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Name : Mauliza

Unit : 6b
Nim : 2007201055
Title : Community Health Center

1.)Pre-Reading; Answer this question based on your own individually

Community Health Center we called Puskesmas in Indonesia, and then answer thie
1.What is the function of the puskesmas for the community?
>As a center for community health development in the region. Fostering community
participation in the work area in order to increase the ability to live a healthy
life. Providing comprehensive and integrated health services to the community in
its working area.
2. Who can seek treatment at the Puskesmas?
> Puskesmas services can be obtained by everyone, whether they have BPJS Kesehatan
or not. But of course the costs incurred will be different. BPJS users will not be
charged for treatment, while those who do not have BPJS will be charged normal
medical fees. When seeking treatment at the Puskesmas, patients only need to show
3. What are the requirements for treatment at the Puskesmas?
> The conditions that need to be brought and shown are:
a. New patient, bring valid ID (KTP / SIM / Student Card / Student Card)
b. Old patient, bring medical card.
c. Patient Health Insurance. Bring a valid Health Insurance Card: ASKES /
4. Does every Puskesmas have a type? When do you say?
>yes, each pukesmas has a different type, for example:
a. Puskesmas type A is fully led by doctors
b. Type B Health Centers are not fully led by
c. Type C Health Centers are led by medical
5. Do you know the requirements for getting a certain type at each Puskesmas?
>You only need to show an identity card (e-KTP or Health BPJS). Then wait for the
turn of service. After getting their turn, the patient will be directed to the
doctor's examination place (poly) according to his complaint.

2.)Reading comprehension;: Please answer the following questions with your partner
related the article.
1. What is the government's goal of establishing community health centers in each
> . To create a society that has healthy behavior which includes awareness, will
and ability to live a healthy life
>To create a society that is able to reach quality health services
2 .what are the goals of health development in community health centers?
>provid basic,comprehensive,plenary and integrated health services for all
residents living in the working area of the puskesmas
3. To create a society that lives in a healthy environment;
<carry out each action according to the procedure and ensure that everything is
safety under control in taking action
4. To realize a society that has optimal health degrees, both individuals,
families, groups and communities
<as health workers ,we must be responsible for our work.And the responsibility must
go to puskesmas A however ,because they live in another sub-district ,they may
suggest that the community come to the nearest puskesmas ,if the services or
facilities are incomplete ,they can choose another puskesmas for the patient
5.who is responsible for nutrition health services?

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