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People have a tendency to make their life better, learn something

new or simply improve their skills when they have an ideal

example of person who they would like to be. But why? Why do
we need to find a person who will give us an inspiration to go on
and make our life as great as possible.
Our parents always told that we need follow the example of older
sister, brother or even some strange people. And when we grow up,
we find such people by ourself. No doubt, there are so many
talented, wise, strong open-heart people who change our world for
better. What about me, Johnny Depp is a person who inspires me,
who makes me become better, and there is a list of different reasons
for it.
First of all, he is a world-famous actor who made a name for
himself, without anybody’s help. He is respected by millions of
people even in the hardest time in his life. To be more exact, when
a scandal about his love has ruined his career, and when some of
his friends have betrayed him, his fans have remained faithful for
him. Even when he was ready to give up, people were supporting
him in spite of everything. This moment reminds me that our
actions can talk much more about us then anybody else.
Secondly, I am impressed by his attitude towards children. He
visits young children in hospitals in a pirate costume. So that they
can forget about their illness for a second and just enjoy life. He
also often donates thousands of dollars to help hospitals that
specialize in cancer.
In conclusion, this person with such a bright soul and big heart
teaches me to not betray not only your principles, but also not to
betray yourself. Besides, fighting for justice, can cost more, but it’s
worth it.

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