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Self- Assessments

Sara M. Munoz

OGL 482: Pro-Seminar 2

Dr. Janice Lawhorn

January 14th, 2024


I am no stranger to performing self-assessments, but it was refreshing to experience

results that describe the accuracy of who I am. After working with the Kuder Assessment, my

“aha moment” would be the accuracy in the description of one of my results. After performing

the Kuder Career Interest Assessment, I scored the highest interest in Conventional. The

description results provided after the assessment stated a high interest in keeping records and

applying established guidelines while following established rules and procedures (Career

Assessment, n.d.). This was an “aha moment” for me because I have recently realized that I

prefer to follow a procedure rather than performing contumacity. My Kuder Career Interest

Assessment scoring was CES, with the highest score being Conventional. My second-highest

score is Enterprising, and my third-highest score is Social. What I appreciated the most from this

assessment was that the assessment provided a list of suggested occupations that were based on

my results. The first on the list was a loan officer. This career interest met each of my Holland

Code Results of CES. The list also included accounting, credit management, human resources,

financial planning, and medical informatics. Using interest-based assessments can provide a

great understanding of who you are and what you like. Performing this assessment specifically

will point you in the right direction toward reaching your career goals. As stated in Career

Management and Work/Like Integration, “taking time to get grounded in a clear sense of who we

are, what we can and want to do, and what priorities will drive our decision making is extremely

important.” Harrington (2007). This assessment can be used as a stepping stone towards

remaining clear from the start of what type of career or field you would be your most true self. In

addition, based on my results, this assessment will also provide me a sense of the type of persons

that may share the same sense of value in a career. I recall taking an assessment similar to this in

high school when prepping for college applications. I remember the feeling of feeling a little lost

and unsure of what to major in for college. I recall taking an assessment but not receiving the

right results. If I had the opportunity to take this assessment, I feel that I would have been

provided with the right foundation for the start of my college education.

After performing the remaining Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment, my “aha moment”

was discovering that my results were identical to my Kuder Career Interest Assessment results.

My results displayed the highest interest in Enterprising, following Conventional, and the third

highest being Social. My Holland Code would be ECS. The results explained Enterprising as

“interest in activities that include working to achieve economic gain as well as personal

organizational goals (Career Assessment, n.d.). This will describe my current interest perfectly in

the current role I hold in my workplace. What I felt that I most related to in this assessment result

was scoring in the interest category of Social. As described in the assessment results, “interest in

activities that include working to inform, develop, heal, and teach other people…solves problems

through empathy, helping others to succeed, and seeking mutuality,” Career Assessment (n.d.) I

related the most to these results because, in my current workplace, I am inclined to view work

situations in the Human Resource Frame. I believe it is important to acknowledge the human

needs of others in a workplace to help achieve success. After performing the Kuder Assessment

of Work Values Inventory, my values ranking from highest to lowest are Achievement,

Workplace, Co-workers, Supervision, Security, and Challenge. My lowest ranking scored in the

medium range of Income. Connecting to my e-portfolio, with these results in mind, one or more

of my highlighted competencies can relate to my results. An example of my competencies, I

would consider Project Management and Strategic Planning to best compliment my skills. As a

result, I feel that I can further strengthen my foundation of these skills. Knowing your strengths

such as your skills will provide a strong understanding of how to achieve success in your career.

Knowing this, I can attest to the success of my current work role. However, I can also attest to

using these skills in my everyday life. Utilizing skills such as problem solving, and empathy are

skills that I use every day to solve or prevent tribulations.

After performing the Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment, I have gained a further

understanding of what anchors me in my work life. My primary Career Anchor is Managerial

Competence. My Secondary Career Anchor is Pure Challenge. I find these results to portray my

current Anchors accurately. Currently, I hold the position of Senior Assistant to the Vice

President of Operations. This role has helped me grow so much. With this role, I have a new

appreciation of responsibility. Achieving this role was a big step towards advancing up the ladder

and with the opportunity to continue to grow within my career. With my secondary Career

Anchor score being pure challenge, attending ASU has fueled this anchor. Attending ASU has

been a challenge but a rewarding experience. This experience provided me with the resilience to

overcome challenges. I recently discovered with this past winter break that I was missing the

challenges of my school assignments. I then realized that I was bored without the challenge.

Finally, I completed three final assessments. These assessments are The Big Five

Personality Test, Disc Personality Report, and Kolb Learning Style Assessment. The Big Five

Personality Test scores on five Major dimensions of personality: Openness, Conscientiousness,

Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (The Big Five Personality Test, 2023). My first

highest score is Agreeableness scoring at 87%. My second highest score is Conscientiousness

scoring at 77%. My lowest score is for Neuroticism scoring 44%. The Disc Personality

Assessment can also be known as the personality ‘DNA’ DISC Personality Assessment (2023).

My highest personality score is Steadiness scoring at 38%. My second highest score is

Compliance at 31%.

The Knob Learning Style Assessment is an assessment I have completed while enrolled in OGL

220: Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations. This assessment will assess what type of learning

style is exclusive to your learning needs. With performing this assessment my learning style type

is Accommodative. By performing each of these assessments, I have learned what my

personality type is and what my learning style is. Knowing this provides me an opportunity to

adjust in a meaningful way. From the Big Five Personality Test, knowing that I scored the

highest in Openness was surprising to me. This result provided a little relief because I saw

myself as someone who is considered an introvert. True You Journal states “ Those high in

Openness tend to be adventurous and enjoy exploring new things. They may get bored with

routine and mundane, preferring instead to seek out environments that stimulate the mind ” (The

Openness Dimension of Personality (2023). Although this may contradict my previous results of

my Career interest being conventional, I can also enjoy breaking the routine to experience

something new. I feel having the ability to be fluid when necessary can be important to your

personal and work life. Although I can take a great deal of information from each assessment and

apply it to my current work life, I feel that the Learning Style Assessment can be the most useful

to apply in my current work life. As a leader in my workplace, I may have an opportunity to help

create training videos for our business. Knowing the different types of Learning Styles will help

guide me on the appropriate approach. In addition, with training different personality types, the

Learning Style Assessment, along with the previously mentioned assessments will play an

important role in how to prepare my team. This will ensure I make the right decision and the

right plan of action.

To conclude, self-assessments provide a great advantage. Taking the time for self-

assessment will provide an opportunity for growth to instill in your personal or work life.

Allowing yourself to check in and take inventory of your skills and values will provide you with

a positive experience. Assessments are a great support towards finding the right career path, or if

you are starting your education, the right major to study.



DISC Personality Assessment. (2023, November 29). Truity.


Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login | Kuder Journey. (n.d.).


Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login | Kuder Journey. (n.d.).


Harrington, B. & Hall, D. T. (2007). Career management & work/life integration: Using self-

assessment to navigate contemporary careers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications,


The Big Five personality test. (2023, December 14). Truity.


The openness dimension of personality. (2023, December 11). True You Journal.

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