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Rexlander E.



Recall your elementary days. Write a reflection paper answering the following questions. Use a
short sized white paper to encode your answer. You may add pictures or drawings.

1.What was your favourite story in the elementary?

-My favorite old story that our teacher used to tell us when I was still in elementary school was
about the story of the ant and the grasshopper.

2.Why was it your favourite?

-I liked it because our teacher often told us about it when I was in elementary school.

3.What do you remember from the story?

- I still remember this story that the ant is hardworking while the grasshopper is lazy. when the
rainy season came the ant was able to store food while the grasshopper was hungry and had no

4.Was the story something that you have connected to real life? How?

-In the story of the ant and the grasshopper there is a real lesson to be learned about it because it
teaches that we should not be lazy and that we should be diligent in what we do so that we can
achieve something in life. especially in times of crisis if we work hard and don't prioritize the things
that have no value on the day of our tiredness, our tiredness will be rewarded with success.

5.If you were to retell that story to your learner, how will you do it.

-if I become a teacher one day, I will tell this story to my students, I will tell them that in elementary
school my teacher often told us this story and I will tell them why I liked it, I will tell them the good
lessons to be learned from this story. while I was telling this story, I was showing them pictures
about ants and grasshoppers.

6.Do you believe stories can help the child learn to read? Explain.

-Yes, I believe that children can learn to read when a story is read to them because it gets their
attention and they will be interested especially when there are pictures to be read to them.

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