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Credits List

Java Aspects was made by AgentMindStorm (@agentms_).

This pack uses a few assets from version 6.4.6 of the PC GUI Pack. These include
some splashes, some sounds, and the purple text border.
PC GUI was made by Cris (@CrisXolt), Sprintermax (@Sprintermax), HawfHuman
(@HawfHuman), and SirZeus.

This pack also uses assets from version 1.9.0 of the Fixed Vanilla resource pack.
These are the snowy grass side texture, blackstone stair and slab textures,
swimming animation, crawling animation, sneaking animation, piglin celebrating
animation, wolf tail animation, flopping tropical fish animation, elytra and cape
position base, cat model, ocelot model, pillager model, shulker model, strider
textures and model, old villager model, old zombie villager model, hoglin and
zoglin models, piglin clothing and tusk size, pillager and vindicator textures,
invisible phantom texture, item frame breaking particles, bubble column splashing
particles, smithing table top, normal and sticky pistons, banner patterns, bee nest
and hive placing sounds, and command helper previews.
Fixed Vanilla was made by LateLag (@LateLagMC).

This pack also uses assets from version 1.0.0 of the Java Edition Particles
resource pack and version 1.19 Pre 8 of the MultiPixel resource pack. These are the
transparent water texture, grass block side transition colors, grass and fern
textures, kelp textures, glow squid and blaze lighting, hurt and burning entity
overlay values, semitransparent experience orbs, separated llama decor, separated
pig saddles, semitransparent shulker bullets, zombie villager robe sizing, enderman
shaking animation, zombie chasing and attacking animations, creeper exploding
animation, villager leg animation, cape animation, crossbow animation, map
animations, first person held trident, spyglass, and shield positions, third person
held trident position, Wither armor size, fishing hook, campfire smoke particles,
critical hit particles, glow squid particles, sculk sensor particles, sculk
shrieker particles, totem of undying particles, eating particles, walking
particles, breaking particles, item breaking particles, splash potions of healing
and harming particles, and the toast UI animation.
The optional ZIP files "" and
"" are also from the pack.
Java Edition Particles and MultiPixel were made by Rainvay_ZCYF (@ZouChenyunfei).

This pack also uses assets from version 2.5.0 of Lukas' Java Parity Pack. These are
the hurt and burning entity overlay methods, highlightable locked trades, selected
item count color and position, item inventory icons, item durability bars,
coordinate text and background color, item description colors, the removal of the
flying item renderer, the removal of chat censoring, the removal of chat block
previews, the removal of HUD item description text, and the removal of category
The optional ZIP file "" is also from the pack.
Lukas' Java Parity Pack was made by Lukas (@LukasPAH).

Pack Contributors:

Dharen - Explosion particles, animation speeds for lava and magma, grass, sheep,
trident riptide wind, bell placing sound, and lantern animation
Netongas NG (@netongas_ng) - Acacia, birch, jungle, and dark oak door textures,
glow squid and blaze lighting, semitransparent experience orbs, third person held
shield positions, idle arm animation, hoglin and zoglin models, skeleton idle
animation, piglin model, piglin ear animation, zombie villager helmets, crouching
animation, dropped item and experience sizes, damage indicator particles, command
messages, mason name, enchantment cost name, raiders remaining name, save and load
capitalization, thrown ender pearl, egg, and bottle o' enchanting names, Mexican
Spanish (es_MX) translations, pufferfish sounds, potion bottle sounds, coral block
sounds, knockback sounds, equip turtle shell sound, pumpkin carve sounds, thorns
enchantment sounds, painting sounds, drowned converted sound, ender eye sounds,
husk converted sound, iron golem sounds, rabbit sounds, skeleton horse sounds,
squid sounds, zombie sounds, strip log sounds, till dirt sounds, flatten grass into
path sounds, heavy splash sounds, fletcher villager works at fletching table
sounds, and other miscellaneus sound changes
Wild (@wildthegamer_) - White rabbit and original code design for a custom tab
Henry Markle - Obsolete features
Angel Wanderley Gonzalez López Quintero - Water textures
Cris (@CrisXolt) - Boss bars, jukebox text, tall grass, and help with TGA textures
Ramon sanchez - Obsolete features
rafael rosado (@carlosisawsom55) - Vertical held item position, light source
shading, and carried grass block color
LateLag (@LateLagMC) - Cactus side texture, particle rotation, and carried leaves
Cjnator38 (@cjnator38) - Explosion sounds
LugiaGamerYT - Ravager model, enderman model, phantom model, witch model, cow
model, pig model, phantom eyes, drinking witch nose position, and missing cave
sounds from 1.13
DerpyPlayz18 (@DPlayz18) - Obsolete features
TrèsAbhi (@TresAbhi_) - Pack icon
KalmeMarq (@KalmeMarq) - Obsolete features
Tal (@melamed_tal) - Chest particle method
ambient (ambiennt on Discord) - First person empty hand position and animation
EmptyCoso (@EmptyCoso) - Italian (it_IT) translations, chalkboard name, and iron
golem wobbling animation
Zarkmend ZAN (@Zarkmend_ZAN) - Obsolete features
SharedLoss (sharedloss on Discord) - End crystal animation
patred (@patredenglish) - Java Aspects title texture
AlexCreeper25 - Java Aspects name suggestion

Credits Policy

If a feature that has been suggested or given to add to the pack, the name and
Twitter handle of the person (or team) will be added to the Credits document, along
with the features they contributed.
If one of these contributed features is later removed from the pack, the
contributor's name will stay in the Credits List, but the feature will be removed
from their line.
If all features from a single contributor have been removed from the pack, the list
of features they contributed will say "Obsolete features".
Features contributed after July 17, 2023 cannot be removed by request of the
contributor. This is to prevent extra work required to remove and redo features
when a contributor asks to remove them.

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