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1. The Great Depression was a severe economic depression in the world.

began in the US and spread through all over the world. At a time when people
were trying to recover from the ruins of WW1 while Hitler and his division
grew stronger, they were led to the Great Depression.

At the end of WW1, it was very

difficult for many countries to get
over all the ruined buildings and
casualties from the terrible war. In
some countries all over the world,
the very low economy caused
many complicated problems. On
October 24th, 1929, the stock
market prices were crushed, and
the market suddenly began to fall.

Because of the stock market

crash, the prices dropped and with
it the payment of many of the
market workers. Many jobs were halted and others such as farming, or industry
were affected because of the sudden drop in prices. Many of them had to find
other jobs and suffered from terrible living conditions. The Great Depression
ended in 1939 with the beginning of WW2, it lasted for 10 entire years. It is
known as the longest, deepest, common, and most severe depression in the 20th

2. Jim Crow Laws were meant to lead the equality

between black African Americans and white
Americans, but instead, they brought many racial
laws. These laws were racial state laws that
separated African Americans from white

These laws separated the African Americans from

the white Americans in many public places like
public schools, public transportations, benches,
restaurants, public bathrooms, and many working
places. In addition, they made people think that
African Americans were nothing but servants
without rights, which made their economic
position in society even worse.
3. The Civil Rights Movement was an era dedicated to activism for equal rights
and treatment of African Americans in the United States. It was led by Rosa
Parks, Martin Luther King and 7 more influencers. During this period, people
rallied for social, legal, political, and
cultural changes to prohibit discrimination
and end separation between black and
white people.
In 1875 the Civil Rights movement
suggested the idea of a world without
racism. A world where everyone has equal
rights no matter if they are black or white,
no matter where they came from, what
their religion is and what is the color of
their skin. Due to this movement, Jim Crow Laws were canceled in the 60s of
the 20th century.

4. Racism is the belief that groups of humans are holding different behavioral
features that are appropriate for their physical appearance and can be divided
based on the superiority of one race over another race.

In America, racism is that people think that white people are better than black
ones, which is based only on their skin color regardless of the nature of the
people. I think racism does still exist, police
still disturb blacks more than whites and
claim they are criminals for no reason.

For example, the case of George Floyd. On

May 25, Minneapolis police officers
arrested George Floyd, a 46-year-
old black man, after a convenience store
employee called the police and told him that
Floyd had bought cigarettes with a
counterfeit $20 bill. Seventeen minutes after
the first police squad car arrived at the scene, Floyd was unconscious and
pinned beneath three police officers, showing no signs of life. They killed him
without even letting him explain himself.

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