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Assignment 2

By Harnoor

1. Analyzing the case study from the point of view of the perceptual theory:

Perceptual theory deals with how individuals interpret and make sense of their environment
based on their perceptions. In this case, we can observe several perceptual aspects:

● Perception of Gender Roles: Apex Pvt. Ltd seems to hold a perception that tough roles
should be assigned to male employees, while softer roles like HR are more suitable for
women. This perception influences their hiring decisions and the assignment of trainees.
● Perception of Women's Competence: The belief that women are not as competent as
men and cannot succeed in challenging roles is evident in the comments made by fellow
trainee managers. This perception likely shapes their attitudes and interactions with
female colleagues like Nishi.

2. The perception of Apex Pvt. Ltd in the production unit justified?

From a contemporary perspective, this perception is not justified. Gender-based assumptions

about competence are outdated and discriminatory. Assigning roles based solely on gender
rather than qualifications and capabilities is unfair. It overlooks the potential and skills that
women, like Nishi, can bring to various departments, including the production unit.
Organizations should strive for gender-neutral and merit-based decisions.

3. Was Nishi's decision to resign right? What would you have done in her place?

Nishi's decision to resign can be understood given the frustration and lack of recognition she
faced. However, resigning might not be the most effective solution. If I were in Nishi's place, I
would consider the following steps:
● Advocate for Change: Nishi could present her innovative policies and practices more
persistently and provide data or examples to support their feasibility and potential
● Seek Support: Engaging with colleagues who share her views or seeking mentorship
from supportive superiors could help her garner more backing for her ideas.
● Address Gender Bias: Nishi could address the gender bias she faced by initiating
conversations around diversity and inclusion. Open discussions may help challenge
biases and promote change.
● Seek Internal Promotion: Instead of resigning, Nishi could work towards excelling in her
role and aiming for promotions within the organization. Achieving success within the
same organization could help challenge the biases over time.

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