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Self Assessments

Patience Horan

Arizona State University

OGL 482

May 28, 2022


Section One:

Kuder's Assessment score for the career interest assessment is CSI or conventional,

social, and investigative. It has been a while since I have done this assessment, and it was helpful

to see where I am right now in my journey. It would be curious to see results compared to the

beginning of going back to school and making the decisions to build on my knowledge. Finding

out where I am could bring my current career interest together to help more than what I might be

doing now.

Conventional interest is not surprising because it is similar to what I currently do daily.

Being a store manager, I set schedules and goals for my team. Set things in place to help my

team have a smooth experience, reflecting the customer's experience. Since things can follow a

specific pattern based on past sales or other things that affect the business, keeping records of

what may have affected those sales is essential.

Social interest is also a big part of who I am as a leader because I want to help others be

the person they want to be. Helping them find the right path for them, whether it is with me at

our store, going back to school, or finding another place where they feel heard as a person.

Helping others develop the skills they want to work on and showing them they can do them.

Being a part of the different groups in the organizational leadership classes helped me show

myself I could get out of my comfort zone. With each group, I could find the right place to use

my skills to help others. When it comes to working, I can help my peers in an area where they

struggle with ideas on what has worked well for me.

Investigative interest is one that I have been working on as a leader. Solving problems

can be an everyday thing as a leader but finding the right way to help your teams are essential.

Developing a problem-solving skill as a leader has helped me, but it is forever evolving as a

skill. The careers they said based on my score are surprising, mostly because I never thought

about them in the past. According to the assessment, some careers that fit me are budget analysts,

compliance managers, credit analysts, or accountants. After thinking about them for a while, I

could see why they fit with my score and skills. As a retail store manager, I do all of these jobs

pulled into one. As the store manager, I am given guidelines set down by corporate, and I have to

find a way to run my store within those guidelines. I am now thinking about how I could help

more than just one store and bring my experiences to help others. I could help analyze or audit

budgets given to store managers and know if they are getting the right amount of help from the


Section Two:

According to the Kuder values assessment, my top five values are supervision, variety,

creativity, co-workers, and workplace. These top five values fall in line with my competencies

identified in OGL 481 pro-seminar, which are project management, conflict management,

decision making, organization understanding, responsibility, team dynamics, strategic planning,

and critical thinking. I find this assessment very helpful in defining what I should look for in a

future career or ways I can change my current career. As a leader, I want my team to know I am

always there for them, and I will help them develop into the place they want to be. It is no

surprise then that is what I want in a leader who stands out with my highest value of supervisor.

Knowing I have a leader who cares for me not only as a worker but also as a person means they

will help me when I need it. This ties in with my career assessment interest score of social.

Variety is a value that I had not thought of before until we did the values worksheet this

week. It is essential not to do the same thing every day because that doesn't sound meaningful to

me. Having the chance to work on different things within one job means I can work on what is

essential right now—decision-making competencies and investigating interests tie in with this

value. The value of creativity goes along well with the variety of values because I can come up

with new things for my team to try. This also means others can come to me when they need help

with issues. Since I am willing to try new things, I have come across things that went well and

things that didn't work—sharing my experiences with others and helping them bring me joy as a


Co-workers is not a value or skill I would have picked as necessary in the past, but after

reading about it, I would put it high on my list. Knowing there are people you can trust within

your team or organization can make a stressful situation easier to get out of. Finding the right

place where I belong and can trust others is now closer to the top of my list. This goes along with

my organization's understanding of competencies. Knowing the company's culture and how your

values fit in with that is helpful to stay with that company. Currently working for Starbucks, I

have found a home within the company, and I want to find the right place for me with them.

Knowing how much their want to care for their partners and their benefits and mission stands

behind that culture. Workplace values also go well with my other values because knowing the

workplace is safe for everyone is crucial. I have a company that cares for all its employees and

wants them to bring their authentic selves to work. These assessments have helped me bring

everything I have learned from the classes and personal experiences together to see where I can

help others and myself.

Section Three:

The motivation and Career anchors assessment was a practical assessment to help bring

together my values and career ideas for the future. My primary career anchor is lifestyle

integration which I scored a 67, and I find this is key when I look at my current career and where

life may take me. In the past, work could overtake everything necessary before that job. Family,

friends, vacations, and hobbies can become secondary to doing the job, and finding my current

career's work/life balance has become key to my success and happiness. Before finding that

balance, I wouldn't have been able to return to school and finish my degree. All my free time

would have been about thinking about work and not spending time with family and friends.

Finding a career that supports this will be on top of the page when I look at careers in the future.

From the class reinventing organizations, finding what is important to me, and bringing that to

the company I want to work for. In the past, working for a company that expected you to drop

everything when they needed you became stressful, and I stopped succeeding as a manager. Find

a company that knows it is essential to have a balance and supports that is important to me.

Another thing I liked about this assessment that is different from others is that if what you

get as your anchor doesn't match your style, you can choose another one. My secondary career

anchor was close between Managerial competence, for which I scored a 63, and security,

stability, and organizational identity, for which I scored a 62. The one that fits me the best would

be security, stability, and organizational identity. This anchor is about finding a company you

can identify with and knowing where you fit with that company. It is essential as a leader to

know you can trust the company you are working for, and they will help you support your teams.

I also want to be proud of the company I work for and know they stand behind its mission and

values. Finding the right company that fits my values and skills will help me be the best leader I

can be.

The lowest score I had was a 47, which was for the career anchor of pure challenge. This

anchor is all about beating the next team or their previous goals. I like when my teams have beat

the goals I have set for them, but that is not everything I look for in a career. I don't think I would

become a successful leader if this is the main thing I wanted to do was beat the other teams. This

works for some fields like sports but not for the leadership of others.

Section Four:

When it came to the other three assessments to find more out about ourselves, I picked

ones I had heard of but might not have done. The first assessment I did was the HumanMetrics

Jung typology test, and I came out as INTJ. That stands for introvert (28%) intuitive (3%)

Thinking (3%) Judging (19%). I would have said in the past I was more of an introvert than I am

today. It is easy to be around others and help when I can. I still need the time to reset from a

day's work to think about what happened and what I would do differently. After reading what it

means to be INTJ, I have to say some of it is close to who I am today as a leader and person.

Since I have such a low percentage in intuitive and thinking, they can go to the next one of

sensing or feeling. This means I can adapt to different situations with what actions I think are

best. I find this to be true because I have been able to figure out where I can help the team and be

something that might have been missing.

The second assessment I did was the big five personality test. I scored low in openness to

experiences and natural reactions for this assessment. For the last three, I scored a middle in

conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness. For openness to experience, which I scored

low in, I can see how I would fit into that more practical and traditional problem-solving.

Conscientiousness which I score middle range. I can see how I fit in both categories and what to

well organizations but all flexible if something may not go to plan. Extraversion, which I also

scored middle range, is true to become. I can be outgoing and friendly at work, but I can be more

reserved in my personal life. Agreeableness which I also score middle range, works well with me

being able to adapt to different situations to find out how I can help them. Natural reactions, in

which I scored a low range, are also very accurate. I am not easily upset if something doesn't go

how I want it to. I can pause and figure out a different way to get the results I would like. Overall

this assessment fits in well with the others we have done to help me see what kind of leader I can


The third assessment I did was the DISC personality test, and I scored the highest to

lowest in Steadiness (47%), Compliance (36%), Dominance (9%), and Influence (7%). To me, it

is not surprising that steadiness is the area I scored the highest in. Since my name is Patience, I

wanted to make sure I lived up to the word's meaning. It is essential to take the time to

understand the different situations that come up and how I can help others overcome difficult

situations. For scoring the lowest in influences, communication is an area I am currently working

on. When taking over a new team, I must learn everyone's communication styles and fit my own

into that.

The combination of the different assessments helps me understand where I am as a leader

and the areas I might want to work on. Finding the skills and values that fit who I am as a leader

is helpful, but as seeing what area I can work on. Retaking these assessments to find out what has

changed after being in a different position would help me see what styles I have adapted to.

Having clear definitions of where I am right now as a leader is something I can look back on in

the future.

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