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Learning Module

The Teaching

Knowledge Area Code : PRED

Course Code : PRED 0113
Learning Module Code : LM5-PRED 0113

This is a property of
Bataan Peninsula State Univers
PRED 0113

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Course Packet 03

Packet 03Course

Course Packet 03 discusses the first part of the big topic, Challenges in Teaching . This
course packet 03 covers the 3 related topics that bring challenges to teaching namely; Multiple
Intelligences, Multigrade Classes and Multicultural Education. The focus of discussion in this
course packet 03 is on 1. Discussion of the differences of this related challenging topics for
teachers and 2. the specific challenges that teachers face as they are handling classes with
these kind of challenges.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Differentiate the challenges being faced by teachers handling multiple intelligences,
multigrade education and multicultural education.
2. Identify mechanisms or strategies of teachers to overcome the challenges.

Learning Management System

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 Topic 03: Title of Topic 013 = Challenges in Teaching -1

3 hours

Delivery Mode - Asynchronous

Assessment with Rubrics ( to be provided in the activity sheet )


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It is true that teaching is the most rewarding
occupation and profession because Teaching is the
mother of all professions. Yet it is also true that Teaching
is the most challenging task known to be a Herculean
task for the many roles that teachers perform in different
and difficult situations. In this course packet , three very
challenging tasks of teachers will be presented to you.
Check how you can discover ways to overcome these

Pre-Assessment: WHAT IS MULTIPLE

How do the following pictures illustrate challenges to Teachers? INTELLIGENCES?

intelligences refers to
a theory describing the
different ways students
learn and acquire
information. These
multiple intelligences
range from the use of
words, numbers,
pictures and music, to
the importance of
social interactions,
introspection, physical
movement and being in
tune with nature.
Accordingly, an
understanding of which
type(s) of intelligence a
student may possess
can help teachers
adjust learning styles,
and suggest certain
career paths for

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Lesson Proper


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1. Intelligence is ‘the ability to think, reason, and understand

instead of doing things automatically or by instinct’.( Collins English
2. It is ‘the ability to understand and think about things, and to gain
and use knowledge’.( Macmillan Dictionary)
3.It is the ability to solve problems or fashion products that are
valuable in one or more cultural settings. Each person may have
different multiple
intelligences. Even everyone can possess more than one of it and
termed it as Multiple Intelligences. (Howard Gardner )


Multiple intelligences is a theory first posited by Harvard developmental

psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983 that suggests human intelligence can
be differentiated into eight modalities: visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic,
musical-rhythmic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal,
naturalistic and bodily-kinesthetic. Eschewing previously narrow,
preconceived notions of learning capabilities (for example, the concept of a
single IQ), the idea behind the theory of multiple intelligences is that people
learn in a variety of different ways.

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The teacher's role in multiple intelligences is an important one, and teachers

must work hard each day to make sure that multiple intelligences are valued
in the classroom and school. There are costs and barriers associated with
multiple intelligences, but there are also many benefits; these can positively
impact students as well as families and teachers.


teacher should be considering the following conceptual framework:

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Intelligence Abilities Description Ways of knowing

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Have highly developed Memorizing

1. Verbal- auditory skills and are
Ability to use
Linguistic Intelligence generally elegant Playing word games
words and
speakers, they think in
words rather than (scrabble,anagrams,pass
pictures word

Using the internet

Recording information
Think conceptually in
logical and numerical Playing strategy games(
patterns making Chess, checkers)
2. Logical- Ability to use
Mathematical connections between
logic, reason and
pieces of information, Analyzing Data
asks lots of questions
and like to do Asking logical
experiment. questions

Doing role play

Express themselves
through movements, Exercising while
3. Body/ Ability to control reviewing
with good sense of
Kinethetic body movement
balance and eye- hand
and handle objects
coordination, remember Visiting museums,parks
and process information
through space. Asking logical
Ability to perceive Think inpictures and Studying pictures
the Visual need vivid mental
images to create Watching movies
information, enjoy
4.Visual/Spatial looking at maps,pictures Using visual tangible
and videos aids

Doing mazes puzzles

Making predictions

5. Musical Intelligence
Ability to produce Think in sounds,rhythm
and patterns, respond to

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Listening to recordings’

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talking to self

reading aloud
appreciate or criticize
what they hear,
and appreciate recording a song
extremely sensitive to
environmental sounds
like crickets, bells, mentally repeating
dripping taps information

changing tempo

See things from other

people point of view, Studying with groups
uncanny ability to sense
feelings, intentions and Comparing information
motivations,great with others
Ability to relate organizer, maintain
6. Inter-personal peace in group settings,
and understand Doing cooperative work
Encourage cooperation, Relating personal
use verbal and non- experiences
verbal language for open
communication with

Avoiding distractions
Ability to self- Understand their inner
7. Intra-personal reflect and be feelings, dreams and Establishing personal
intelligence aware one’s state relationship with others, goals
of being strength and weaknesses
Working alone

Recognize plants
and animals,make Relating environmental
distinction in the issues and topics
world,understand Observing natural
systems and define phenomenon

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How Does the Teacher Adapt Classes to Multiple Intelligences?

Adapting Instruction to Multiple Intelligences

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Keep in mind that the multiple intelligences are problem-solving capabilities.

Allow students to use all the intelligences to solve a problem — read about it,
analyze it, draw it, act it out, work to a rhythm, relate it to nature, talk about it,
or reflect on it. Having multiple ways to solve a problem is beneficial for all of
us, particularly when problems are complex and require innovative thinking.
Multitudes of educational applications have been developed based on multiple
intelligence theory. Below are examples of three teaching structures that can
be used to address the intelligences in your classroom. You may implement
the structures sequentially, using the variation approach at the beginning of
the year, then add student choices, and finally teach bridging techniques to
the students. A combination of these structures ensures a balance of activities
to meet the needs of all your students. The multiple intelligences also make
great assessments.

Planning With Intelligence

The Variation Approach

When you first begin instruction using strategies compatible with the multiple
intelligences, your students will need to participate in a wide variety of
experiences to learn about their preferences. The teacher's lessons rotate
among the intelligences. All students complete the activities.
The Choice Approach

If the students are widely varied in their preferred intelligence or unsure of

their preferences, the teacher offers a choice in each intelligence to the
students. Students complete one or more activities.
The Bridge Approach

If the intelligence demand is primarily in one intelligence, the activity is

focused on that intelligence. All students do the activity together, and the
teacher offer bridging techniques to help students deal with the intelligence
and the content in a successful manner.

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Why Multigrade classes exist?
Source: Richlyn Vicente

1. Multigrade classes were organized as a matter of necessity for remote

barangays where the number of children enrolled could not meet the required
number to organize a single grade class and assign the necessary teacher for
each class.
2. Distance of the barrio and small number of students for each class.
3. Shortage of funds teachers and school buildings. What are the advantages and
challenges of a multigrade classes?


1. Maximum social interaction

between/among peers.
2. Cooperative learning is
3. Will learn to be independent, self-
directed learners can learn to be more Challenges
4. Prepared for real life – situations 1. Requires more discipline, greater
where there is constant interaction between concentration and more focus in order to benefit
people of different ages, varied skills and
from effective strategies e.g peer teaching, group
work, self directed learning.
5. Can learn to assume leading or
supporting role as needed in different work 2. Less reliance on direct supervision by
situations. teacher.
6. Stigma associated with failure and 3. Requires more initiative and resourceful
repetition is removed. to function effectively in a multigrade class.
7. Girls who are often expected to stay 4. May receive less individual attention
home or at least close to home to take care from a less experienced teacher or one who is
younger siblings or the household will have not well-trained in multigrade teaching.
more chances to go to school since schools
are located within the community.
8. Evidence suggests that multigrade
students can attain higher achievement levels
especially in math, science and language.

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1. Can make the most of inter-age,

multi- level situation to facilitate
learning processes.
2. Can get to know students more Challenges
and carefully asses their needs and
adopt appropriate teaching strategies 1. Requires more preparation of curriculum
3. Can innovate and experiment learning materials.
with different age groups and deal with 2. Requires more careful study of learner’s
curriculum content across subject areas. developmental characteristics across the age levels
4. Shares responsibility for involved in the class, approaches and strategies
facilitating learning with pupils, that are effective and viable within a multigrade
parents, other community members class.
5. More opportunities for activity 3. More investment in organization of the
– centered, experience – based classroom as learning environment.
approaches rather than whole group, 4. More meticulous and systematic record
lecture/drill/rote methods of teaching. keeping to keep track of student progress,


Advantage Challenges

1. Efficient means of providing 1. Student achievement may be poor if

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educational services to thinly populated

areas and remote communities.
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Efficient means of using limited
educational resources such as trained
teachers, classrooms, and materials.
3. Maintaining small barrio schools
help to build and sustain the identity of programs do not have the required resources
the community and the cultural life of and teachers are not properly trained.
the people in the community. 2. Requires investment in training of
teachers, supervisors and administrative
personnel to prepare them for the demands of
mulltigrade teaching and administration of
multigrade schools.

What does effective multigrade teaching involve?

1. Systematic, well-organized and planned instructional delivery and grouping.

2. A well – managed classroom that is conducive to learning because the
necessary resources are available and the necessary discipline among the
students has been developed so that they can focus on learning.
3. A cooperative learning environment where self-directed learning is balanced
with teacher – directed activities, peer teaching and group work.
4. A teacher who is well – prepared to actually serve as a FACILITATOR of
learning rather than as than as the only source of knowledge in the classroom
and who is well – prepared to apply a variety of instructional strategies and
techniques to suit the varied needs of learners.
5. A well – designed curriculum that allows for and encourages integration of
subject matter areas and a variety of activities as learning experiences for the

Basic Principles of Multigrade Teaching

1. Children are unique.

2. Children can learn best from experience.
3. Children can and do learn well from one another.

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4. The role of teacher in a classroom involves setting – up and managing a

learning environment that will be conducive to learning and teaching.
5. The implementation of the school curriculum must take into consideration the

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varied abilities, levels and interests within particular group.
6. The value of any educational program will be judged according to how well it
is able to achieve the goals of the program – whether the children actually
learn what they are expected to learn and how well they have learned.
7. Inter – aging or the combination of children of different ages is more
respectful of individual needs of learners and reflects real – life.

The component of a multigrade classroom

1. Learner – the center of the educational process.

2. Teachers – a critical figure in the teaching – learning environment.

Facilitator Instructor Manager Observer Evaluator Planner

3. Other adults like parents and community members.

Classroom Management Practices as Best Strategies for an Effective Multigrade


A. Instructions

1. Provides different lesson in every subject for the two grade level
2. Plans learning activities to suit pupils’ ability and interest.
3. Divide class into small group and individual group within a day.
4. Time management is shown by alternating whole group periods with small
group activities and individual work within a day.
5. Prepares different sets of test by grade.
6. Provides pupils with necessary materials to work independently after whole
group or small group instruction.

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7. Allows one grade to work or read independently or in group while discussing

lessons to other grade level.
8. Treats two grade level as one in the class with different activities suited to

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their level.

B. PupilManagement

1. Assign seats for individual whole group activity.

2. Schedules classroom routine such as flag ceremony, attendance taking, and
classroom maintenance activity.
3. Provides attendance chart to be filled up by pupils as soon as they arrive in
4. Prepares daily/weekly job chart for the children to accomplish.
5. Establish clear class routines such as passing of papers, falling in line and
doing individual/group works.
6. Provide an access to all pupils.
7. Involve children in classroom maintenance by using the “Job Chart”.
8. Allows pupils to sit by grade level facing to their own blackboard.
9. Schedules daily routines and activities.

C. Discipline

1. Sets classroom rules and regulations for the children to follow.

2. Talks privately to the disruptive pupils.

3. Explains classroom rules clearly.
4. Imposes rules in passing or checking papers, quizzes and assignments.
5. Treats pupils with justice and fairness.
6. Assign pupil secretary to monitor class behavior.
7. Requires pupils to fall in line before entering and leaving the classroom.
8. Checks then accomplishments for daily routinary activities.
9. Treats pupil with justice and fairness.

D. Classroom Atmosphere

1. Blackboards are in opposite walls of the classroom.

2. Classroom lay out is flexible to cater indoor game.
3. Desks/chairs are lighter capable to be moved and can be moved freely for
group activities.
4. Furniture and equipments are in movable type capable for arranging and
5. Learning materials are properly arranged and prepared by teachers.
6. Provides a variety of arrangements throughout the year.
7. Arranges furniture in such a way it provide for convenient flow.
8. Labels the areas of the classrooms and containers of materials for the children
to easily learn its usage and function.
9. Classroom is attractively and neatly arranged.

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10. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness inside the classroom.

11. All parts of the room are well ventilated.

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Multicultural education is a field of study and an emerging discipline whose major aim
is to create equal educational opportunities for students from diverse racial, ethnic, social-
class, and cultural groups. One of its important goals is to help all students to acquire the
knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function effectively in a pluralistic democratic
society and to interact, negotiate, and communicate with peoples from diverse groups in
order to create a civic and moral community that works for the common good."



Classroom teaching is always a challenge for practicing teachers. How they will
approach the lessons in relation to the learning environment and the diversity of learners is
the everyday challenge of a teacher. As Boham 2012 emphasized We, as teachers, know it’s
important for the new generation know the concept of being born in a multicultural state &
country that will empower them to have an open mind to develop respect for others
regardless of their color & race. The curriculum will be developed around the students
interests that may foster intrinsic motivation & stimulates the passion of learning. In today's
world, a student can visualize a world where the individual will learn to respect, accept &
embrace the differences between the student & the teacher. The teacher’s main goal will be
guiding the students' learning in a direction relevant to their own interest, providing a
curriculum that gives the opportunity for input, where students can generate ideas & set
objectives that will make a much consistent activity assisted in a multicultural lesson plan
which will give them security. Students may gain ownership in the curriculum, they are
motivated to work hard & master the skills necessary to reach their goals, due to the potential
influence of personal traits on teacher multicultural efficacy, it's important to determine how
these variables might be related. (Nadelson, L.S., Boham, 2012)



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1. Content Integration deals with the infusion of various cultures, Ethnicities

and other identities to be represented in the curriculum.
2. Knowledge Construction Process describes lessons and activities the

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teachers implement to assert positive images of ethnic groups and to
improve intergroup relations.
Prejudice Reduction -Modifying teaching styles and approaches to
facilitate the intent of academic achievement for all students.
4. Equity Pedagogy Describe the examination of the school culture and
organization by all members of school staff with the intent to restructure
institutional practice to create access for all groups (Banks, 2004)

Four Levels Of Multicultural Education Approaches

1. Contribution Approach Deals with heroes, holidays
and discrete cultural elements. Teachers conviniently
infuse cultural themes like holidays and heroes into the
2. Additive Approach . Where teachers add content, concepts, themes, and
perspectives that are multicultural without changing the structure of their
instructional materials. Here teachers work hard to infuse multicultural
themes, content, and perspective into the main curriculum. This usually
entails worksheets and reading materials on
3. specific cultural activities’ related to the main topic being taught.
4. Transformative Approach Requires teachers to change
the structure of their curriculum to enable students to
engage concepts, issues, events, and themes from a
multicultural perspective. Here the teacher uses the
mainstream subjects like mathematics, the arts, and
language and literature to acquaint students with the
ways the country’s culture and society has emerged
from a complex synthesis and interaction of the diverse
cultural elements that originated within the various
cultural, racial, ethnic and religious groups that make
up the society
5. Social Action Approach Allows the students to make
decisions on important social issues and take actions to
help solve them.

Post-Assessment: Using the same pictures given to you

earlier.. choose the most challenging for you and discuss why
for 10 points. Cite bases from the lecture.

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Activity Sheet
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Case Situation: Suppose there will be an International Youth Encounter to be held in the
Philippines and you are assigned to welcome the Asian students for the First day. Using the
lecture on Multicultural Education, discuss the activities that you are going to do to welcome
the senior students coming from different Asian countries. Give your bases or justification of
the activities that you will sage.

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Make a comparative presentation of the challenges and mechanisms that teachers face when
handling: 1. Multicultural Classes 2. Multigrade Classes and indicate how multiple
intelligences matter in those 2 challenging classes.

Application of
Multiple I.
Challenges Mechanisms
(type of
(description) ( procedure)
(10pts) (10pts) discussion)
(10 pts.)

1.Multigrade class

2. Multicultural

3. Differentiated I.
( optional )

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Learner’s Feedback Form

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Name of Student: __________________________________________________________
Program : __________________________________________________________
Year Level : ______________ Section : __________________
Faculty : __________________________________________________________
Schedule : __________________________________________________________

Course Packet : Code : _________ Title : __________________________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

 I completely get it.  I’m struggling.
 I’ve almost got it.  I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this course packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?

Did you raise your concern to you instructor?  Yes  No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?


To further improve this course packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


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02 0323

Adapting Instruction to Multiple Intelligences

Brown, B. A. (2010). Multigrade teaching: A review of issues, trends and practices. Johannesburg,
South Africa: The Center for Education Policy Development.

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