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Commission of Higher Education

Region 1
Mystical Rose College of Science and Technology
Pogonlomboy, Mangatarem, Pangasinan
College of Education
A.Y 2023-2024

A Term Paper on NSTP


Submitted by:
Camacho Maricar R.

Submitted to:
Mr. Elgin Pagarigan


Reading is an essential skill that is necessary for success in every aspect of life. It is a
fundamental tool for learning, communication, and personal growth. In this essay, we will
explore the advantages and disadvantages of reading in everyday life. Reading is not only limited
to academic purposes but also extends to leisure and personal growth. In this section, we will
explore the impact of reading in everyday life, highlighting its benefits and significance. We will
examine how reading contributes to personal development, academic success, and mental health.
By understanding the impact of reading, we can appreciate its value and encourage its practice in
daily life


Reading can be a solitary activity that may lead to social isolation if done
excessively. However, reading can also be a social activity that can bring people together. Book
clubs and reading groups are popular ways for individuals to connect with others who
sharesimilar interests (Baker & Scher,2002) Exposing individuals to biased or inaccurate
information: With the rise of fake news and misinformation on the internet, reading may expose
individuals to biased or inaccurate information. Therefore, it is important to be critical of the
sources of information and verify them before accepting them as true (Pew Research Center,
2018) Broadening knowledge and understanding: Reading can help to broaden an individual's
knowledge and understanding of the world. According to a study by the National Endowment for
the Arts, individuals who read for pleasure are more likely to have higher levels of
civicengagement and cultural participation (NEA, 2007). Additionally, reading can improve
vocabulary and language skills, which can lead to better communication and relationships
(Cunningham & Stanovich, 1998).
According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), reading
is essential in the development of language, cognitive, and socio-emotional skills in children
(NICHD, 2000). In addition, reading has been found to improve vocabulary, comprehension, and
critical thinking skills in individuals of all ages (Merga2018). Moreover,reading has been linked
to better academic performance, with studies showing that students who read more tend to
perform better in school (Mol & Bus, 2011). Apart from academic benefits,
reading also has a positive impact on mental health. Studies have shown that reading can reduce
stress levels, improve mental clarity, and increase empathy and understanding (Kidd & Castano,
2013). Furthermore, reading can provide a sense of esca Santos (2015) has defined pleasure
reading as any form of reading that is fundamentally or socially promoted and is considered as a
pleasing activity for the reader. It refers to the act where the reader would read on his or her own
will rather than being forced, which stimulate positive emotions that inspire him or her to make
reading a personal desire. Pleasure reading can be also referred to as out-of-school reading,
voluntary reading, independent reading, leisure reading, recreational reading, and self-selected
reading. Jung (2016) also defines pleasure reading, where he described it as reading that I
performed primarily for enjoyment and recreational purposes. It includes an extensive range of
genres and publications that reading within a school environment would allow; it is also not
Necessarily restricted to the printed material and could include online reading as well.
While Bull (2017) defines pleasure reading as a non-oriented relation with texts as a way
to pass time and for enjoyment, he also describes it as the type of reading, which is voluntary and
is performed out of the reader’s choice that involves a text of interest to the reader. He further
explains that pleasure reading is not distinguished by the experience being pleasurable, but rather
by the purpose of the reading.


It is an approach that combines research and practice and facilitates the transfer of
research results into practice (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2016) Applied action research is designed by
teachers to find a solution to a problem they encounter in their classrooms, to improve the
learning level of students in any subject and to increase their own professional performance

(Creswell, 2013)
In line with the main focus on reading, concentrates on the relations between the readers and
their reading medium. Hence, variation in persons use of a reading medium and reading
habits determined the sample and not the socio-economic status of the readers. The main
selection criteria were that the informants enjoyed leisure reading and engaged in analogue
reading and digital reading with eyes, ears or both. Because of this initial information, the
interview sessions were effectively driven towards the readers’ making sense of their literary
reading under digitalization.


Reading is an essential skill that has a significant impact on everyday life. It is a fundamental
tool for learning, communication, and personal growth. In this essay, we will explore the impact
of reading in everyday life Firstly, reading can broaden an individual's knowledge and
understanding of the world. Through reading, individuals can learn about different cultures,
histories, and current events. This knowledge can help increase empathy and understanding of
others, which can lead to better communication and relationships.

Reading is an activity that has several benefits, such as to find information from text,
magazines, newspaper. There are at least 8 outlined benefits of reading according to Dewi (2013)
as follows: a. Reading as Active Mental Process When reading, students would be forced to
think about things not yet known. In this process, students would find out information that would
build students‟ critical thinking b. Improving Students‟ Vocabulary By reading, students can
learn new words and the meaning (as yet unknown) to read and understand the content of text. c.
Improving Concentration and Focus Students need to focus on books or texts that are being read
for a long time. Unlike magazines, internet or e-mail that only contains small pieces of
information, a book would tell the whole story Therefore it is necessary concentrating to read so

that the concentration of the students would be better. d. Building Self-Confidence The more
someone read, the more knowledge gained. Increasing knowledge, would further build
confidence. It was a chain reaction. e. Improving Memory Many studies have shown that, if one
does not use the memory, the memory can be lost. Reading is one of the activities that train the
memory. Reading helps stretch the memory because reading requires memory to detail, facts and
figures on a piece of literature, plot, theme or character of the story. Reading would make
someone memory will increase. f. Improving discipline Adding book and other sources as
written text in reading activities into students‟ daily schedule and stick to the schedule will
improve discipline g. Increasing Creativity Read about the diversity of life and open up to the
idea and the new information would help the development of students‟ creative side of the brain.
Despite the many advantages of reading, there are also some potential disadvantages.
Firstly, reading can be a time-consuming activity that may take away from other important tasks
or activities. Additionally, reading can be a solitary activity that may lead to social isolation if
done excessively.
Secondly, reading may also expose individuals to biased or inaccurate information, especially
with the rise of fake news and misinformation on the internet. Therefore, it is important to be
critical of the sources of information and verify them before accepting them as true.


Reading has a significant impact on everyday life. It is an essential tool for learning,
communication, and personal growth. Reading can broaden an individual's knowledge and
understanding of the world, improve cognitive function and memory retention, and reduce stress
levels. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential drawbacks of reading, such as
social isolation and exposure to biased or inaccurate information. By balancing reading with
other important activities, individuals can reap the benefits of reading while minimizing its
potential drawbacks. Overall, reading is a valuable skill that can enhance an individual's quality
of life and contribute to their personal and professional success. Reading opens up doors to new
worlds, provides entertainment, boosts the imagination, and has positive neurological and
psychological benefits. So, if anyone ever asks or you stop to think, “why is reading important”
you’re now well-read on the subject to provide a detailed response and share your own purpose
of reading (University of the People) It is not only improves vocabulary, comprehension and
language skills, but also expands one's knowledge, perspective and understanding of the world.
Reading can also stimulate creativity and imagination, relieve stress, and provide a source of
entertainment and relaxation (Feb 6, 2023).

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