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Superficial muscle:

Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Action

Cutaneous trunci Cutaneous trunci Axilla and on the caudal border of Lateral thoracic nerve Tense the skin when required
deep pectoral muscle

Extrinsic muscle of the forelimb:

Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Action

A. Superficial pectoral Cranial end of the sternum Greater tubercle of the humerus Cranial pectoral nerves To adduct the limb

I. Transverse 2 and 3 Sternebrae “ “ “

Ii. Descending Manubrium “ “ “

B. Deep pectoral Caudal end of the sternum Lesser tubercle of the humerus Caudal pectoral nerves Draw the limb caudally and flex the
shoulder joint

C. Brachiocephalicus Clavicular intersection Distal third of the humerus Accessory nerve and ventral Advance the limb
branches of cervical spinal

I. Cleidobrachialis “ Humerus “ “

Ii. Cleidocervicalis “ Neck “ “

Iii. Cleidomastoideus “ Skull “ “

D. Sternocephalicus Manubrium of the sternum Head Accessory nerve and ventral To draw the head and neck to the
branches of cervical spinal side.

I. Sternomastoideus “ “ “ “

Ii. Sternooccipitalis First sternebra or manubrium The mastoid part of the temporal Accessory nerve and ventral To draw the head and neck to the
bone and the nuchal crest of the branches of cervical spinal side.
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occipital bone. nerves.

Iii. Sternohyoideus The first sternebra and the first Basihyoid bone. Ventral branches of cervical To pull the tongue and larynx
costal cartilage spinal nerves. caudally.

Iv. Sternothyroideus The first costal cartilage. The caudolateral surface of the “ “
thyroid cartilage.

E. Omotrasversarius Extends from the distal end of Distal end of the spine of the Accessory nerve To advance the limb or flex the neck
the spine of the scapula to the scapula laterally.

F. Trapezius Median raphe of the neck The spine of the scapula Accessory nerve To elevate and abduct the forelimb.

I. Thoracic part Spine of thoracic 3- 9 “ “ “

Ii. Cervical part Median raphe of the neck “ “ “

G. Rhomboideus Beneath the trapezius Dorsal border of the scapula. Ventral branches of cervical and To elevate the forelimb and draw the
thoracic spinal nerves. scapula against the trunk

I. Rhomboideus capitis Cranial dorsal border of the Nuchal crest of the occipital bone “ “

Ii. Rhomboideus cervicis Median raphe of the neck Dorsal border of the scapula. “ “

Iii. Rhomboideus thoracis Thoracic vertebrae “ “ “

H. Latissimus dorsi Thoracolumbar fascia Teres major tuberosity of the Thoracodorsal nerve To draw the free limb caudally as in
humerus and the teres major digging; to flex the shoulder joint.

I. Serratus ventralis Transverse processes of the last The dorsomedial third of the scapula Ventral branches of cervical To support the trunk and depress
5 cervical vertebrae and the first spinal nerves and the long the scapula.
7 or 8 ribs ventral to their middle. thoracic nerve (c7).

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