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Current Status of URDP Law

▪ Submission to the Union Attorney General Office

for Legal Advices
▪ (1st - 3.9.2015, 2nd - 9.12.2015, 3rd - 4.4.2016,
▪ 4th -15.7.2016, 5th - 5.6.2017,
▪ 6th - 2.8.2018, 7th - 17.8.2018, 8th - 10.9.2018)

▪ Permission from the Central Government

Committee (Security & prosperity) (15.3.2019 )

▪ Myanmar Alinn Daily Newspaper released the

URDP Law (draft) (25 – 28 March 2019)

▪ Pyithu Hluttaw - Transportation, Communication, Construction Committee Meetings

(29.5.2018, 19.9.2018)

- Commission for Assessment of Legal Affairs Meeting (20.3.2018)

▪ Amyothar Hluttaw - Bill Committee’s Review meetings
(24.4.2019, 30.4.2019, 28.5.2019, 1.8.2019, 13.8.2019)

- Construction, Industry, Electricity and Energy Sub-Committee

(7.5.2019 , 15.5.2019)

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