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The Academic Honour Code defines and entails Honourable behavior within the classroom, during

examinations, and while preparing material for credit. It provides a viable solution to problems such as
plagiarism, falsification, collusion and misrepresentation, and ensures academic and moral integrity. The
main objectives are that students only receive credit for their original work, that no student is involved
in gaining or providing access to unauthorized material during an examination, and that no student
exaggerates or misrepresents their achievements to gain academic or social advantage. False
accusations of having violated the Code will have repercussions.


All Lahore Grammar School Defence students are responsible for understanding what constitutes as a
violation of academic integrity at School.

1. Plagiarism: Students who submit academic work that uses others’ ideas, words, research, or images
without proper attribution and documentation are in violation of the Academic Code.

2. Collusion: This is defined as supporting malpractice of a fellow student, as in allowing one’s work to be
copied or submitted for assessment by another.

3. Misconduct: At Lahore Grammar School Defence, all examinations, including finals, midterms, and
quizzes, are administered under the Honour Code. Students pledge that they will not attempt to give or
receive an unfair advantage; taking unauthorized material into an examination or any other acts of
academic misconduct.

4. Falsification: The use of false/ fake data to complete an assignment is called falsification.

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