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Summary Report: Developing a Development Plan, Analyzing Systems

Architecture, and Customizing Bank Solutions

Department: IS Application Dev. And System Division: PMO Technical Projects Year:
2023/2024 G.C

This summary report provides an overview of the key activities and outcomes from the second week of
my internship. The focus of the week was on developing a development plan for computers, studying
systems architecture developed by the bank, and customizing an implemented solution to align with
individual capacities.

The first task involved creating a comprehensive development plan for the computers. Interns
conducted thorough research to gather requirements and identified the necessary hardware and
software components. By considering potential challenges and risks, interns developed a robust plan
that outlined the steps needed to build and optimize their computer systems.

In the second task, interns explored the systems architecture developed by the bank. They analyzed
the architecture's strengths and weaknesses, gaining insights into effective design principles. This
study provided interns with a solid foundation for the next task of customizing an existing solution.

The third task focused on selecting a solution from the bank's implemented systems and tailoring it to
individual capacities. Interns assessed the feasibility of customization and developed personalized
plans to adapt the solution to their specific needs. This process aimed to enhance performance and
efficiency while leveraging the bank's existing infrastructure.

Overall, the second week of the internship emphasized the importance of developing a development
plan, understanding systems architecture, and customizing solutions. Through these activities, interns
gained valuable knowledge and skills in strategic planning, analysis, and customization.

The outcomes of this week's efforts will enable interns to build optimized computer systems that align
with their unique requirements. The acquired knowledge and experiences will serve as a strong
foundation for their future roles in computer development and customization.

In conclusion, the second week of the internship marked significant progress in developing a
development plan, analyzing systems architecture, and customizing bank solutions. The interns'
dedication and achievements during this week will contribute to their professional growth and
successful implementation of computer systems in various contexts.

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