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To make clear to us the challenges that we might encounter in the future and how we can get

through with it.

1. How did you decide where to establish your business?

 It is the need to start my own business here because of people, like I said who are
needed of my services.
2. What is unique about your business?
 So anyone can be a photographer but not anyone can capture and let someone feel
pretty in front of the camera or feel good about his/her self and especially when you are
graceful to graph and feel satisfied. What’s unique about my work of art is that I can let
people feel at peace with themselves and feel confident and most especially when they
see their picture photograph by me.
3. How did you raise funding for your business venture?
 I started my business with the camera or with the gadgets that my husband handed to
me. I just used what is available and then I really don’t see myself to be investing
something like thousands just for that. And at first I was just whatever is handed to me
that’s what I used. Later on I saw that you really need to invest in something more
expensive in order for your output to be better and to be the best you can be. That’s
why we have cameras like hundred thousands or laptops and more because you get
what you pay for. You get it cheap then the output will be cheap. When get it invest to
something expensive and output will be expensive.
4. What strategies did you first use to market your business?
 I uploaded it to Facebook, at first I really didn’t plan all doing business like this, I just
photograph my family, my nieces they are all girls and I do it with birthdays. At first, this
is really just for my family, this is just for memories of our own, but when somebody told
me “please photograph us because I really like the way you photograph your family. I
was hesitant because I feel that I was an amateur and I’m just nobody but then when
they told me “no, I really loved your photograph, just try us and we believe in you.”
When somebody told me “we believe in you” then I feel empowered and I feel I should
become better because someone believes in me.
5. What have you enjoyed most about starting your own company?
 What I enjoyed about is of course I get to meet people, I get to photograph kids which
is the most enjoyable scenes I get to captured the smiles, the emotions of a lot of
people especially those that are on a relationship like weeding, family pictures and
birthdays that is what I enjoyed the most.
6. What do you find most challenging about being an entrepreneur?
 The most challenging about is you have to do multitasking. I start a one man show that
we have to advertise yourself, you have to do the services, you have to edit it. In my
case, I do the shooting, the editing, and then being with the clients. It’s like a one man
show that you have to multitask and you really have to maintain your honor, your
integrity and you have to be honest and be real to them. Be authentic every time you
are dealing with them. You have to be honest with them if there’s something that you’re
not good at.
7. What have been your most significant failures and what did you learn from them?
 Significant failures during sometimes in an event when you are in a hurry. I get blurry
pictures of something important and I learned that you really have to check everything
before letting them go if there is a failure in the way you photograph because it take
some time to picture them again. Moments that passed cannot be returned.
8. How do you define success?
 When you see people satisfied and happy with your work that’s how I define success.
9. What makes an entrepreneur successful?
 When they make there costumer or client satisfied.
10. Where do you see your business in ten years?
 I see my business as I think thriving in ten years maybe we have already a company
where we train people to work with us and also inspired people to do the same business
as us and this business in the event industry
11. Being an entrepreneur, what goal/s in life you wanted to achieve?
 Of course to make our business progress, grow, bigger and better and to help and to
serve more people and to inspire them especially what they fell about them self. When
your photograph who is not confidence and they will see your output and they look
pretty and they look good in the picture it will boast a lot of confidence in them self
that’s the great achievement for us for being a photographer.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma
which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s
opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow
your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
Everything else is secondary.”

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