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2 Module Assessment Written Reflection

The results of the Career Interest Profiler, Do What You Are, and Strengths Explorer

Assessments were, in my opinion, extremely accurate. The results confirmed many things that

I already knew about myself. First and foremost, the results from the Do What You Are

Assessment confirmed that I am an extravert, feeler, intuitive, and a perceiver (ENFP). Some

of my strengths include networking effectively to create helpful relationships, thinking

quickly and articulating my strengths effectively, developing rapport easily, and changing

gears quickly. In addition, I excel in a work environment that lets me work at my own pace

and schedule, with a minimum of rules or supervision, involves work that is fun, challenging

and always varied, and takes place in an environment that is friendly, relaxed, and appreciates

humor. These results were not surprising at all because I never thought that I would be able to

work in a strict and structured environment. I always knew that I would be better fit in an

environment where I can think creatively. Looking at this, I probably might go to a college in

which I can learn in an environment that fosters this creativity and directly mirror the type of

environment that I best succeed in. The Strengths Explorer concluded that I am a future

thinker, confident, and achieving, which essentially means that I love to think and dream

about the future, I believe in myself and what I can do, and I have more energy and goals

than other people. Combining this with my preferred learning style results from the Do What

You Are assessment has shown me that I should look at colleges that foster a type of learning

suitable for interaction and collaboration, rather than lectures and speeches. The results from

these two tests have shown me what type of learning environment I should be on the lookout

for when applying to colleges and universities.

The Career Interest Profiler accentuated this portion of the results, as it showed that I

was mostly fit for artistic occupations--that is, occupations that often require self-expression

and work that can be done without following a clear set of rules. This assessment also showed

that the second set of occupations best fit for me were enterprising occupations that frequently

involve starting up and carrying out projects. Knowing and understanding the results from

both the Career Interest Profiler and Do What You Are assessments, some of the logical

career choices based on these results are an architect, economist, or video game designer.

Coincidentally, these are career options that I have been interested as a future career. In my

opinion, these career choices are best suited for me because they not only allow me to use my

imagination and think creatively, but also are not structured and allow me to work on my own

time, for the most part. I have been heavily interested in Economics recently, so I might look

for schools, summer programs, etc., that would help me to learn more about the topic. In

addition, after learning about my personality and skill sets, I think it might be beneficial for

me to branch out an examine other careers that I might not have been interested in earlier.

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