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Nathaniel Atra Pratama

My name is Nathaniel Atra Pratama. My friends used to call me natan. Currently I am
studying at the State Polytechnic of Malang, with the Marketing Management Study Program,
Department of Business Administration. I live at Simpang Amandit No.7 Malang.
As a student, I spend time on campus, because my campus schedule is busy and I also
participate in organizations. I start the day on campus at 7 in the morning sometimes also at 8
in the morning before leaving I have breakfast and say goodbye to my mother first, because
my father has passed away and my mother has to make a living I go alone by motorbike, but
sometimes I also go with my friends with his motorbike because our house is in line with the
campus and his house is a little farther from campus so my friends sometimes pick me up to
go together. My campus schedule starts from 7 am to 3 pm sometimes up to 5 pm and even up
to 8 pm.
I joined the Student Business Organization (USMA) where my colleagues and I learned
various things such as: joint entrepreneurship, Learning from Entrepreneurs who are already
big enough, conducting Seminars, holding competitions around entrepreneurial design, and
many more. when I was in the first semester, I was trained with various work programs and
became a committee in the work program, starting from being a member of the coordinator,
becoming a coordinator, to having been the chief executive of the comparative study program.
Free time after lectures is immediately used for organizational activities such as coming home
from lectures directly followed by meetings for the study program being run, holidays are
used to discuss and arrange things that need to be prepared to carry out the study program.
When the time is really free, I take the time to help my mother in making merchandise, of
course, after I finish the assignment from the lecturer. even though I have a lot of busy
activities I can still manage my time, maybe it's hard for now but I'm sure this can be useful
for me in the future.
 Complete their studies well and achieve good grades in academics.
 Be a person who grows every day
 Can make parents happy and also become a person of steel mentality.
 Always run optimally
 Managing time in terms of lectures, organizing, and helping parents
 Always be thankful

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