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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: ENHYPEN (Band)
Relationship: Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN)/Everyone, Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN) &
Everyone, Kim Sunoo/Park Sunghoon (ENHYPEN), Kim Sunoo & Park
Sunghoon (ENHYPEN), Kim Sunoo/Lee Heeseung, Kim Sunoo & Lee
Heeseung, Kim Sunoo/Yang Jungwon, Kim Sunoo & Yang Jungwon,
Kim Sunoo & Nishimura Riki | Ni-Ki, Kim Sunoo/Park Jongseong | Jay,
Kim Sunoo & Park Jongseong | Jay, Kim Sunoo/Sim Jaeyun | Jake,
Kim Sunoo & Sim Jaeyun | Jake
Character: Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN), Park Sunghoon (ENHYPEN), Lee Heeseung,
Yang Jungwon, Lee Jangjun, Park Jongseong | Jay, Sim Jaeyun | Jake,
Nishimura Riki | Ni-ki
Additional Tags: Kim Sunoo-centric (ENHYPEN), Everyone Loves Kim Sunoo
(ENHYPEN), Hurt Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN), Alternate Universe - Pirate,
Park Sunghoon Is Whipped (ENHYPEN), Lee Heeseung Is Whipped
(ENHYPEN), Yang Jungwon is Whipped (ENHYPEN), Park Jongseong
| Jay is Whipped (ENHYPEN), Sim Jaeyun | Jake is Whipped
(ENHYPEN), Nishimura Riki | Ni-ki is Whipped (ENHYPEN), Mentioned
Jangjun, Mentioned ITZY Ensemble, sunoo bites a lot, Sunoo Is A Little
Shit, not really canon-compliant, jungwon is the captain, they all love
sunoo very much, Slow Build, they're looking for treasure, Homophobic
Language, Violence, a lot of fighting, enhypen are pirates, Everyone Is
Gay, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-05-14 Completed: 2022-09-03 Words: 16,152
Chapters: 9/9

by Sunooluv3



In which petty street thief Kim Sunoo finds himself on a ship of 6 dangerous, yet utterly
stupid pirates, set sail to find the treasure in the Lost City of Atlantis.

(This is the enhypen version of my work 'Desire ||WOOSAN||)



Here's the enhypen version of the my Woosan Pirate fic! This will be the exact same plot and
everything as 'Desire ||WOOSAN||', except with different characters and fandom references. Since
everyone kept saying they wanted different sunoo ships, I've decided to make this a
SunooXEnhypen fanfiction.

Also, if you're also an atiny interested in woosan, be sure to check out the original book as well!


This book contains:

- A lot of swearing and inappropriate language - because they're pirates and I'm Australian.

- Violence and gorey scenes (a lot of fighting)

- Mentions of sexual violence and abuse

- Crude humour, sexual humour, dad humour

- Homophobic slurs (censored), mentions of homophobic themes

- No smut, however, there will be sexual themes included

- Pirate themed (+lots of pirate references), set long ago ykwim

- Romanticisation of violence, pirates, etc.

- A lot of 'Aladdin' references

- Homosexual romance, they're basically all gay.

- Not canon-compliant

- Other kpop groups and idols will be mentioned (itzy, ateez, skz etc.)

- Everyone is two years older than their current age, so that Ni-ki is an adult.
Heeseung=23, 02z=22, Sunoo=21, Jungwon=20, Ni-ki=18


Main ships (order is not relevant):

Kim Sunoo X Lee Heeseung

Kim Sunoo X Park Jongseong

Kim Sunoo X Sim Jaeyun
Kim Sunoo X Park Sunghoon

Kim Sunoo X Yang Jungwon

Kim Sunoo X Nishimura Riki


I do not wish to offend anyone with the content in this book, it is all for entertainment purposes
only. This is entirely fictional and has no correlation to real people or events. If you find any errors
or mistakes, please point them out kindly since I do tend to miss a lot of typos when editing.

Please do not plagiarise this story as it is all my hard work and effort. If you do not like the content,
then just don't read it :)

Don't forget to vote and comment, I absolutely love reading all your comments and talking with
you guys.




In which petty street thief Kim Sunoo finds himself on a ship of 6 dangerous, yet utterly stupid
pirates, set sail to find the treasure in the Lost City of Atlantis.


Coming soon!

Crossposted on Wattpad © @Sunooluv3 <3

[1] Eye meets in that short instant
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Never did twenty-one-year-old Kim Sunoo think he'd find himself in this situation, stuck in the
classic 'give us the money, or walk the plank' scenario, but then again, he should've known better
than to one-up a large 6-feet, drunk fifty-year-old, over a bag of silver.

In all honestly, he never expected the large hairy man to be the captain of a pirate crew. Instead he
thought he was messing with an old drunk traveller who he could probably nab after he had passed
out, but of course he misread the situation once again. Before he knew it, 3 different pairs of
grubby hands clawed at him, throwing him onto the deck of what he presumed was their ship.

And here he was, arms very tightly bound behind his back that they had tinted to a purple-ish hue
and he couldn't feel the ends of his index finger anymore. A snarl left his lips as he stared down the
group of savage men in front of him, trying to figure out why of all people that could've captured
him, it had to be pirates.

Swash-buckling, sword-wielding, beer-drinking, wife-stealing, nasty, rugged old pirates.

Sunoo was never weak-stomached, having seen the worst of human mutilations and one-two-
many-operations-gone-wrong in his time, but the scent of saltwater mixed with the stench of spoilt
beer and the now-dead cat that lay lifelessly by the ropes made him want to hurl every organ out of
his body.

"Lower yer gaze, boy." The hairy man from in front of him snarled, clearly not liking the way
Sunoo stared at him, but it only made the young male glare even harder.

"Fucking bastards." Sunoo scoffed, and before he knew it, his head was thrown to the side and his
left cheek burned an angry red. Fuck he cursed internally at the stinging feeling, absolutely hating
it when someone laid their hands on him without him being able to do the same.

He winced from the pain and grit his teeth, as an overly sweaty hand grappled onto his jaw and
forced his head to look up. The twenty-one-year-old squinted as the sun blared into his eyes and the
horribly ugly image of the old man came into his vision.

Sunoo found it comical really.

Jangjun always told him that 'he'd get his ass handed to him one day' to which he then cheekily
replied 'if it's my ass, I'd gladly accept it', but now things started to make sense and he so
desperately wished he'd listened to the older back then.

His lips turned upward at the memory, and he momentarily forgot that he was still held captive in
front of paedophiles, abusers, rapists, murderers- pure evil. The old pirate's nostrils flared at the
sight of the younger smiling, finding great offence in the fact that he had the audacity to smile in a
situation like this.

"Fuck ye smiling at, boy?" The old man snarled at the boy angrily, seemingly snapping Sunoo out
of his daze as he looked at the old man in confusion.

"Yer ugly face." Sunoo mocked the way the old man spoke, infuriating him to the core.
The old pirate let go and reached to his scabbard and swung forth his sword, holding it in the air
above his head. "DIE, STREET RAT!" He yelled and slammed the sword forward, but Sunoo was
faster as he moved his body to place the knot of the ropes that tied his hands together right under
where the sword hit, and they were cut apart.

As soon as Sunoo's hand were free, he jumped up and threw a hard punch right on the old pirate's
nose, causing the old man to cry out in pain. Sunoo cackled as he shook his fist, feeling pride at the
clean blow and he ran away from the main deck, jumping down to the docks and feeling into the
city streets, all the while the rest of the pirate crew stood stunned at the fact that someone was able
to assault their captain.

"DON'T JUST GAZE AT ME, KILL THAT VERMIN!" The old man yelled, making everyone
panic as they grabbed their weapons and set off after Sunoo.


Sunoo giggled to himself from atop of the windowsill that he had climbed onto, watching in
amusement as the old men of the pirate crew ran through the streets like lost children trying to find
their mother.

Idiots. Sunoo thought pridefully as he inhaled the aromatic scents that filled the bazaar. It's not like
he purposely wanted to get bound up and beaten to death by pirates, but when the old man had
dared to say that the sack of silver Sunoo had snatched from another rich traveller was his, Sunoo
couldn't take it.

It was his life's work after all. Called many names: 'vermin', 'scoundrel', 'illegitimate child'- since
the tender age of 7, Kim Sunoo had to survive in this cruel world in his own way.

Pickpocketing, thieving, taking drastic measures to survive, whatever you call it doesn't change the
fact that in this world, Sunoo was alone. He had learned the hard way when he realised that no one
was going to lend a hand to a poor street rat like him unless they needed something from him.

The streets became a second home for him, and he knew all the ins-and-outs of the bazaar and the
buildings surrounding it. Growing up in the desert did have its benefits, although he did wish for
more in his life - more than rummaging through abandoned houses for so merely as a final meal for
him to eat.

His eyes wandered over the bazaar and a smirk appeared on his lips at the sight of a person
reaching over the jeweller's stalls and swiping the jewellery into their cloak. Sunoo raised an
eyebrow as he jumped down to a lower window and tried to get a better look at the thief, but it was
to no avail as they had the lower half of their face covered by a cloth and the hood of their cloak
hiding away their eyes.

A loud scream was suddenly heard, alerting Sunoo as he looked away from the cloaked person for
a second, only to look back and see them being roughly handled by a merchant.

"THEIF! A THIEF!" The merchant cried while holding tightly onto the person's wrist. Sunoo
watched intently, finding humour in the fact that this person was able to be caught as quickly as he

It was always the new thieves and pickpockets that came here and got into trouble because they
were always underestimating the merchants and salesmen. Sunoo blames himself for that though,
having raised their guards after stealing from them his entire life.
"Unhand me!" The person said, and Sunoo froze for a second, surprised at how deep their voice
was as he had expected the person to be a woman considering how lean their figure was.

Their voice was more of a mellowy deep rather than a raspy or husky deep, and Sunoo had to
admit, he felt a tad bit jealous, seemingly never losing the high pitch in his own voice. He jumped
down from his perch on the window and walked towards the circle of a crowd that had been
created around the merchant's stall.

"How dare you steal from me? Give me back my jewels or I'll swipe your head off your neck." the
merchant said loudly to grab the attention of others. Sunoo found himself entertained as he leaned
against one of the beams supporting the roof of the stalls.

"I didn't steal anything from you. You're delusional." The deep voice spoke out again, startling
Sunoo again.

"DELUSIONAL?!" The merchant asked loudly in great offence. Sunoo got bored very easily of
their conversation and he turned around ready to leave when he heard the merchant speak again.

"This is what I hate about you pretty thieves. You act as if you're all high and mighty when you're
nothing but fucking vermin. If I killed you right here, no one would say anything. You know
why?" He snarled as he leaned down closer to the cloaked man. "Because you're nothing but a
filthy street rat."

That was it.

Sunoo's hands turned to fists as he abruptly turned around in anger, his eyebrows furrowed deeply
as a hard glare was set on his face. He wouldn't have usually cared for someone getting beaten, but
regardless of the cloaked man's reasons for stealing, he didn't deserve to die and Sunoo wasn't
going to stand by and let that happen.

His moral compass was a tad bit fucked, but that's what happens when you grow in horrible slums
where it's survival of the fittest and every man for themselves.

The merchant grabbed one of the knives that he had by in the stall and raised it towards the
cloaked man who was starting to panic and thrash around to escape. Without thinking, Sunoo
quickly grabbed a large jade necklace from the stall and flung it at the merchant's eye as if it was a
slingshot. The old man howled in pain and let go of the cloaked man's wrist who turned to Sunoo
in confusion.

"I gotta say, your necklaces do make good weapons." Sunoo chuckled as he slipped a few ruby
rings onto his finger.

"It's you." The merchant snarled venomously as he snapped his head up to face Sunoo, wanting
nothing more than to skin him alive.

"I'm flattered you remember me." Sunoo winked as he glanced at the cloaked man, signalling to
him with his eyes. The man seemed blank, barely moving as if he was a statue. Sunoo internally
groaned and tried to think of a distraction while the merchant was raising his knife towards him.

"Well, tis' been a lovely chat, but-" Sunoo suddenly pulled the tablecloth, sending all of the
jewellery flying into the air and falling to the ground. The merchant gasped and while he tried to
retrieve his treasures, Sunoo turned to the stranger and grabbed his wrist hurriedly.

"Quick!" He whisper-shouted and pulled the stunned stranger along with him as they rushed
through the massive crowd that had gone ballistic at the sight of free jewellery and treasures on the

"GET BACK HERE, STREET RATS!" The merchant called, but it was to no avail as Sunoo had
already fled off with the mysterious cloaked male.


Once they had gotten out of sight, the cloaked male had taken his hood and mask off, revealing a
very pretty face that had Sunoo stunned momentarily. The male had sharp brows that
complemented his dark brown eyes. He almost looked like a prince, if Sunoo didn't know any

But he ignored his physical interest in the male and huffed at him angrily. "Are you stupid?" he
asked, causing the other to glare at him abruptly.

"Who are you to question me?" The male snapped back at him; his eyebrows set in the hard glare.

"And here I was thinking you'd thank me." Sunoo scoffed as the man rolled his eyes at him.

"You touched me." He scowled as he rubbed on the spot on his wrist that Sunoo had grabbed,
making the younger click his tongue in frustration. He was never one to feel offended by some
narcissistic stranger who he had just met, but the way the male looked at him made him feel
belittled and he hated it.

"If you wanted to die back there, just say so." Sunoo huffed, no longer in the mood to talk with the

"I never asked you to help me." He huffed back. "Do you even know who I am? I could be the
prince and you just laid your filthy hands on me." Sunoo halted for a second, hoping that the other
man was joking about him being royalty as Sunoo had suspected.

"This ain't no fucking 'Aladdin and Jasmine' situation, asshole," Sunoo replied as a bluff, startling
the male who stared him up and down.

"Clearly. You'd be more suited as Jasmine anyways." He dryly chuckled and Sunoo raised an
eyebrow at the comment, staring the male dead in the eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sunoo asked, genuinely curious as to what the other meant.

"The earrings, the clothing, the rings? You're pretty feminine for a street thief." He chuckled
mockingly. Sunoo furrowed his eyebrows as he looked down at his clothes, then he looked back up
at the smug-looking male with a glare.

"You're a fucking prick, you know that?" Sunoo growled and stood up, walking towards the male

"You even talk a lot softer than most thugs I've seen around here. Tell me, do you dance as well,
pretty boy?" He pushed on further, and that was the last straw for Sunoo.

"That's it." Sunoo snapped and jumped onto the male, startling him as they both fell to the floor
with a loud thud.

"GET OFF OF ME!" The man grunted as he clawed at Sunoo's hands that had wrapped themselves
around his neck.
"MAKE ME!" Sunoo yelled in the brunette's face as he pressed as hard as he could. He obviously
wasn't going to murder the other, only knock him unconscious so that he could flee with all of his

But his efforts were futile as the man proved to be stronger than him, flipping them over and
pressing his own hands against Sunoo's neck. The pink-haired male yelled in frustration and lifted
his knee, forcing it to collide painfully with the other's stomach.

The brunette loosened his grip for a second to hold his stomach and Sunoo took the chance to head-
butt the male. He howled in pain as Sunoo pushed his body off of him, and Sunoo grabbed the
man's ankle and pulled him back, before leaning down and biting on the side of his arm.

"FUCK?!" the man screamed in pain, raising his leg and slamming it against the Sunoo's shoulder
to push him away. Sunoo yelped and grabbed onto the side of the man's head to get an advantage,
but he was faster and forced his arms around Sunoo's neck in a chokehold.

"GIVE UP ALREADY!" The male spoke out with his mellowy voice, but Sunoo wasn't in the
mood to listen as he tried to get out of the other's arms.

"LET GO OF ME!" Sunoo growled. The man huffed in irritation, only to yell out again when
Sunoo bit his arm, freeing himself from the chokehold he was in.

"THE FUCK IS WITH YOU AND BITING?" The man screamed at him while Sunoo spat out as
if he had been infected.

Sunoo opened his mouth to reply when a loud gunshot was suddenly crash, causing both of them to
freeze. The two males immediately stopped their scuffle and lifted their heads up to look at the new
large figure standing right at their heads, their hearts dropping in their chests.

"Well, what do we have 'ere?" He snarled maliciously with a smug grin on his face.

"Fuck." Both males cursed under their breaths and they darted their eyes around, trying to look for
an escape route. The old pirate chuckled cruelly at this and cocked his gun at the two boys so that
they wouldn't move.

"Grab 'em."

Chapter End Notes



Also, which member do you think is the mysterious cloaked man?

[2] The moment all the senses stop
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"I blame you for all of this."

Sunoo snapped his head towards the male next to him and huffed out in disbelief. "Me? You
should be happy you're not cut into two in the middle of a marketplace right now." He hissed at the
taller male who rolled his eyes.

After being captured by the same murderous pirate crew, Sunoo had been surprised to be thrown
into what he assumed was a dark cellar of some sort in the bottom of a ship. He was ready to stab
one of the guards and escape, but the cloaked male had been guilt tripping him the entire time, so
Sunoo couldn't just leave without him.

So that's how he ended up once again with his arms bound again, this time with shackles around his
wrists. The other male was in the same state as him, except Sunoo prayed that they would've
gagged the other, but it seemed that the gods up there really hated him because the cloaked man
was left with his tongue free and he was not shutting up anytime soon.

"I'd honestly rather be cut into two, than be here with you right now." The man scoffed tauntingly,
earning a growl from Sunoo. "Asshole." He snapped.





"You take that back!" The man gasped in great offence, and Sunoo raised an eyebrow. "You find
'pillow-princess', the most offensive?" He asked intriguingly.

"Never in my life has anyone had the audacity to call me by such a filthy word. If my friends knew
about this, they'd skin you alive." The man huffed and Sunoo had to physically stop himself from
rolling his eyes.

"Geez, you must be loved by everyone if you've never been called a 'pillow-princess', your
highness." Sunoo rolled his eyes, his suspicions of the male actually being royalty starting to worry

The male clearly wasn't from here and he was handsome enough to be passed a royalty. Although
he was stealing jewellery (which Sunoo was still trying to figure out a motive for) he was horrible
at it, unless he wanted to be caught on purpose. But then again, from what Sunoo noticed, the male
wasn't the best fighter he had seen, so it would've been a death wish to purposely go up against a
man as large and intimidating as the merchant back at the marketplace.

"I have a name and I'd be happy if you called me by it." The man scoffed mater-of-factly.

"First of all, you never told me your name, and second, I do not give two fucks if you're happy or
not. We're stuck in the bottom of what looks like the shithole of a boat and if we don't figure a way
out before the captain comes back, we'll be dead before dawn." Sunoo growled.

"You don't have to be so uptight, you know." The man huffed. "I'm Heeseung." He said.

"I never asked for your name." Sunoo snapped.

"And I never asked you to save me, yet here we are." Heeseung replied.

"SO YOU DO ADMIT I SAVED YOU!" Sunoo suddenly shrieked happily, making Heeseung
flinch slightly from the volume of his voice.

"Can we move on from this?" Heeseung sighed. Sunoo rolled his eyes at the brunette and settled
on looking for something to break the shackles with. He looked down at the chain's around his
hands and realised that if he could get one of the guards close enough, he'd be able to steal the key
from them.

"You know, when someone tells you their name, you usually response by saying your own."
Heeseung spoke up again and Sunoo had to stop himself from punching the male then and there.

"Will you shut up and look for a way out of here?" He huffed.

"Only if you tell me your name~" Heeseung sing-songed. Sunoo wondered if Heeseung was crazy
or if he was going crazy.







"KEEP IT DOWN, OR I'LL KEELHAUL THE BOTH OF YOUSE!" A loud voice was heard from
outside the door, making Heeseung visibly cringe at the thought.

"Keelhaul?" Sunoo thought to himself, but Heeseung beat him too it and started explaining.
"Keelhaul. They'll chain you and throw you off one side of the boat, then pull you back up the
other way after dragging you across the keel of the ship." Heeseung explained with a smile on his

"I don't see how that's torture..." Sunoo muttered.

"Trust me, it's not pleasant." Heeseung smiled brightly, making Sunoo shiver uncomfortably.

He decided to ignore the other and tried to shake his way out of the shackles on his wrists. He
could either try and dislocate his thumb so that he could slip his hands out of the shackles, but that
would only leave him with a dislocated thumb and his feet would still be chained up.

He turned to stare at the other male, suddenly realising how much taller he was. It wasn't like
Sunoo was jealous, but that was exactly the case. Having such a huge height could be used to his
advantage, especially when it came to fighting off pirates, but as stated before, the gods never liked
He thought to himself for a moment, looking towards the door to see shadows of the men standing
outside. It was quite late now, and since he could see their shadows, it must've meant the lamps had
been turned on by now.

Great, he thought. He could use this to his advantage and get out, but he was going to need help
from the other male.

"Yo, Hyoseong." Sunoo called the other.

"My name isn't Hyoseong, it's Heeseung. And I don't talk to people I don't know." The taller male
frowned and looked away from Sunoo. The pink-haired male's jaw dropped from how petty the
other was. Their main goal right now was to survive yet this giant man-baby was worried about

"Ae you fucking with me right now?" Sunoo spluttered furiously, but Heeseung remained silent.
The pink-haired male had to inhale deeply to calm himself down. If he was going to get the
stubborn older to listen to him, he was going to have to play along.

"Sunoo." He grit out.

"What was that?" Heeseung asked with a raised eyebrow.

"My name is Sunoo." Sunoo smiled sarcastically, but Heeseung was more than delighted, and
happily turned to face him.

"What a pretty name, for such a pretty person." Heeseung smiled gently. Sunoo couldn't tell if it
was sarcasm or if he was being genuine, but frankly he couldn't care when he was about to become
fish bait if he didn't escape.

"Hweseung, I have a plan to get out of here, but you're going to need to listen to me." Sunoo
quickly explained.

"Heeseung. My name is Heeseung." Heeseung frowned again.

Sunoo continued, ignoring him. "I need you to bring one of those thugs close enough so that I can
grab the key off of them and unshackle myself."

"What about me?" Heeseung asked.

"I'll unshackle you after I knock them out." The shorter male replied and Heeseung didn't look

"Listen Hanseon-"

"IT'S HEESEUNG!" Heeseung huffed in offence.

"Whatever. I've saved you once, and although I mostly regret it now, I'm not going to leave you
here to die."

Sunoo could tell the taller male was feeling uneasy about his offer, and in all honesty, he wouldn't
trust himself either if the was the other, but he needed them to work together or neither of them
would survive.

"I won't let you die." Sunoo genuinely said. Heeseung stared at him to see if he was lying but let
out a sigh when he realised Sunoo wasn't.
"I'm trusting you, Sunoo." Heeseung said somewhat threateningly but Sunoo just brushed it off.

"Thanks Hoseong." He smiled.

"At this point I know you know it's Heeseung." Heeseung huffed, but Sunoo ignored him and
shuffled closer to the taller male. "What are you doing?" Heeseung questioned him, eyeing the boy.

"Scream." He said seriously and Heeseung stared at him while stifling a laugh awkwardly.

"What?" He asked, but Sunoo remained dead serious.

"I said 'scream'. As loud as you can." He repeated.

"You can't be serious-" But before Heeseung could finish, he suddenly felt a sharp sting on his
shoulder, and he screamed in pain while looking to his side to see that Sunoo had bitten him

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Heeseung shrieked at Sunoo, feeling a sense deja vu as he glared at the
pink-haired male. Sunoo didn't say anything, instead shuffling away quickly when the door
suddenly slammed open, revealing a large man walking in with a lamp and a sword in his hands.

"What'r ye little shits fuckin' whinin' about?" The man asked angrily while pointing his sword at
the two tied up males.

Sunoo and Heeseung glanced at each other and communicated with their eyes, one telling the other
to start screaming again, while the other stared at him completely confused.

"Cat's got yer fuckin' tongues, ey?" The pirate growled and stepped forward to stab Sunoo when
Heeseung yelled, causing them all to freeze and look at him questioningly.

"Duck." Heeseung yelled and the man furrowed his eyebrows, whereas Sunoo got the hint and
quickly ducked down as Heeseung suddenly swung his legs around and knocked the man off his
ground and he landed on the floor face first next to him, passing out completely.

Heeseung quickly reached over with his cuffed hands and grabbed the key from the man's belt and
tossed it to Sunoo who quickly uncuffed his hands and feet before standing up and grabbed the
sword out of the pirate's hands. He looked down at Heeseung who looked up at him expectantly,
but he kept his face blank, heading towards the door instead.

Heeseung's smile immediately dropped his face as he watched Sunoo leaving. "Sunoo?" Heeseung
called but was ignored.

"SUNOO?!" he called again, but Sunoo had long ignored him and left the room.

As soon as Sunoo was outside he noticed that no-one else was there, other than another pirate who
had fallen asleep near the door. He glanced towards the captain's cabin and noticed that it was
illuminated from the inside, meaning that the other pirates were most likely in there.

He quickly looked for the closest way to exit and when he found one, he smiled to himself, before
turning around and heading back into the room. He would be lying if he said the confusion on
Heeseung's face when he came back wasn't funny.


"Coast is clear, let's go." Sunoo smirked when Heeseung glared at him angrily.
Sunoo was a selfish man indeed, and he had severely regretted helping Heeseung escape, but he
wasn't heartless enough to let the other get killed. Especially not by pirates - the most despicable
form of human beings, if they could even be called so.

He unlocked the chains that were around Heeseung's hands, earning a harsh punch on his shoulder
from the brunette. "That's for biting me." Heeseung huffed and Sunoo scoffed to himself, but a
small smile appeared on his lips before he could stop himself.

"Let's go." Sunoo ushered Heeseung to follow after him as they both left the room again and
started heading for the exit that Sunoo had spotted. But what he failed to notice was that the man
who was previously asleep wasn't there anymore, and he realised his mistake when he heard a
gunshot ring loudly in the air.

Heeseung and Sunoo snapped their heads to see the large hairy pirate from before, and they cursed
internally. "Runnin' so soon, rats?" The man spoke out with a toothless grin on his lips, but
contrary to his expression, there was not a hint of joy in his voice.

"Run." Sunoo whispered when the old pirate raised his gun towards them. "RUN!" He yelled and
grabbed Heeseung's wrist as they both jumped down from the side of the vessel, running over the
nets and into the docks.

"GET THEM!" The old pirate's voice was heard behind them, making them run even faster as more
and more footsteps followed their own. Sunoo glanced at Heeseung to see if he was panicking but
was shocked to see the brunette with a wide smile on his face.

The twenty-one-year-old didn't say anything but started to feel a bit nervous when Heeseung
grabbed his wrist and began to pull him further into the night. Sunoo didn't have time to think as
his heart beat as quickly as the gap between them and the pirates closed.

He suddenly gasped when Heeseung stopped both of them abruptly. He turned to look at the older
with a confused face when he suddenly realised where the two of them were. Deep dark waters
clouded over with mist was what lay at the bottom of the edge of the cliff that they had arrived to.

The pink-haired male tried to catch his breath as his lungs became constricted with fear. Two hands
grabbed at his shoulders, forcing him to turn and face a serious looking Heeseung, whose eyes
bored into his own.

"Do you trust me?" Heeseung's voice rasped out in a low whisper. He had a serious expression on
his face, almost theatrical to say the least. Sunoo's eyes grew wide and his eyebrows furrowed

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD I TRUST YOU?!" He screamed in Heeseung's face, but instead of
becoming upset, the corner of Heeseung's lips upturned in a knowing smirk.

"THERE THEY ARE!" The loud voice of the pirate was heard and Sunoo started to panic again,
cursing himself for giving away where they were.

"Hurry, Sunoo." Heeseung spoke again, and Sunoo wanted to scream and ask him how he could
remain so calm in this situation. "Do you trust me?" Heeseung repeated, his eyes gleaming
hopefully which made Sunoo conflicted.

Sunoo faced Heeseung again, internally debating what he should do, but something in his gut told
him that he should trust the older, and he did just that. "Fuck- fine, I trust you."

"But why are you asking me-" Before Sunoo could finish his sentence, Heeseung had suddenly
grabbed onto his wrist and with one last smile on his lips, pushed the younger forward, off of the
cliff. Sunoo couldn't even let out a breath before his heart dropped in his chest and his entire body
was being pulled down in the air.

Sunoo wanted to scream, but his eyes and mouth had shut tightly as his entire body was falling
alarmingly quickly. Heeseung just pushed me, was all he could process as his brain became foggy
and the air brutally threw him further down.

Fuck my life. He cursed himself and everything suddenly turned black.

Chapter End Notes


it was Hee!

we'll be meeting the rest of the boys in the next chapter <3
[3] Little tremors spread inside me
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Sunoo coughed violently and spat out the bay water that had made its way into his lungs as his
body slammed against a wooden deck. He inhaled deeply while blinking rapidly to try and make
out his surroundings.

Am I dead? he thought.

He rolled over onto his back and squinted at the lights that blinded him. It was completely white,
and he couldn't hear anything other than his rapid heart beating as his ears rung. Is this heaven? he
wondered wearily.

"HEESEUNG, YOU'RE ALIVE?!" A loud voice shrieked, making Sunoo's brain pound against his
head as he flinched.

Nope, definitely not heaven. Sunoo hissed as he felt pain burning his sides, so he tried to lift his
body off of the hard surface he had been thrown onto. He sat up straight, holding a hand to his head
to alleviate his pain and realised that he was on the deck of a ship. He noticed the fishing net ropes
around him, and he realised that he must've been reeled up by the net after he fell into the water
with Heeseung.

Wait- Heeseung! Sunoo thought in panic and he turned his head around abruptly, regretting it
immediately as another wave of pain hit him. He was about to stand up when a shadow suddenly
loomed over him, making him look up curiously, only to flinch back quickly when he saw the
familiar silver shining enter his vision.

It was a sword, held right against his throat. Sunoo slowly raised his eyes to see who was holding
the sword and he almost gasped at how...pretty? the man was.

He had more defined features than Heeseung, with sharp cheekbones and a defined jaw. His eyes
narrowed ever so lightly into a glare, staring down Sunoo, trying to read his intentions. If the man
wasn't holding a blade to his neck, Sunoo would've honestly found the man insanely attractive.

"Who the fuck are you." The fiery red-haired male suddenly growled while holding his sword ever
so steadily at the juncture right under Sunoo's Adam's apple. If Sunoo so much as gulped, his
throat would be slit open in an instant.

"Jesus, Sunghoon, leave him alone." Heeseung hurriedly rushed towards the one named
'Sunghoon' so that he could get the blade away from Sunoo's neck.

"You're protecting this rat?" Sunghoon scowled in obvious distaste, earning a scoff from Sunoo.

"Ay, you don't look so cute yourself, hot-shot." Sunoo snapped back, even if he was lying. One of
the other males standing nearby stifled a laugh and Sunoo raised an eyebrow at them, wondering
what they found so humorous in this situation.

"What did you just say?!" Sunghoon huffed in disbelief while stepping forward with his sword,
making Sunoo panic as he ducked quickly.

"KEEP YOUR BLADE AWAY FROM ME!" Sunoo hissed as he tried to grab something to defend
himself with.

"Hyung, step away from the boy." Another one of the men commanded, and Sunoo was mildly
surprised at how easily Sunghoon obeyed, but not without giving him a nasty snarl before he
stepped back.

A much shorter man this time, who honestly looked around his own height, stood proudly in front
of Sunoo with his leather boots tapping against the wooden deck as he stared down at him

He was dressed quite extravagantly for someone of his stature, so Sunoo assumed he was quite
important here. His black hair looked fluffy and he was decked in the colour brown - not that it was
unusual in the desert, but what stood out the most about his outfit was the fur coat he wore over his

Sunoo's eyes instantly caught onto the thick shiny rings that adorned the male's fingers and the
large cross necklace that hung from his neck.

He was definitely the one in charge.

"What do you want from us?" The short man asked calmly, as Sunoo raised an eyebrow. He
decided to stay silent and physically stopped himself from looking at Heeseung for help. He
couldn't rely on Heeseung to stand up for him, especially since he had been such an asshole to the
taller male in the first male.

The man in front of him let out a sigh and nodded, and suddenly Sunoo felt four arms grab onto
him and force him to his knees on the floor. "LET GO OF ME!" he hissed and fought against their
grip, but they outnumbered him and were a lot stronger.

He froze when he heard the click of a barrel. He raised his eyes slowly to see the person that had
laughed at his comment before, staring down at him with a blank face. Sunoo wouldn't say that he
found the other male intimidating, but he would admit that this man made him feel extremely
nervous for some reason.

He looked like a statue, standing in place with his slender fingers wrapped around a gun that was
placed against Sunoo's temple. His features were a lot younger than Heeseung's, but he was far
sharper, holding a stone-cold expression on his face. Not to mention how insanely tall he looked,
especially since Sunoo was kneeling.

"We should kill him, captain." He suddenly spoke and Sunoo shivered once again, wondering how
these people had such deep voices. Once again, his voice was as deep as Heeseung's but this time it
sounded a lot raspier, whereas Heeseung's sounded softer.

"That's not why I brought him here, Niki-ah." Heeseung huffed, earning a glare from the one
named 'Niki'.

"Maybe Gaeul could eat him." Sunghoon spoke up again and Sunoo darted his eyes at the red-
haired male in confusion. He didn't know who this 'Gaeul' was, but he had no intention of wanting
to find out.

"Whadya say, Captain?" Niki grinned with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Wait a minute." Sunoo muttered to himself with furrowed eyebrows before he let out a small gasp.

The ship, the crew, the way they all called the short scary male 'captain'- oh god, Sunoo thought
while internally cursing himself. Could his luck get any fucking worse?

"You're pirates." He grit his teeth, eyes dead set in a hard glare as he wanted nothing more than to
rip Heeseung's head off right now. The tall man wasn't a petty thief like him, he was a bloody
pirate that had been putting up the 'damsel in distress act' the entire time.

Sunoo was the idiot in this case, falling right into Heeseung's trap.

"He's perfect for our crew, Captain." Heeseung smirked. Sunoo hissed at him, baring his teeth as if
he was a wild animal. It took everything in his body to stop himself from jumping on the tall man
and killing him.

"So back at the bazaar was all just a fucking act?!" The pink-haired male shouted, his voice rising
slightly and Heeseung just gave him a half-assed apologetic smile.

"I'm gonna kill you." Sunoo spat as he tried to stand up again, ready to claw Heeseung's eyes out.

"Woah, calm down puppy." The captain chuckled at him and Sunoo was forced back onto the floor

"Don't fucking call me that, asshole." He growled under his breath.

"Aye, speak to our captain with respect." Sunghoon glared at him from behind Heeseung with his
damn sword held tightly in his hands if anything went wrong.

"You sure we can trust him, Heeseung hyung?" The captain asked gently.

"I know he doesn't look like it, but he's a good one." Heeseung said with a smile, and Sunoo had to
stop himself from letting out a scream. "Careful though, he bites." Heeseung shuddered

"You really are like a puppy, aren't you?" The tall blonde male behind him asked. Sunoo looked
him up and down and scoffed. You're one to speak, he thought, noticing how the male had brighter
and rounder eyes compared to the others. He was around the captain's height and he looked far
more welcoming than the other bastards that he had been introduced to.

But as soon as Sunoo laid his eyes on the sheath that hung from the male's waist, he immediately
knew that this person was not someone to mess with. Learning from experience, pirates with
daggers were the worst of their kind. Although he had only encountered a few, they had all been
absolutely insane, never knowing when enough was enough.

"Maybe we could keep him as our little bitch, since he clearly likes acting like one." The stone-
faced male spoke again, and god, Sunoo never wanted to kill someone as much as he did right now.

"That's enough, boys." The 'captain' said, mildly surprising the pink-haired male because all the
other men immediately shut their mouths and their faces became serious once again.

The captain made eye contact with Sunoo and it was a battle of who would look away first, one
which Sunoo wasn't going to lose. He glared just as fiercely at the short male, who tilted his head
with a smirk on his lips.

"What's your name?" The captain asked. Sunoo kept eye contact with him yet said nothing.

"Oh, how rude of me." The captain let out an airy chuckle as if he had humoured himself. "I'm
Jungwon, captain of this ship. A pleasure to meet you." He smirked with his pearly whites
appearing. "And you are?"

Jungwon...Sunoo thought. Oddly enough, the name sounded familiar to him, probably something
he had heard back at the bazaar or maybe during Jangjun's rambles about new travellers in town.

"Go on, puppy, our captain's speaking to you," Sunghoon whispered to him mockingly as he
brought out his sword again, twirling it in his hand as if it was a toy and not a deadly weapon.
Sunoo grit his teeth and glared at the other but nonetheless replied.

"Sunoo." he said, mentally thanking the gods that his voice didn't crack. He couldn't let his guard
down around these men - he knew they were dangerous.

"Cute name." Jungwon grinned and Sunoo rolled his eyes when he heard Heeseung happily
exclaim 'that's what I said!' to the other men who laughed at Sunoo.

"Why am I here?" Sunoo asked boldly and Jungwon raised an eyebrow.

"That's what I should be asking, Sunoo. Why are you here?" The captain replied, making the pink-
haired male wonder for a second. Why was he here? He had been running from pirates, then he
was wrestling with Heeseung before he was taken by pirates again, then he was running from them
again, then he died, but then he didn't die, and now he was caught by pirates again.

"Heeseung hyung, please don't tell me you brought the first attractive person you saw." The blonde
male from behind him spoke up.

"Shut up, Jake, I'm not that irresponsible. Besides, that's something Niki would do, not me."
Heeseung huffed, earning a scowl from Niki.

Suddenly a loud scream of agony was heard from what Sunoo assumed was the captain's cabin,
making everyone go silent and freeze.

"Jay hyung..." Sunoo heard Jungwon mutter under his breath as panic flashed in his eyes. The
twenty-one-year-old frowned at this, wondering what was wrong. Was this the 'Gaeul' person that
the attractive sword man was talking about? He thought curiously.

"Heeseung hyung, bring the bucket, towel and coal stones. Jake hyung, go grab the myrrh and
come with me. Sunghoon hyung, Niki-ah, keep an eye on Sunoo and make sure he doesn't get
away." Jungwon commanded and once again Sunoo was surprised by how quickly they all obeyed.

He watched Heeseung scurry away quickly and the tall blonde man behind him head off in another
direction with the captain, so 'Jake' was his best guess.

Leaving him alone with the Sunghoon and Niki.

Sunoo cursed under his breath when he saw the two terrifying males approach him with an angry
fire in their eyes. Out of everyone that he could've been left with, it just had to be these two.

"Follow along, puppy." Sunghoon smirked mockingly, holding a sword to Sunoo's back as Niki
grabbed him by his arms. Sunoo couldn't bare the way they spoke to him and if he didn't have
death held so close to his back, he would've strangled them ages ago.

"Don't speak so much to him, hyung. We can't trust him." Niki seriously warned and Sunoo glared
at both of them. The red-haired male smirked at the reaction, throwing an arm around Sunoo's
shoulder while holding the sword close to his face.
"You know, he's kind of cute when his mouth is shut." Sunghoon teased him again, enjoying the
furious glares Sunoo gave him, and it was driving Sunoo crazy.

He needed to get out of here.

Chapter End Notes


noo finally met the boys ^^


also, what do you think happened with jay?

[4] For the first time I am swallowed by the feeling
Chapter Notes

TW: a lot of cursing/profanity!

Also, I am not a doctor nor do I have any knowledge on treating real snake bites, but I
do know for a fact that what is written in this story is not something that should be
taken seriously or as a reference, as it is all purely fictional and for entertainment
purposes only.


See the end of the chapter for more notes

"You'll be staying here for the time being." Niki flatly exclaimed and pushed Sunoo past the
doorway into one of the storerooms. Sunoo raised an eyebrow, less than impressed.

First, he had been killed, but then brought back to life only to be held captive all over again.

"You're kidding...right?" He asked but Sunghoon scoffed at him in return, rolling his eyes as he
signalled Niki to push the younger in. Sunoo gasped when Niki suddenly grabbed his arm roughly
and shoved him into the room, making him grunt angrily as he tried to push the other off.

"Asshole." Sunoo growled at the male who only smirked in return, winking at the male as he
walked towards Sunghoon at the doorway.

"Be good, puppy. We'll be back to get you later." Sunghoon cooed in a baby voice, infuriating
Sunoo even more.

"Don't fucking call me that." He scowled and stalked forward towards the teasing redhead, but Niki
had already shut the door on him, locking him in the room.

"Don't break anything," was all Sunoo heard from Niki before it was completely silent again.

The pink-haired male stood frozen for a second, wondering if they were still there because he
hadn't heard any footsteps from them. He pressed his ear against the door and rolled his eyes when
heard shuffling and whispered hushes from the other side.

Sunoo looked around the storeroom that they had thrown him into and he wanted to scream in
frustration. Why was he even here right now? He should be back at the bazaar, running from
merchants that threatened to skin him alive if he stole from them again, but instead, he was being
held captive by 7 males who seemed just as stupid as they seemed dangerous.

First of all, Sunoo was unbound. Rookie mistake on their part, but he assumed that they were
underestimating him, which one, seriously pissed him off, but two, gave him an advantage.

He didn't know what their intentions were with him, but he knew they weren't good and he needed
to get out of here. Fuck, I'm gonna kill Heeseung when I get out. Sunoo promised himself and he
glanced around for anything he could use as a weapon.

His eyes landed on empty beer bottles and he grinned. A shard of glass was more than enough,
really. He'd killed a man with his bare hands, so having a sharp object on hand was a bonus.

He smashed one of the bottles against the window, knowing that the glass was thick enough to
withstand it and it smashed into pieces. Sunoo was sure Niki and Sunghoon had heard him and he
smirked to himself as he walked towards the door and began to bang on it.

"LET ME OUT!" He yelled.

Niki rolled his eyes from the other side, having just enough of the snarky male. Meanwhile,
Sunghoon seemed overly amused at the situation as he had his large grin on his lips, his pearly
whites sparkling a similar glint to the mischievous one in his eyes.

He glanced at the door handle, ready to head in, but Niki grabbed his forearm, stopping at the boy.
The red-head pouted, but Niki kept his composure and glared at Sunghoon warningly.

Sunoo huffed quietly when he realised they were ignoring him, so he started banging his fists
against the door again, this time harder than before.

"I NEED TO TAKE A LEAK, LET ME OUT!" He tried to reason this time, hoping they would
listen, but instead a loud laugh was heard from the other side, making him frown.

"Hold it." Sunghoon grumbled and smacked Niki who tried to suppress his laughter.

"I CAN'T FUCKING HOLD IT!" Sunoo grit his teeth angrily.

"WELL TOO FUCKING BAD!" Niki yelled back this time.

Sunoo threatened, hearing a louder cackle this time.

"AHAHAHAH, SHIT, HE REALLY IS LIKE A PUPPY!" Sunghoon barked a laugh and he

toppled over, slapping Niki's shoulder who scowled and swat him away.

"I WILL DO IT, DON'T TEST ME!" The twenty-one-year-old continued.

"Do it, I dare you, darling." Sunoo heard a much more teasing voice this time, and he knew it was
the attractive red-haired man. He could practically feel the excitement and mockery in the other's
voice and he was enraged.

"That's it." Sunoo snapped and walked away from the door, making Niki and Sunghoon freeze at
the sudden silence.

"Sunoo?" Niki called softly, but when he got no reply from the usually agitated male, he panicked.

"Hyung, I think he's dead." Niki whispered to the older.

"Idiot, why would he be dead?" Sunghoon snapped.

"THEN WHY THE FUCK IS HE SO QUIET?!" Niki snapped back.

"FUCKING HELL, DO I LOOK LIKE I KNOW?!" Sunghoon yelled as a reply.

"I'm going in." The redhead claimed and unlocked the door, slamming it open with a kick. The two
males burst into the room, their eyes darting around for the sight of the pink-haired boy, and they
immediately sighed in relief when they saw the twenty-one-year-old sitting near the window.
"Is he dead?" Sunghoon whispered to Niki who rolled his eyes and shuffled towards the boy,
pushing his arm slightly with his sword.

"Come here." Niki said flatly, but Sunoo refused to listen, continuing to stare at the dusty

"Don't make me fucking repeat myself." Niki growled, his anger reaching its limit because of the
annoying younger male. But Sunoo just rolled his eyes, mocking Niki by muttering under his

Sunghoon watched the interaction, a small smirk appearing on his lips as he pushed past Niki and
looked intently at the boy. He hadn't noticed it before, but he found Sunoo to be insanely
handsome. His soft yet defined features on his face were framed perfectly by his pink hair and the
jewellery that adorned his skin complimented his features even more.

Sunoo felt the stare on him and he angrily turned his head to glare at the red-haired male, only to
flinch slightly when he realised how close the other was to him.

"Back up." Sunoo spat out, thanking the gods that his voice didn't crack from nervousness at that
moment. Sunghoon didn't say anything, only continuing to admire the male's attractive features
with a wide grin on his lips.

Sunoo started to become flustered under the redhead's intense gaze and he felt his face heat up as
he tried to look away from those two piercing eyes.

Niki, who had been watching the interaction with a frown on his lips, rolled his eyes and grabbed
Sunghoon by the shoulder and pulled the male back. "Alright, that's enough. You need to piss or
not?" He asked with furrowed brows and Sunoo cleared his throat, remembering his initial plan.

He nodded, not trusting himself to speak considering how quickly his heart was hammering in his

The two pirates led Sunoo out of the room in a sort of beeline, with Niki leading the way in the
front and Sunghoon standing behind Sunoo who was stuck in the middle. Sunoo's eyes darted
frantically as he looked around, trying to remember the hallways and different routes that he could

Although it was quite hard to do with a cranky Niki leading in the front, and Sunoo was convinced
the man had eyes on the back of his head because every time Sunoo would slow down his steps,
Niki would as well, and he'd turn back with the snap of his neck.

Not to mention the very obvious gaze that remained on him from behind. He felt chills down his
spine every time he sensed the red-haired man's presence coming closer and closer to him, making
him shiver slightly.

In all honesty, if he wasn't being held against his will, he would've honestly been very turned on.
But swords and red hair were never a sane mix, and it was not something Sunoo wanted to meddle

As they were walking to the bathroom, they walked past what Sunoo remembered was to be the
captain's cabin, so he quickly turned his head to try and look in, but he suddenly felt a strong shove
pushing him forward.

He looked behind to see Sunghoon staring at him with a smirk as he stepped forward and pushed
Sunoo forward again with his chest against the younger's back. The pink-haired male flushed at the
sudden contact, trying to move away from the intimidatingly attractive swordsman.

They soon arrived at what looked like a closet from how small it was, making Sunoo grit his teeth

"You have two minutes. Take any longer, and I do not care if you are mid shit, I will kill you."
Niki threatened and Sunoo for once felt intimated by the threat.

"Lovely." He shakily breathed out.


Sunoo was glad the other two were dumb enough to leave him alone for two minutes, because that
was all he needed to escape - well, form an escape plan to be precise.

He looked around the bathroom and stood in mild surprise at how clean it was. Obviously, it
wasn't as great as the bars back near the bazaar, but it was decent enough for him to scour around.

The pink-haired boy looked into the mirror in front of him and cringed at how ruffed up he looked.
While he was raised on the streets, he held his face and body to value, using them to his advantage
to pull off his jobs.

So he would adorn his body with the finest jewels, always set his hair, always stole essences and
perfumes from the market to appeal to himself, and would wear the finest pieces of clothing to
make sure that he came off as a person of high status. It was how he survived, yet it wasn't always
easy to fool others, especially not now with his hair and clothes tousled up messily.

He ran a hand through his pink hair and set it neatly. With a sigh, he turned and unlocked the door,
already placing a scowl on his face as he was going to face the two terrifying males again, but he
was shocked when he found that he was alone.

"Sunghoon? Niki?" He called out slowly, not wanting to be too loud because if they weren't near,
then he could make a run for it.

He looked to the left and right and when he saw no one in sight, he smiled brightly and ran. He
moved quickly down the hall, the opposite direction to the room that he had been locked in. His
eyes followed along the wooden floorboards and he started to become anxious because he had
never actually been on the lower decks of a ship before.

As he kept walking along the hallway, he heard a loud voice from overhead, making him panic.
He couldn't afford to get caught, especially not by those two horrifying males that he had seen
earlier, because he knew they weren't joking.

Sunoo rushed towards the first door that he saw, opening it gently yet quickly and hiding inside.
He shut the door as quietly as he could and let out a sigh of relief when he heard the voices move
further and further away.

He turned around to look at the room that he had somehow trapped himself into, only to gasp in
shock when he saw a panting figure laying on the bed with sweat running down their forehead as
they had a look of pain on their face.

Sunoo slowly approached the figure to see that it was a man, around the same age as the other
pirates that he had met before. But he frowned as he noticed that they seemed to be in obvious
distress, with a warm cloth on their forehead.
Sunoo reached out and touched the person's skin gently, gasping when he saw how pigmented
their skin had become. He noticed that their entire body was trembling and they were having
trouble breathing. The pink-haired boy frowned even more at this, as he immediately recognised
what had happened.

The person had been poisoned.

He wasn't sure what sort of poison, but from the looks of the other's condition, they weren't going
to last long. Sunoo himself had been poisoned three or four times in his lifetime, most often from
scorpions and spiders that roamed the bazaar, so he had learnt from Jangjun how to get the poison
out of his body.

Sunoo looked over the person's body to try and find any sting or bite marks and he gnawed on his
bottom lip when he found three small bite marks on the person's arm, realising that it was a snake
bite. The bite had inflamed the area on the man's arm and it was a bright red, making Sunoo panic.

He didn't know why, but he felt the need to help the person. Fuck, he wasn't even supposed to be
here right now and he should've been focusing on escaping, but something in his gut told him to
help the man who was clearly about to die.

He suddenly remembered Jungwon's orders before and how he had worriedly called after someone,
making Sunoo frown.

"Are you 'Jay'? Or are you 'Gaeul'? " He asked the person even though he knew they couldn't reply
since their eyes were closed and their life was leaving them. He groaned and looked around for
anything that he could try to suction the venom out with, but it was of no use since there was barely
anything in the room.

He remembered that the only way to remove the snake poison was by cutting off the blood
circulation from the area of the bite to where the heart was, and suctioning it out. There was
already a bandage around his arm, but Sunoo could see that the poison was already seeping into the
man's bloodstream. With nothing at hand, Sunoo knew there was only one thing he could do.

He bit his lip and tapped his foot nervously, knowing that if he did this, he could potentially lose
his own life or end up terminally ill. He glanced at the man and frustratedly pulled on his hair,
contemplating between escaping and saving his own life, or staying here and helping this man from

Sunoo stared down at the male with blurry eyes and let out a loud sigh. He huffed before he got
down and brought his lips towards the man's arm.

"Don't make me regret this."

Chapter End Notes



[5] That I became who I am
Chapter Notes

TW! A lot of swearing/profanity, blood, and choking (attempted murder ig)


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sunoo spat out the sickly poison that bled down his lips along with the thick and horrible tasting
red blood.

He coughed violently, momentarily forgetting that he was supposed to be keeping quiet, but the
second the vile taste of the poison mixed with human blood hit his tongue, he found himself
gagging and wanting to hurl.

But he could see that it had worked, as most of the poison was out and the area stopped swelling.
He found himself scoffing with a small smile on the corner of his lips. He had to admit, he did feel
proud at the fact that he was able to remove the poison from the other man's bloodstream and he
could see that they were physically becoming calm as well.

Sunoo quickly grabbed the end of his shirt and sighed for a second before he ripped a large portion
of the ends so that he could wrap it around the bleeding cut on the man's skin. He gently yet firmly
wound it around after wiping away the excess blood with the remainder of his shirt that now hung
loosely on his body.

He scoffed as he looked down at himself, realising that it seemed as if he was wearing an oddly
cropped shirt because the bottom half of the left had completely torn off, leaving the blood-
covered top of the shirt.

He felt filthy, but at the same time, he felt his chest swell in relief because now he could
successfully say he did something good for once in his life. Not that he was a horrible person or
anything, but he truly felt like he had accomplished something.

Sunoo wanted nothing more than to wash clean, but he knew leaving this room right now was the
worst thing he could possibly do. So without a second thought, he saw down right next to the bed
where the man lay asleep and he stared at them, finally noticing how handsome they were.

All of the other pirates he had encountered in his life were old, rugged, musty, alcoholic, asshole
men who had a mentality that they could do whatever they wanted to whoever they wanted. But
this group of pirates just seemed...different.

First of all, they were far younger than every other pirate crew he had met. The boy looked not
much older than himself.

Second, they were all attractive as fuck. Sunoo had never in his life found a man better looking
than himself (Jangjun was close, but he found himself the most attractive) until he laid eyes on
these pirates.

From the intimidating captain to the crazy sword-wielding man, to the giant puppy looking boy,
Sunoo found them all insanely beautiful and clearly a sight for sore eyes. He wondered how much
the woman at the brothel would have fawned over the pirates if they had seen them.

He didn't want to, but he found himself leaning his head against the soft mattress of the bed right
next to the man's hands. The pink-haired boy had made sure to lock the door to the cabin and his
senses were sharp enough for him to know if they were coming towards the room.

Sunoo didn't trust for a second when the pirates told him they'd let him live- he knew it was all a
hoax, in fact, he wouldn't be surprised if they had kidnapped him to sacrifice him in some weird
satanic cult ritual that he assumed most pirates had.

But all of his fatigue suddenly crashed down on him and he felt exhausted, both physically and
mentally, so he decided that he deserved a short rest. He eyed the man on the bed before he
brought up his blood-free hand to feel his forehead, smiling softly to himself when he saw that the
temperature had become normal again.

So Sunoo laid his head on the soft mattress and let his eyes close, almost instantly falling asleep.

But what he didn't notice was that the man had actually woken up a few minutes after Sunoo had
cleaned up the blood on his body and he lay still, pretending to be asleep in case Sunoo was a
threat. But after feeling the calloused hand touching his forehead ever so gently, ever so
comfortingly, he relaxed and waited for Sunoo to fall asleep as well.

The man opened his eyes slowly and felt a small smile tugging on his lips when he saw tufts of
long pink hair tousled against the edge of the bed. The man, who was none other than Jay, raised
his good hand gently, wincing a little at the aching pain in his veins.

He very gently placed it on top of Sunoo's head, letting it rest there for a second to see if he had
woken up the other, but when he got no reaction, he very carefully thread his fingers through the
soft pink locks.

Jay didn't know why, but his heart began to beat faster in his chest from happiness and he felt the
need to scream out loud and thank the pink-haired male for the rest of his life. A fond smile rested
on his lips as he gazed over Sunoo's sleeping from, and he twisted his nose slightly at the sight of
all the blood on his clothes, but he ignored it and massaged Sunoo's head in a comforting manner.

Sunoo stirred slightly in his sleep making Jay pull back his hand in panic, but the pink-haired boy
didn't move away, instead leaning into the touch.

Jay felt his heart swell because of how much Sunoo reminded him of a child, yearning for their
parent's love. So he brought his hand back and played with the younger's hair. Despite not knowing
who he was or what his intentions were, there was a saying that went along the lines, 'even the
devil himself looks like an angel when he is asleep', and Jay agreed that Sunoo looked precious in
this spot, as harmless as a dove.

After a few minutes of playing with the younger's hair, Jay sighed to himself as he felt his eyes
come to a close from tiredness, so he let them close, not before grabbing onto Sunoo's hand and
tightly holding the small calloused palm in his own.


"KICK THE DOOR OPEN!" Was the loud voice that startled Sunoo and he snapped his head up,
panic taking over his system when he forgot where he was for a second.

Right, he thought, he had sucked the poison out of a dying man's body and now said the man was
holding onto his hand tightly. Sunoo stopped for a moment and glanced down in confusion when
he saw how tightly the man was holding into Sunoo's rough hand.

He frowned slightly, but not out of anger or distaste, but rather from the fact that the man had
woken up and then fallen back asleep again. Concern filled Sunoo's mind as he wasn't sure if the
other was okay or not, but he was interrupted when the door slammed open loudly, the sound
echoing against the walls.

"THERE HE IS!" Heeseung shouted and pointed his sword at Sunoo as he charged toward the

Sunoo stood up almost immediately when he saw the rest of the crew enter the room and he was
about to greet them sarcastically when he noticed the way they all froze once they laid their eyes
on him.

He raised an eyebrow at the shocked expressions on their faces and he couldn't tell what they were
thinking because their eyes were frantically darting between his body clothes and the man lying on
the bed.

Sunoo watched as the captain walked to the man on the bed cautiously and grabbed his hand in
both of his own, looking at the dried up blood stains with a blank face, but his pupils were franticly

"What did you do?" Jungwon whispered out slowly.

"I helped him." That was all Sunoo said, not finding it in him to sound smug anymore, just feeling
rather uncomfortable with the current tension in the room. The pink-haired male didn't notice the
way the captain's hands began to tremble in sheer rage.

Sunghoon came over and stood next to Jungwon and Sunoo, his chest rising up and down quickly
and Sunoo could see that the intimidating eyes started to gloss over with tears.

"Look, I took out the poison from his ski-" Sunoo began to explain by holding onto the man's arm
and moving it towards Sunghoon's face, who stepped back with a look of pure disgust, but not at
the arm, at Sunoo.

Before Sunoo could make a snarky reply to the other, he suddenly heard a loud scream and he
flinched slightly at the volume of the voice.

"GET AWAY FROM JAY HYUNG RIGHT NOW!" The tall blonde male known as Jake
screamed at Sunoo, who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Why were they so pissed? He
literally saved the man (who he now knew as Jay) from dying, despite the fact that he could've
died as well.

Sunoo couldn't even get a word out because his entire body had suddenly been pushed with so
much force that his back and head hit the wooden floorboard with a massively loud thud. He
yelped out in pain and squinted his eyes angrily at the person that lunged at him, only to see two
piercing eyes staring into his soul with a look that screamed 'I will rip your insides out and shove
them down your throat'.

The scary male with red streaks in his hair immediately placed his hands on Sunoo's throat,
squeezing with so much force Sunoo couldn't even react.

Sunoo's face, and if the pink-haired male wasn't being strangled to death right now, he would've
slammed his fist against Niki's face.

"WHAT THE FU-" Sunoo couldn't speak as he could tell the oxygen was leaving his body and he
was becoming light-headed by the second.

"Niki-ah, calm down," Jungwon muttered, furrowing his eyebrows as he inspected Jay's condition.

But Niki paid him no heed, instead pressing his hands harder against Sunoo's neck who clawed at
the redhead's forearms to try and push him off. "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" Niki
screamed at Sunoo's face and the latter felt all the air leave his lungs as the pirate kept pressing
down on his throat.

Heeseung himself had suddenly changed his entire demeanour, his eyes narrowing at Sunoo and
the pink-haired male spotted him pull out a dagger from his sheath. The pink-haired male tried to
fight back, but the red-haired man had such a stronghold on him and had completely pinned his
body down, not letting him escape.

Is this really how I'm going to fucking die? Sunoo thought to himself as tears streamed down his
eyes from the tightening pain in his chest.

He wasn't ready to die yet- he still had around 30 years to live before he hit life expectancy. He still
had so much shit he needed to spill to Jangjun and so many more jewels he needed to steal from the
narcissistic merchants. For fucks sakes, he still needed to have sex with a man who wasn't just
using him as a distraction from their wife.

He still needed to- fuck, am I going to die single and lonely? He thought in horror.

He wasn't a romantic, never had the time or interest in love and romance, in fact, he didn't even
believe in it. But his stupid emotions and feelings got the best of him and he longed for someone to
call his own- someone that would love him for who he was without all the stolen treasures and

He still needed to experience, just once, the feeling of going to sleep knowing that tomorrow he
would wake up happy and surrounded by someone that loved him, not worrying about who he was
going to steal from that night and how he was going to feed himself.

"NIKI, GET OFF OF HIM, FOR FUCKS SAKES!" Jungwon's surprised voice suddenly screamed,
but it was the last thing Sunoo heard before he let his heavy lids come to a close and he took his
final breath.

Chapter End Notes



Also, I'm sorry my boy noo keeps dying and coming back to life- it's just so funny to
me (and it's seriously very necessary for the plot I swear )
[6] I feel like dreaming a dream
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jay slowly opened his eyes and winced in pain. His nerves tingled along his arm, although he felt
far better than he did before he had woken up to see the pink-haired boy that had saved his life.

The male was surprised though when he had opened his eyes to see that the same boy who had
saved his life, was now passed out on the floor next to an enraged Niki. Jay darted his eyes at the
other men in the room and they all seemed to notice his movement as they all immediately ran
forward to him with teary eyes.

"Hyung," Jungwon whispered as his eyes glossed over in tears. Jay felt the captain grab his hand
and run his fingers over his knuckles softly. Heeseung had a bright smile on his face, as did Jake as
they both moved to stand tall next to Jay.

"Jay hyung!" Sunghoon and Niki, the usually more quieter of the bunch, eagerly moved forward
and held their eldest hyung's hand in their own as if Jay was a dead body in a coffin.

"You're okay!" Niki pointed out as he joined the huddle around the bedridden male, who scoffed at

"Of course, I'm okay, Niki-ah. I'm not that weak- a little poison's nothing to me. " Jay scoffed at
Niki with a small smile, but then he frowned and pointed towards Sunoo.

"I'm more worried about him, though. Why did you knock him out?" Jay asked and all the pirates
whipped their heads towards the passed out boy who lay on the floor, completely unconscious and
unaware of what was happening.

"He tried to kill you, hyung!" Sunghoon angrily huffed and Niki was drawing his sword again
when Jay suddenly lifted his arm and backhanded the fiery male's head. Although it wasn't that
hard (since Jay was still quite fatigued) it was enough for Niki to stop in his tracks and stare at Jay
in absolute disbelief.

"Hyung, what was that for!" Niki sulked.

"Yeah, we should be killing that bastard for laying his filthy hands on you!" Jake frowned and all
the other members nodded in agreement.

"I've got to agree with them, hyung. One second later and he would've murdered you." Jungwon
explained a lot gentler, but Jay just groaned at them.

"You absolute assess, he saved me!" Jay exclaimed and it was silent for a second as they all looked
at him as if he was crazy.

"Then explain all that blood on his clothes?" A sigh left Jay's lips as Jake pointed to the blood that
was on Sunoo's clothes.

"I'm guessing he took out the poison from my skin," Jay explained, thinking far more rationally
than the other pirates who had been shaken at the sight of a blood-covered Sunoo near their most
beloved Hyung.
"You can do that?" Jake whispered to Heeseung who elbowed him.

"But why would he do that? What would he gain from an unconscious person?" Sunghoon
muttered to himself, but everyone heard it.

"Maybe not everyone is a selfish asshole like you," Jake spoke up, his face blank despite the clear
taunt in his voice. Sunghoon glared darkly at the younger male and Jungwon clicked his tongue at
them before a fight broke out.

"Enough." Jay sighed. It had only been a few minutes since he woke up and he already wished that
he had died.

"Niki, pick him up and bring him next to me." The pink-haired male commanded their swordsman
who stared at him in disbelief.

"Are you-" Niki began but a single glare from Jungwon made him shut his mouth and do as he was
told. He slipped an arm around Sunoo's waist and placed another under the pink-haired male's legs
and he lifted the unconscious boy to the bed where Jay lay.

There was a weird tension in the room as it suddenly felt like Jay was protecting Sunoo from them.
Niki stared down at the pink-haired male's face with a slight frown on his lips, not understanding
why Sunoo would help Jay despite them taking him captive on their ship.

But he couldn't deny the heavy feeling in his gut that he hated so much - guilt.

Niki was not someone who held regrets, in fact, his moral compass seemed to be the most off-
course compared to the rest of the crew. He never let anything get to him, never second-guessed
himself. As a child, he had constantly been told that there was no point crying over spilled milk,
and soon enough he understood it- there really wasn't any point crying over spilled blood.

However, the fact that Sunoo, a street thief that they had captured and brought aboard had chosen
to save their Jay hyung's life over escaping- he felt immense regret wallowing in his gut.

He couldn't deny the irrational fear that something had happened to Sunoo when he couldn't see
the snappy male anywhere near where he and Sunghoon had left him. Heeseung had ended up
accidentally aggravating Gaeul and Niki being the only one to control him, had to rush off.

He wasn't completely sure why Sunghoon had felt the need to tag along, but he didn't question it
and soon enough when they got back, the street thief was gone. The rage and fear he felt when he
saw Sunoo covered in blood and standing next to Jay were indescribable and he wanted nothing
more than to rip the younger away from his hyung in that instant.

He snapped out of his thoughts at the intimidating glare that Jay had on his face as he stared at all
of them. Jay had brought Sunoo's head to rest on the side of his thigh comfortably and thread his
hand through the pink locks once again.

"Now," Jay began and everyone else in the room was frozen at how serious his tone was.

"I want you all to explain to me who this boy is and how he got on board, right now. And do not
even try to give me any bullshit." Jay glared darkly at the others who somewhat cowered at the

It was rare to see Jay so serious, so it only surprised Niki even more. Their Jay hyung was so
protective of Sunoo despite not even knowing who he was.
"Captain?" Jay raised an eyebrow, and the name immediately caused Jungwon to shudder, because
it wasn't often when Jay called him by his title, but when he did, he knew he was in trouble.


Jay was uncharacteristically, far calmer than they had expected him to be. They had explained the
entire situation to him, beginning from how Heeseung had originally gone to cause mischief in the
bazaar but spotted a great opportunity to find a new crew member.

"So..." Jay began and everyone was holding their breaths.

"You brought him here to be a part of the crew?" He asked.

"Actually, Heeseung hyung brought him here," Jake said, earning a scowl from Heeseung.

"Actually, I first brought him here so he could be our lure. Apart from his looks, he is extremely
careful with his words and, dare I say, charming. But after the little scruffle, we had back at the
bazaar, I was surprised to see how he could fight and thought he could make a decent member of
our crew." Heeseung spoke out honestly, somewhat proud of himself.

Jay was far from amused, however, and he exhaled deeply, trying to control his anger.

"So you kidnap him and hold him captive in the cellar?" Jay growled and Heeseung's smile
dropped from his face.

"Yes?..." He answered unsurely, only to receive a whack on the back of his head from Jay.

"He's not going to want to even lay an eye on you assholes after this. I wouldn't blame him for it
either." Jay huffed at them, clearly upset. Heeseung whined and reached out to rub the spot Jay had
hit, earning a chuckle from Jake who stood next to him.

Jungwon frowned and he took Jay's other hand in his own. "Hyung, we were just being cautious."
He tries to explain, feeling somewhat ashamed of his actions, especially as the captain of their

"Well, you guys owe him a lot. He saved my life, while you threw him into the cellar." Jay

"I'm sorry, Jay hyung. I should have thought this shit through." Jungwon whispered to Jay. Jay
noticed how upset Jungwon looked, so he ran his fingers over their captain's knuckles gently and
gave him a small smile.

"What should we do now?" Jungwon asked a bit louder and the rest of the crew looked at each
other while thinking of ideas.

"I say we throw him overboard. Doubt anyone's gonna miss him." Sunghoon huffed and received a
hard glare from Jungwon.

"No, I meant how should we repay him? He saved Jay's life and for that, we owe him a great deal."
Jungwon said.

"Shouldn't he be the one to decide that?" Heeseung spoke up, and Jungwon smiled at their oldest.

"Great, we will ask him when he wakes up," Jungwon said.

Jay looked down at Sunoo and carefully brushed a few strands of hair out of the younger's face and
he pat his head in a calming way. "You guys better pray to God that he wakes up soon." Jay smiled
dangerously at the crew, specifically at Niki who gulped fearfully.

"Are you not hungry hyung? You've been asleep for a while now." Jungwon asked Jay immediately
brightened up.

"Lord, I am starving!" He chuckled and Jungwon smiled fondly.

"Heeseung hyung, Jake hyung, can you make some soup for Jay hyung? I'm sure Sunoo might like
some as well." Jungwon said and sheepishly smiled at Jay.

"The rest of you head down to the dining room. It's been quite a while since you guys had
something to eat as well." He ordered and after a few gruffs from the younger members, all of the
crew had left the room.

Jungwon helped Jay stand up, wrapping an arm around the frail man's waist. "Come on, hyung,
I've got you." Jungwon smiled.

"Don't 'hyung' me, I'm leaving your stupid crew." Jay huffed.

"After spending the last 7 years with me, it is hilarious that you think you're allowed to leave my
'stupid' crew," Jungwon smirked, making Jay roll his eyes.

"I somewhat regret saying 'Aye' when you asked me to join," Jay muttered making Jungwon cackle

"You are very amusing, hyung." Jungwon smiled as Jay pinched the younger's cheek. The older
male sighed and wrapped his arm around his captain's shoulder as they both stood up.

He looked back at the unconscious boy on the bed and he gnawed on his lips nervously.
"Jungwon-ah, I don't know if leaving Sunoo here is a good idea," Jay said.

Jungwon glanced at Sunoo and sighed, thinking for a second before he proposed an idea. "I'll send
Sunghoon to guard him after we finish eating."

"Sunghoon? Out of everyone, you choose Sunghoon?" Jay raised an eyebrow.

"He's the only one who seems capable of handling Sunoo," Jungwon replied, making Jay shake his
head with a sigh.

"I hope you're right." The older man huffed making Jungwon laugh loudly.

"I'm always right, hyung."

Chapter End Notes


Hope you liked the POV change hehe ^-^

[7] I've never seen even in dreams
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Sunoo awoke with a groan and he clutched his head in pain, as everything around him seemed to
move like waves. He opened his eyes, squinting up as he looked around the room but he froze
when he saw the fiery red mop of hair resting against the side of the bed he had been placed into.

Memories of being strangled until he passed out flashed through his mind and Sunoo felt his body
liven with rage. His eyes narrowed dangerously and he rose ever so carefully, fingers getting ready
to wrap themselves around Sunghoon's neck and deprive him of any oxygen.

He reached over, fingers barely able to grasp the older male's throat before he heard someone
clearing their throat from across the room and he snapped his head towards them.

"Don't even think about it." The person muttered and Sunoo wanted nothing more than to strangle
the living daylights out of the snarky male.

He turned and growled at the brown-haired male who he recognised as Niki, but he obeyed
reluctantly seeing as Niki had no intention of hurting him. A frown appeared on Sunoo's face as he
eyed the male wondering why he appeared so calm and why he had this weird guilty look on his

"What's stopping me?" Sunoo challenged.

"He's an unarmed and unconscious man," Niki said, his personality seeming completely different
from the rough and snarky male Sunoo had first seen.

"I was also unarmed and you all harmed me." Sunoo grit his teeth. Niki seemed to frown at the
reminder and Sunoo watched as he stood up and slowly approached him, holding a cloth.

He raised an eyebrow as the male stopped in front of him. "Clean yourself." The pirate told him
and Sunoo scoffed sarcastically.

"Is the blood bothering you, pirate?" He snarled, noticing the way Niki grimaced while looking at
his bloodied body.

"I thought you wouldn't want to be covered in pirate blood any longer," Niki told him.

Sunoo thought about it for a moment before sighing. "Hand it over." He said. Niki chucked the
cloth at Sunoo, still standing quite a distance away.

"You still haven't given me a good enough reason not to kill him," Sunoo said as he began wiping
away the blood that had dried along his skin. He grimaced at the strong pungent smell, but he tried
to not seem fazed as he cleaned his arms and face.

"I know that you wouldn't stoop to...our level, as you call it. You seem to pride yourself on the
morality that you have." Niki suddenly said, making Sunoo pause. He turned to look at the male
who had a grim look on his face and then back down to see Sunghoon who was sitting peacefully
with his head resting against the side of the bed.

Niki did have a point. As much as he hated these pirates, he wasn't going to go as far as killing an
unarmed man. He huffed and decided on pushing the red-haired male off the bed instead, watching
as Niki gasped while Sunghoon let out a yelp as he hit the floor.

Sunghoon snapped his eyes open and Sunoo snickered at him, hearing Niki sigh. The red-haired
male stood up, now fully awake as he stared intensely at Sunoo, making the young thief raise an

Why was the pirate looking at him like that?

"You're awake," Sunghoon said, and Sunoo winced at how hoarse the male's voice was. Sunoo bit
back a snarky remark as he realised how out of it the red-haired male looked, a new expression that
had Sunoo frowning.

It was a complete split from his personality before where he had bared his teeth at Sunoo like an
animal and strangled him to death. Right. Sunoo remembered and turned away from the pirate, not
wanting to accidentally jump up and kill him out of anger.

He needed to find a way to escape first.

"Here are some clothes for you to change into," Niki said while pushing forward a bundle of

"I don't need anything from you, pirate." Sunoo frowned and pushed it away, earning a sigh from
the male.

"Suit yourself. Follow me." The brown-haired pirate placed the clothes onto the bed and waited for
Sunoo to stand and follow him. Sunoo eyed him weirdly, turning to look at Sunghoon who seemed
to be avoiding his gaze completely.

A scoff left his lips and he decided to get up and follow them, knowing that they would drag him
out of the room if they had to. As soon as he stood up, he stumbled forward slightly as his legs
gave out, but he was instantly caught by two arms grabbing onto his forearms.

The pink-haired male looked up and caught Sunghoon's gaze, making his eyes widen in shock. He
stood up immediately, pushing away the hands harshly as he steadied himself. Sunoo wanted to
curse at the red-haired male, not knowing why there was so much anger filling his body at the
slight touch, but he decided to hold back any cruel words.

He needed to get out of here first.

"Let's go." Niki quietly muttered as he walked out the door first and Sunoo turned to see Sunghoon
waiting for him to leave first. He was instantly reminded of the way they had led him before and
he wanted to scoff for thinking things would be even slightly different.

As they walked, Sunoo's mind wandered back to the black -haired male that he had saved,
wondering if he was okay. He didn't trust any of the savages around him, and he felt pity for that
person to have been stuck with pirates like these.

Even on their deathbed, Sunoo could tell the man wasn't a pirate like the rest of the felons that
surrounded him and it made him worry even more. Would these pirates have killed him when I
was knocked out? He wondered as worry filled his gut.

But he shook his head, trying to rid himself of such thoughts. He couldn't afford to care about
someone else. He needed to look out for himself first and foremost, just as he had always done. It
was the only way to survive.
Sunoo was mildly surprised he wasn't shackled or tied up as Niki and Sunghoon led him across the
hallway and towards a new room. He contemplated knocking the two males out and trying to
escape, but he didn't know where every other pirate was and it was a risk he wasn't willing to take.

Niki pushed the door open in front of him and Sunoo tried to ignore the intense gaze Sunghoon had
on him as he walked into the room, pausing when he saw all the other pirates from before.

They were all sitting around the room, some on crates and others leaning against the wall, but they
were all circled around two people that sat in the very front of the room. Sunoo froze as he
instantly recognised the black -haired male that he had saved and he felt his insides churn because
the man didn't look terrified, no, he was smiling at Sunoo.

The pink -haired thief looked away, trying to ignore the red colour that appeared on his face. Now
that the person was awake and not covered in blood, Sunoo could see that he was extremely
handsome. In fact, all of these pirates were physically very alluring, but Sunoo knew better than to
fall for looks such as theirs - he knew what ugly monsters lurked behind those pretty faces.

He glared darkly at the others in the room, only to frown when he saw that they all had the same
guilty look on their faces as Niki did. Whatever, Sunoo scoffed, not believing their pitiful act for a

These pirates had hurt him and threatened him and he couldn't trust anything these felons would
say to him. He glanced around the room, looking for a way to escape. They were still docked near
land so he would be able to rush out onto the streets. His only problem was getting past these men
without getting himself killed.

He tried to count how many weapons each of the crew had on their bodies, knowing that there
would definitely be more weapons hidden around the ship. Sunoo was able to use a weapon if he
needed to, so he wasn't worried about that, however, these men looked skilled with the weapons
they had and he immediately knew he was outnumbered.

He met eyes with the man with the black mullet, seeing the confident aura that surrounded him, but
there was a new mellow feeling in the room. He stepped forward, the rest of the crew members
watching their captain closely as he began to speak.

"As the captain of this ship, I think first and foremost I should be the one to give you a proper
apology for the way we treated you." Jungwon began to speak, and it surprised Sunoo. If this were
any other situation Sunoo would have instantly forgiven him, but he only narrowed his eyes, not
believing a word out of the filthy pirate's mouth.

Jungwon seemed to notice this, a sheepish expression appearing on his face. "You saved my
crewmember's life, and for that I owe you mine." The captain continued.

He glanced between the two of them, immediately understanding that these two were very close. "I
know you have no reason to believe me or even begin to forgive us for the way we acted, so I
believe it right that we give you anything that you desire." The captain continued. There was not a
single thing that Sunoo hadn't heard before until he heard the last few words Jungwon had said.

"What?" Sunoo had spat out before he could even stop himself.

"We owe you, a lot. Not only did we treat you horribly, but you saved my crewmate's life despite it.
So for that, I thank you and make it my duty to grant you whatever it is you wish." The captain
said in complete seriousness, Sunoo couldn't help but shiver.
Anything he wanted? Now that was something Sunoo hadn't been expecting.

"How can I trust that you will go through with this promise?" Sunoo asked.

"I know you don't trust us, but I give you my word, and I never go back on my word." The captain
spoke with sheer authority that made Sunoo frown.

Sunoo pondered on the thought, thinking back to his life back at the bazaar. He had to fight to
survive, he had to run constantly be on the run from guards, he had to protect himself - but he didn't
hate his life. He enjoyed the thrill and the rush he got from stealing from merchants and watching
guards enrage themselves because they weren't able to find him.

But it was a hard life. All the years Sunoo had been alive, he had dreamed of such a moment, a
moment where he could be offered anything he would ever want in the world. And yet, here he
was given the offer and completely stumped on what to ask for.

He did not doubt for a second that the pirates weren't capable of giving him what he asked for, but
he wanted to make sure that he used this opportunity carefully. For all he knew, they would kill
him and dump his body off at the closest port.

He looked back up to see the other crew members staring at him with expecting and determined
eyes and he felt his stomach churn awkwardly.

"I don't know what I want right now, so I'll think about it and tell you when I know." Sunoo chose
his words carefully, not trusting the crew to not immediately take back their words and throw him
overboard into the depths of the treacherous ocean.

"Very well, until then you shall be under the protection of my crew. We owe a life to you, Sunoo."
The captain said before chuckling. "And I'm glad you didn't ask to head back because we've
already started our main course." Jungwon let out a sigh of relief, causing Sunoo to raise an
eyebrow as he glanced around at everyone.

"Main course? What's dinner got to do with me?" Sunoo asked slowly.

The tall blonde-haired pirate that had been leaning against the wall looked at the young thief for a
second before he burst out laughing, causing the pink-haired boy to raise an eyebrow.

"Not food, we've started the main course of our journey across the sea." Jake smiled with a
mischievous glint in his eyes. Sunoo frowned and pondered on what the other said before his eyes
widened when the realisation finally sunk in.


Chapter End Notes



It took me a really long time to figure out what I wanted to do with the plot and I
realised I really disliked the way I wrote it. I have discontinued the book, and it will
remain discontinued. This is the final chapter that I will be posting since it has been in
my drafts for quite a while. Thank you all for reading, and I'm really sorry to

Hi loves, I'm really sorry to announce this, but I will no longer be continuing this book since I have
lost all motivation to write this and I honestly don't like the way I wrote it. There is so much I want
to change and improve and I feel like I could have executed this plot a lot better if I spent a lot
more time planning out before I started writing. I may or may not pick it up again somewhere in
the far future, but there will be no more updates for this book for a long time. I will not be letting
anyone else continue this or translate it and I hope you will respect that.

Once again, I'm really sorry for not being able to update this anymore, but seriously though, thank
you guys so much for all your support and love on this book <3


Desire ||SUNOOXENHYPEN|| - Discontinued Thursday 25th August 2022

© Sunooluv3


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