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ADL’s and IADL’s are important for the elderly because they deal with daily living
tasks. When it comes to things like preparing meals and taking medication
elderly people have limitations on their ADL’s and IADL’s. Kinesiologists need to
find ways to prevent or slow down the decline in function due to age or
decreased physical activity. In order to reverse the functional decline an increase
in physical activity is helpful.
2. Gestures are the intentional movements that communicate information to others.
They help to convey information, compliment words, and guide the flow of
conversations. They are usually specific to certain cultures, though they can
change overtime. There are also gestures in dance and rituals to help express
attitudes and feelings that can’t be expressed in words.
3. There are a few health benefits of regular activity. Being physically active can
help against heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Staying regularly active can help
prevent these problems and not be at high risk of obtaining them.
4. Competition can be a way for one to increase their level of performance in certain
activities. When competition is added especially in physical activities like sports it
can make it more fun to do. When going against others you allow yourself to test
your skills, helping to improve your performance. Though it does have negative
effects when people don’t think they are good enough which can increase anxiety
and reduce motivation.
5. An example of a physical activity that could nourish and maintain a state of
leisure would be going for a walk. Getting the body moving and being out in the
fresh air can help free the mind and body of stress. Doing a more intense form of
physical activity like running it could reduce the possibility of attaining leisure.
Since running can be more physically challenging it can cause more stress and
do the opposite of what a leisure activity should do.

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