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Week 4 - The US Independence


What were the 13 British colonies?

The thirteen colonies were territories taken by English colonists on the east coast of
what we know today as the United States. Many colonists went there because they
found economic opportunities and religious freedom. But this changed when the
colonists began to have differences with Great Britain and its imposition of taxes,
this ended in the war for the independence of the United States.

How were the American colonist?

These were the people who lived in the thirteen colonies located on the east coast of
what we know today as the United States. These colonists mostly owned land and
made their living from agriculture. Although most of these colonists were of English
descent, many came from other European countries such as Germany and the

What was the background of this conflict?

The origin of this conflict began after the end of the Seven Years' War. In this war,
France wins the war and Great Britain loses it, this causes Great Britain to go into
debt and its economy to destabilize. The solution that Great Britain saw for this was
to impose new taxes on the 13 colonies.

What was the collection of taxes and The Stamp Act

of 1765?
After Great Britain lost the Seven Years' War against France and the Amerindians, it
began to tax the 13 colonies on the importation of sugar, coffee, textiles and other
goods. Among these taxes was the Stamp Act, in which the colonists had to pay
taxes to Great Britain in exchange for defense. This annoyed the colonists, because
they had no representation in the British parliament to accept taxes. This originated
the slogan "no taxation without representation".

Week 4 - The US Independence War. 1

What is the meaning of the slogan “no taxation
without representation”?
After Great Britain imposed various taxes on the 13 colonies, the colonists were
angry because they had no representation in the British Parliament to accept these
taxes. Let us remember that according to The Bill of Rights in order to collect taxes,
there must be representatives of the area within The Parliament to approve the tax.

What was “The Townshend Acts” in 1767?

After The Stamp Act, Britain placed new taxes on tea, paper, paint and other goods
called The Townshend Acts. Once again, the colonists resisted paying these taxes.

What was the Boston Massacre in 1770?

During protests in Boston against new taxes imposed by Great Britain, 5 colonists
were killed by British soldiers. This was called the Boston Massacre, which angered
the colonists even more.

What led to the Boston Tea Party, and how did it

contribute to the start of the war?
The event that led to the Boston Tea Party was The Tea Act in 1773. Great Britain
trying to keep The East India Company, imposed a new tax on the tea with the
purpose to give the company the right to export its merchandise directly to the
colonies without paying any of the regular taxes that were imposed on the colonial
merchants. In response, the colonists formed the "Boston Tea Party" where a group
of patriots called "Sons of Liberty" dressed as Native Americans dumped 90,000
(ninety thousand) pounds of tea from Great Britain into the sea.
This event increased the anger of Great Britain and imposed more new taxes with
the name The Intolerable Acts. These taxes were the trigger for the battle of
Lexington and Concord and the beginning of the US independence war.

What were some of the key events that led to the

signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783?
Some of the key events that led to the signing of the Treaty of Paris were:

Week 4 - The US Independence War. 2

1. After the beginning of fighting for US independence and almost a year of
American losses in battle, the colonist found to trap the British army at Saratoga,
cutting their supplies. The British army could not see any other exit than

2. Then, France decided to support the colonists and create an alliance against
Great Britain.

3. Coronel Cornwallis created and conducted the British army to a trap in Yorktown
where they found themselves surrounded by the American and French armies
led by George Washington on land and by the French navy on the coasts. At this
time, the British army surrendered completely and started the conversations for
a peace treaty and the creation of the Treaty of Paris in 1783.
How did the Revolutionary War affect the
relationship between the United States and Great
Britain? Provide examples and details.
The war greatly affected the relationship between the both countries, Great Britain
did everything possible to recover its power within the United States, but the
colonists fought to the end to gain their freedom. The colonists were very unhappy
with the new taxes demanded by Great Britain because they had no representation
in the British Parliament. Let’s remember that in order for the king to impose taxes, it
must be representatives in Parliament to approve it.
This caused several events such as the colonists' protests with the slogan "no
taxation without representation". Within these protests occurred the Boston
Massacre, where 5 Americans were killed by British soldiers. The United States in
response made the "Boston Tea Party" where a group of patriots called "Sons of
Liberty" dressed as Native Americans dumped 90,000 (ninety thousand) pounds of
tea into the sea. This caused the anger of the British which led to the Battle of
Lexington and Concord, which is considered to be the beginning of the war for the
independence of the US.

The American War of Independence lasted eight years, from 1775 (seveteen
seventy five) to 1783. This war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783
where the United States was victorious and Great Britain removed its troops,
recognized the independence of the United States and ceded the territory up to the

Week 4 - The US Independence War. 3

Mississippi River. Additionally, the United States paid any debts it may have owed to
Great Britain.
So, as you can see, this war was a big war that totally changed the history of the
United States as it became a sovereign state.
How did the US Independence War impact the social
and political landscape of the United States?
Throughout the road to independence, Americans developed a new sense of
governance that contrasted to the monarchy that was imposed over the region for
many years. Examples of this new way of governing are the creation of written
constitutions, and the election of a leader figure, a President, by the governed.

Although the social aspect lacked some of the equality mentioned in the Declaration
of Independence for women, slaves and freedmen. all the basic principles and rights
that were defended upon during the American revolution ignited a flame in these
marginalized groups that later would lead them to start their own road to

What happened in the Second Continental

Congress in 1776?
After the war for American independence began with the Battle of Lexington and
Concord, at the The Second Continental Congress votes in favor of the Declaration
of Independence, which declares the independence of the Thirteen Colonies from
Great Britain and it sep up an army of 17,000 men under the command of George

What was the Treaty of Paris in 1783?

The signing of the Treaty of Paris was the end of the United States war for
independence where the United States was victorious and Great Britain removed its
troops, recognized the independence of the United States and ceded the territory up
to the Mississippi River. Additionally, the United States paid any debts it may have
owed to Great Britain.

Week 4 - The US Independence War. 4

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