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Reflection on "Matrix Application in Engineering" by Ahmeed Abdulkareem Hadi

Introduction and Summary of the Paper:

Through the article "Matrix Application in Engineering" by Ahmeed Abdulkareem Hadi, I recently got
the chance to learn more about matrices as an Advanced Engineering Mathematics student. The theoretical
knowledge of matrices and their practical applications in numerous engineering fields are crucially connected
by the ideas presented in this work. In my perspective, I want to highlight the main ideas of the article, offer my
own responses and thoughts, critically evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, and think about how this
new information can affect my academic career and potential engineering career.
The study by Ahmeed Abdulkareem Hadi examines the wide range of technical uses for
matrices. It explains how matrices are essential tools for tackling complicated engineering issues, from control
systems and optimization to structural analysis and electrical circuit modeling. The adaptability of matrices in
describing and resolving practical issues is emphasized throughout the study, along with their importance in
simplifying complicated systems and enabling accurate computations.

Personal Reaction/Reflection:

As an Electrical Engineer, I cannot deny the importance of Matrices in our field but there are several
difficulties related with their use. The computational difficulty that comes while solving big matrix problems is
one significant issue mostly if you do it manually. These equations can become extremely massive and
computation can be intensive in real-world electrical systems. So, I must need to use specialized software and
hardware to efficiently handle these complicating matrix equations such as MathLab.
Furthermore, interpreting matrix results in practical terms can be difficult. To extract useful
insights from matrix-based analyses, I must have a thorough understanding of the physical systems with which
they are working. This necessitates a solid understanding of both mathematical ideas and electrical
engineering fundamentals.
As I read the article, I was really impressed by the variety of technical applications
that matrices provide some which I did not know during my undergraduate study. It was really insightful how
the author was able to relate abstract mathematical ideas to real-world engineering difficulties. All though I
didn’t completely finish reading the book, I was able to scan on some of the topics. The section on structural
analysis, which showed how matrices may be utilized to predict the behavior of complicated structures under
different loads, really captured my interest because I thought most of the applications of matrices are related
in the field of electrical engineering since I’m an electrical engineer by profession. This struck a chord with me
because it supported the notion that mathematical tools like matrices are not only intangible ideas but also
effective problem-solving techniques with application to the actual world.
The article also gave me the opportunity to consider my personal
experiences as an engineering student. I thought back to situations where my knowledge of matrices had been
crucial in resolving technical issues. For instance, matrices were crucial in examining the stability and
effectiveness of control systems in a control systems course. I would have found it difficult to understand these
complex systems without a strong foundation in matrix operations and eigenvalues.

Critical Analysis:

Hadi's work provides a thorough review of engineering matrix applications, although there are a few
places where it may be enhanced. Firstly, the paper does an excellent job of showcasing the applications of
matrices in engineering, it could benefit from more detailed examples and practical case studies. Some of the
concepts introduced, especially in the later sections, might be challenging for readers who are new to matrix
mathematics. Providing more step-by-step examples and illustrations would enhance the paper's accessibility
and effectiveness. Secondly, while the article offers real-world examples of matrix application, a wider range of
technical specialties and more focused case studies would make it more thorough. Further research on the
difficulties engineers can have while using matrices in practice would also be helpful.

Future Considerations & Conclusions:

The significance of matrices in my engineering education has been underlined by this thought. I want
to improve my knowledge of matrix operations and how they are used in different technical fields. I
understand the value of having a strong foundation in matrices for my schoolwork as well as for my future
profession as an electrical engineer. I plan to look for new materials and work on matrices-related challenges
to address the areas where I can sharpen my abilities. In addition, I intend to go into more complex areas of
linear algebra like eigenvalue analysis and singular value decomposition, which are very pertinent to
engineering applications. Since, there is a rise in the technology such as improvement of Software I think the
use of Matrices could be used more in the future in the academy or in the field of engineering application.

In summary, Ahmeed Abdulkareem Hadi's "Matrix Application in Engineering" has helped me

appreciate more on the usefulness of matrices in engineering and given insightful information on the variety of
uses for them. This reflection has highlighted how crucial it is for me to keep learning about this topic since
doing so will certainly improve my ability to solve problems and help me succeed in the engineering sector.

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