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Accent - an effort in speech to stress one syllable over

adjacent syllables: the stress thus given a syllable
Accentual syllabic - characterized by lines with a fixed
number of stressed and unstressed syllables
Accentuate - to make (something) more prominent or
Accentus - the part of the church service sung or recited
by the priest and his assistants at the altar usually in
monotone contrasted with concentus
Acceptable - capable or worthy of being accepted

Babble - to talk enthusiastically or excessively; to utter
meaningless or unintelligible sounds
Babbling thrush - any of several thrushlike babblers
Babe - a person and especially a young woman who is
sexually attractive
Babel - a city in Shinar where the building of a tower is
held in Genesis to have been halted by the confusion of
Babelization - a city in Shinar where the building of a
tower is held in Genesis to have been halted by the
confusion of tongues

C++ - a flexible, general-purpose computer programming
language that is derived from C (see C entry 1 sense 8)
but that includes some features not found in C (such as
capabilities for object-oriented programming) and that is
used for writing large or complex programs that would be
difficult to write in C
Ca – symbol calcium
Caam - the heddles of a loom
Caatinga - stunted rather sparse forest that is leafless in
the dry season and is widespread in areas of small rainfall
in northeastern Brazil
Caba - a woman's workbasket or handbag

Dab - a gentle touch or stroke
Dabble - to work or involve oneself superficially or
intermittently especially in a secondary activity or interest
Dabbingly - in a dabbling manner
Dabster - one that is especially skilled
D’accord - in accord : agreed : okay

Each - being one of two or more distinct individuals
having a similar relation and often constituting an
Eager beaver - a person who is extremely zealous about
performing duties and volunteering for more
Eagle - any of various large diurnal birds of prey (family
Accipitridae) noted for their strength, size, keenness of
vision, and powers of flight
Eagle dance - a widespread American Indian ritual dance
especially for rain among the Pueblos and for cure and
peace among the Iroquois that is derived from the calumet
dance and is performed by two or four men commonly
with artificial wings bound to their arms and with
movements which are imitative of eagles
Eagle fern - a common brake

F1Layer - the lower of the two layers into which the F
region of the ionosphere splits in the daytime that occurs
at varying heights from about 80 to 120 miles (130 to 200
kilometers) above the earth's surface
F2Layer - the upper of the two layers into which the F
region of the ionosphere splits in the daytime at varying
heights from about 120 miles (200 kilometers) to more
than 300 miles (500 kilometers) above the earth
FAA – abbreviation - free of all average
Faba - a genus of leguminous plants comprising the broad
bean and now usually included in Vicia
Fabaceous - of or relating to the Leguminosae

Gabbro - a granular igneous rock composed essentially of
calcic plagioclase, a ferromagnesian mineral, and
accessory minerals
Gaberdine - a long loose outer garment worn in medieval
times and associated especially with Jews since the 16th
Gabion - a basket or cage filled with earth or rocks and
used especially in building a support or abutment
Gable - the similar end of a gambrel roof
Gable end - a gabled end wall (as of a wing of a building)

Habitancy - the fact of residence : INHABITANCY: the
whole number of inhabitants : POPULATION
Habit clinic - a clinic dealing with the prevention and
treatment of behavior problems in young children
Habit - a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior
Habitual be - a settled tendency or usual manner of
Habitual - regularly or repeatedly doing or practicing
something or acting in some manner : having the nature
of a habit : CUSTOMARY
Iamb - a person who may be regularly found in or at a
particular place or kind of place
Ice - frozen water: a sheet or stretch of ice
Ice age - a time of widespread glaciation
Ice ax - a combination pick and adze with a spiked handle
that is used in mountain climbing
Ice barrier - the outer margin of the antarctic ice sheet

Jaal goat - nubian ibex
Jabber - to talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly
Jab - to pierce or prod (someone or something) with or as
if with a pointed object
Jabim - a Melanesian people of Morobe, Papua New
Guinea: a member of such people
Jabot - a pleated frill of cloth or lace attached down the
center front of a woman's blouse or dress: a fall of lace or
cloth attached to the front of a neckband and worn
especially by men in the 18th century

Kaawi yam - a yam (Dioscorea aculeata) of southern
Asia and Polynesia with prickly stems and sweet tubers
Kababish - a yam (Dioscorea aculeata) of southern Asia
and Polynesia with prickly stems and sweet tubers
Kabbalah - a yam (Dioscorea aculeata) of southern Asia
and Polynesia with prickly stems and sweet tubers
Kabeljou - a large South African sciaenid food fish
(Johnius hololepidotus) having a liver extremely rich in
vitamin A that is closely related to and sometimes held
identical with the European maigre
Kabocha - a winter squash (Curcubita maxima) of
Japanese origin that is round with somewhat flattened top
and bottom, typically dark green skin usually streaked or
mottled with pale green, and yellowish-orange sweet flesh
Laagte - a usually relatively wide and level valley in the
Laavenite - a mineral consisting of a complex silicate of
zirconium, calcium, manganese, and sometimes other
elements occurring in prismatic crystals
Labadism - the doctrines and practices of Labadists
Labanotation - a method of recording bodily movement
(as in dance) on a staff by means of symbols (as of
direction) that can be aligned with musical
Labaria - a South American venomous snake variously
identified as a coral snake or any of several pit vipers

Mac - commonly used in the compounds mac and cheese
Macabre - having death as a subject : comprising or
including a personalized representation of death
Macaco - any of various Old World monkeys or lemurs or
New World monkeys
Macassar ebony - especially : the ornately streaked and
mottled wood of an East Indian ebony tree (Diospyros
Macedonian - the language of ancient Macedonia of
uncertain affinity but generally assumed to be Indo-

Nachos - a tortilla chip topped with melted cheese and
often additional savory toppings (such as hot peppers or
refried beans)
Nachschlag - a musical ornament consisting of one or
several short unaccented grace notes attached to and
played in the time of the preceding main note or tone
Nacket - a mischievous or brattish boy
Nacreous - possessing the qualities of, consisting of, or
abounding in nacre: IRIDESCENT
NAD - a coenzyme C21H27N7O14P2 of numerous
dehydrogenases that occurs in most cells and plays an
important role in all phases of intermediary metabolism as
an oxidizing agent or when in the reduced form as a
reducing agent for various metabolites
Oak gall - a gall on oak caused by the presence of insect
larvae especially of the family Cynipidae
Oaky - having the characteristics of being aged in oak
Oarweed - any of several large brown algae especially of
the genus Laminaria including some used as a source of
iodine and other chemicals, as fertilizer, and sometimes as
Oat grass - broadly : any of several grasses resembling
the oat

Oatmeal paper - a wallpaper that is given a coarse surface

by the addition of sawdust to the fiber finish

Pacified - to allay the anger or agitation of : SOOTHE
Pacifist - an adherent to pacifism : someone who opposes
war or violence as a means of settling disputes
Pace - rate of movement
Pack - a bundle arranged for convenience in carrying
especially on the back
Paddler - one who paddles something (such as a canoe or

Qindar - a monetary subunit of the lek
Quad - a type-metal space that is one en or more in width
Quadratic - involving terms of the second degree at most
Quaff - to drink (a usually alcoholic beverage) heartily or
Quaich - a small shallow drinking vessel with ears for use
as handles

Raadzaal - the assembly hall of a raad
Rabban - TEACHER, MASTER —used as a Jewish title
of honor for the presidents of the Sanhedrin
Rabbinite - a Jew adhering to the Talmud and the
traditions of the rabbis in opposition to the Karaites
Rabbeted lock - a lock whose front conforms to a rabbet
on the edge of a door
Raccoon grape - a climbing or erect shrub (Ampelopsis
cordata) chiefly of the southeastern U.S.

Saadian - a member of a dynasty of sherifs of Arab
descent ruling Morocco between 1550 and 1688 and
noted for their splendid tombs in Marrakech
Saanen - any of a Swiss breed of usually white and
hornless short-haired dairy goats
Sabering - a cavalry sword with a curved blade, thick
back, and guard
Sabotage - destruction of an employer's property (such as
tools or materials) or the hindering of manufacturing by
discontented workers
Sack race - a jumping race in which each contestant's
legs are enclosed in a sack

Tabulate - to count, record, or list systematically: to put
into tabular form
Tachograph - recording or registering tachometer
Tackle - a set of the equipment used in a particular
Tabular - of, relating to, or arranged in a table
specifically: set up in rows and columns
Tachometer - a device for indicating speed of rotation

Udder - a large pendulous organ consisting of two or
more mammary glands enclosed in a common envelope
and each provided with a single nipple
Ukulele - a small guitar of Portuguese origin popularized
in Hawaii in the 1880s and strung typically with four
Ulcerate - to affect with or as if with an ulcer
Ulceration - the process of becoming ulcerated : the state
of being ulcerated
Ulster - a long loose overcoat of Irish origin made of
heavy material (such as frieze)

Vial - a small closed or closable vessel especially for
Vibe - a distinctive feeling or quality capable of being
Vibrant - pulsating with life, vigor, or activity
Viceroy - the governor of a country or province who rules
as the representative of a king or sovereign
Vice versa - with the order changed : with the relations

Wad - a small mass, bundle, or tuft: such as: a soft mass
especially of a loose fibrous material variously used (as to
stop an aperture, pad a garment, or hold grease around an
Wafer - a thin crisp cake, candy, or cracker: a round thin
piece of unleavened bread used in the celebration of the
Wag - to move to and fro or up and down especially with
quick jerky motions
Wage - a payment usually of money for labor or services
usually according to contract and on an hourly, daily, or
piecework basis —often used in plural
Wagon - a usually four-wheeled vehicle for transporting
bulky commodities and drawn originally by animals: a
lighter typically horse-drawn vehicle for transporting
goods or passengers

Xenia - the effect of genes introduced by pollen
especially on endosperm and embryo development
Xenolith - a fragment of a rock included in another rock
Xerophagy - the strictest Christian fast which is observed
chiefly in the Eastern churches during Lent or especially
Holy Week and in which only bread, salt, water, and
vegetables may be eaten and meat, fish, milk, cheese,
butter, oil, wine, and all seasonings or spices are excluded
Xerox - to copy on a xerographic copier: to make (a copy)
on a xerographic copier
Xiphioid - resembling or related to the genus Xiphias

Yad - a pointer tapering into the shape of a closed hand
with extended index finger used as a guide for the reader
of the scrolls of the Law in a synagogue
Yank - to pull on something with a quick vigorous
Yawn - to open the mouth wide and take a deep breath
usually as an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom
Yardstick - a graduated measuring stick three feet (0.9144
meter) long: a standard basis of calculation
Yard glass - a tall annual Old World grass (Eleusine
indica) widely distributed as a weed
Zaatar - a Middle Eastern spice blend made usually of dried
herbs (such as thyme or marjoram), dried sumac
(see SUMAC sense 3), and sesame seeds
Zabra - a sailing vessel resembling a small frigate and used
chiefly by the Spanish in the 16th and 17th centuries
Zap - used to express a sound made by or as if by a gun
Zealot - a member of a fanatical sect arising in Judea during the
first century a.d. and militantly opposing the Roman domination
of Palestine
Zemi - a spirit of supernatural being of the aboriginal Tainos of
the West Indies

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