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Answer 1: B) Run cool water over the burn for several minutes

Answer 2: C) Perform the Heimlich maneuver by giving abdominal thrusts

Answer 3: C) Jogging

Answer4: C) 8 to 10 hours per night

Answer5: A) Excessive worrying and restlessness

Answer6: C) Listen actively and offer your presence and empathy

Answer7: B) Protein

Answer8: B) Promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation

Answer9: C) Cardiopulmonary (referring to the heart and lungs)

Answer10: C) About 2 inches

Answer11: A) Radiography

Answer12: C) Dispensing medications

Answer13: B) Pumping blood to various body parts

Answer14: B) Pancreas

Answer15: C) Preventing diseases

Answer16: D) Influenza (Flu)

Answer17: B) Keeping patient information private and secure

Answer18: C) Veracity

Answer19: C) Preventing disease and promoting health in the entire population

Answer20: B) Infectious diseases and their spread

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