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The Impact of Book Reading Activity in Student’s Career Development: An

Analytical Review with Reference to Readers’ Forum, MBU, Tirupathi.

A book is a good friend. A book springs pleasure, changes behaviours and
guides life like a good friend. They build bridges between generations and build
personalities. Reading is an indispensable activity that augments perceptive and
speculative development, especially among students. Reading marks an
academic and demonstrative progress of a student. Students who read well have
more prospects in broadening their psychological predictions and better
opportunities of success. It is very vigorous for students to master reading skills
as with improved reading skill, students will brand improved growth in all other
zones of learning. As upcoming leaders, students should inflate their reading
habits. Book reading is a serious facet of students' career development, as it
discovers them to numerous thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions, which augments
their knowledge and individual progress. For one to achieve real-world
competence and a vigorous intelligent growth, a reading habit is decisive. Apart
from that, reading speed, eloquence, terminology, universal acquaintance and
academic accomplishment can be established with a good reading habit. For
sure upright reading habits augment academic performance. Reading is must for
those who chase to rise above the ordinary. Reading is an initial to victory in
education. Students who have superfluous reading habits are qualified to have
improved job opportunities. Books can transform your career and life. This
paper principally affords an investigative insight into the reading habits and
attitudes of students and it gives an analytical review of the impact of book
reading activity on students' career development with reference to readers'
forum, MBU, Tirupati.
Literature Review:
Research studies have shown that book reading activity has a significant impact
on students' academic and personal development. According to Hutton et al.
(2019), reading books to children at a young age helps to develop language and
literacy skills, which are essential for academic success. Similarly, Cullinan and
Harwood (2013) noted that reading literature enhances critical thinking,
analytical skills, and creativity, which are important attributes for students'
career development.
Furthermore, book reading activity can help to improve students' knowledge
and skills, especially in specific career fields. For instance, in the medical field,
reading medical literature enhances medical students' knowledge and
understanding of various health conditions, which improves their clinical
decision-making skills (Kost et al., 2015). Similarly, reading literature related to
engineering or technology can enhance students' knowledge and skills in those

Moreover, book reading activity fosters social and emotional development

among students. Through reading books, students learn about different cultures,
societies, and perspectives, which enhances their empathy and social awareness
(Dalal, 2021). Additionally, reading can provide an escape from stress and help
students develop coping mechanisms to deal with challenging situations, which
is an important aspect of emotional intelligence.

Readers' forum is a platform where students can interact and share their reading
experiences, which can enhance their learning and personal growth. According
to Li et al. (2017), readers' forum promotes critical thinking, communication
skills, and social interaction, which are essential for students' career
development. Additionally, readers' forum provides an opportunity for students
to share their knowledge and learn from others, which enhances their learning
and personal growth.

In conclusion, book reading activity has a significant impact on students' career
development, as it enhances their academic, personal, and social skills. Reading
literature enhances critical thinking, analytical skills, and creativity, which are
important attributes for students' career development. Additionally, book
reading fosters social and emotional development among students, and it can
improve their knowledge and skills in specific career fields. Therefore,
educators and parents should encourage students to engage in book reading
activity, and readers' forum can be an effective platform for enhancing students'
learning and personal growth.

Cullinan, B. E., & Harwood, D. (2013). Literature and the child. Cengage
Dalal, P. (2021). The Emotional Benefits of Reading Books. Frontiers for Young
Minds, 9.
Hutton, J. S., Phelan, K., Horowitz-Kraus, T., Dudley, J., Altaye, M., DeWitt, T.,
& Holland, S. K. (2019). Shared Reading Quality and Brain Activation during
Story Listening in Preschool-Age Children. The Journal of pediatrics, 214, 92-
Kost, A., Chen, F. M., & Scaffidi, M. A. (2015). Medical students' use of and
attitudes towards medical textbooks: a national survey. Journal of medical
education and curricular development, 2, 33-40.
Li, Y., Wang, Y., Chen, N. S., & Liang, J. C. (2017). Understanding users'
satisfaction with reading experience in readers' forums: An empirical
investigation. Computers & Education, 107, 57-73.

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