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As Alphonse de Lamartine once said “music is the literature of heart, it commences where

speech ends” I felt it by heart , because in my views it felt a lot true tears and music are what
takes over when I’m short of words. Whoever contributed to even the smallest bit of music
creation deserves a standing ovation. The pain as big as losing someone to as minor as the
answer of balance sheet not tallying can be portrayed by music so easily. As a child I used to
find it so extra when in an emotional music my mother used to cry but now when I myself listen
to music to console myself I totally get what she felt. Music provides a kind of mirror for our
emotions allowing us to see our own experiences on a deeper level. Music can sometimes be
visionary as well since a lot of professionals find music a pusher we can take example of people
going to gym on enquiring to one about what music do to her she said “even the beat of a
motivational song pumps my blood to run that extra mile or to lift that extra kg”. Music can very
easily portray any kind of emotions, pain joy , happiness and even boredom. A person with a
broken heart as well as a person with a well established life gets opposite moods with music.
The lyricists are some kind of magicians who know where to use which particular word to
describe a particular emotion. Even the devotional music holds an aura which helps us get
connected to god the space is instantly filled with positivity. What the Gen-Z call vibe is often set
for them by using music. Music mirrors our life so well that even when we don’t know it
somewhere a story similar to ours is heard, this also led to the emergence of rappers who spoke
out their words as fire and burnt hearts of those filled with jealousy and unfair intentions towards
them. Music industry around the globe provides relief to almost 90.15% people by music across
all genre. This is a remarkable effort as well as in hospitals musical therapy is proven helpful to
an extent that people have slipped out of coma. Along with this economically the music industry
is contributing around 31.2 billion US dollars along with direct employment to over a thousand
people in each country, along with an increase in tourism, charity and entertainment.

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