, youngsters who live with their parents have less independent
than others. Since, they have little room for personal growth. Last but not least,
they might appear generations gap between parents and their children such as,
have different ideas. thoughts, actions... There are several self-opinionated
parents who impose their choices on children. Even, they tend to force the young
do as what they were used to like
In conclusion, even though young adults stay at home with their parents after
they are mature have some demerits, merits are outweigh.

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